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2176 results

22 May 2008

Athletes, Above the Law or Usual Suspect?

Essay - 4 pages - Sports

An alarming number of professional athletes are joining the ranks of America's dissidents and depraved populations. Criminals are now wearing the colors of the Dallas Cowboys instead of the blue dungarees of prisoners. So far this year over 134 athletes within franchise operated sports...

19 May 2008

How has post-socialism reconstructed gender relations?

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Post socialism is not a term that can be used to blanket entire regions and nations and categorize entire systems and populations. “Post-socialism cannot be reduced to neoliberal economic restructuring nor just the legacies of socialism (and pre-socialism), nor indeed to the passage of...

19 May 2008

How is sexuality and sexual behavior in the developing world shaped by globalization?

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Globalization greatly affects the sexual behavior, choices, habits, risks, identities and health of individuals in the developing world. Sexuality has certainly been altered by the intensification and spread of networks and flows interconnecting individuals and political, economic, cultural,...

19 May 2008

How well has India's democracy served its citizens since 1947?

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Since India's move to democracy in 1947, many have questioned the success, or lack thereof, of the democratization process, its advantages and detriments, the effect on society, and its role in religious conflict. There are contradictory and mixed assessments of the state of political, economic,...

19 May 2008

Experiences of and responses to domestic violence

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Domestic violence is a complex and problematic matter, one that poses many questions for the criminal justice system, victims, perpetrators, and enforcers and creators of policy. “Compared to other victims of violent crimes, victims of domestic violence can moreover face heightened risks to...

16 May 2008

Rap Enlightenment

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

For a large part of my life, I despised rap. I hated it in all its different forms. While my friends were all listening to Biggie Smalls and Tupac, I was listening to Metallica and Korn. I categorized hip-hop, R & B, and rap all into the rap genre. I never enjoyed the music at most parties...

16 May 2008

Beyond Sissies and Tomboys: Atypical Gender Deviance

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Psychology

Gender roles shape how a person interacts with other members of their society. Young children learn gender roles from many sources, and are strongly influenced by their parents and family, peers, media presentations and daily interaction with other individuals. Gender becomes a critical component...

15 May 2008

Abraham Lincoln Personality Analysis

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

Abraham Lincoln is often regarded as one of the country's greatest presidents. In passing, he is commonly thought of as intelligent, diligent, and a groundbreaking leader. However, many people do not know that Abraham Lincoln suffered from chronic depression throughout his life. Despite living...

13 May 2008

Internet Access and the Government

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Internet availability has much improved since its inception. Accessing the Internet has gone from requiring military clearance to traveling to a local library and hopping on a computer. The importance of the Internet has also subsequently risen as more people gained access to it. The Internet is...

12 May 2008

Paradise Hermit Crab

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

Everybody has their own idea of what paradise consists of. Freedom from the confines of the labor force, a tropical vacation with endless beaches and relaxing afternoon naps, a spending spree with no bill in sight, and streaming chocolate with an edible rowboat have all been described to me as...

08 May 2008

Fighting Nostalgia and Facing the Present: The Power of Coming Home

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

Home is where the heart is, especially in the case of Odysseus. Separated from home for twenty years, the military man yearns to set foot on the sand of Ithaka to reclaim his place as leader, husband, and father. However, unlike the portrayal of most tough guys, Odysseus does not hesitate to weep...

08 May 2008

Roses are Red, Emily is Blue, Her Father Died and She Went Cuckoo: A Novel Project on William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Over the years, society has come to accept that in most cases, people are the products of their environments. For example, if one is brought up in an irresponsible environment, it is likely they will be irresponsible when they are older. However, when people are brought up in extreme...

06 May 2008

The Demarcation Problem: Conflict Between What to Teach And What Not To Teach

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

In late 2005 a federal judge barred a Pennsylvania public school from teaching “intelligent design” in its biology classes. The trial had taken six weeks and resulted in a resounding win for those who support the teaching of evolution in the classroom. The ruling was a tipping point...

06 May 2008

Death Becomes Me: The Development of a Personal Eschatology

Essay - 8 pages - Psychology

Though the exact methods by which one might “die twice” are unclear, the sage wisdom of modern-day philosopher Chris Rock is undeniable: regardless of whom one may be, one will certainly die. Concordantly, according to philosopher Martin Heidegger death is not only an inevitable end,...

06 May 2008

Diving into "Water on the Brain" Hydrocephalus: An Exploration

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

The popular board game Operation entails the treatment of, amongst many other ersatz medical conditions, “water on the knee,” cleverly rendered as a bucket to be withdrawn from the knee of the plastic “patient” using tweezers. However, to the dismay of many seven-year old...

30 Apr 2008

Do You Really Need a College Degree?

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

I think this is a question that most adults over the age of 25 ask themselves if they did not attend and complete college right after high school. I sit back nearly one year after finally finishing my degree and remember the multitude of times I asked myself that question. I can laugh now at the...

28 Apr 2008

Purposes of Education

Presentation - 6 pages - Educational studies

What educational purposes should schools seek to attain? What educational experiences can be provided to help attain these purposes? How can these educational experiences be effectively organized? How can we determine whether (and to what extent) the purposes have been attained? Strengthen the...

28 Apr 2008

Integrating Moral Dilemmas

Presentation - 27 pages - Educational studies

“Let's make one thing perfectly clear-you are a character educator. Whether you are a teacher, administrator, custodian, or school bus driver, you are helping to shape the character of the kids you come in contact with. It's in the way you talk, the behaviors you model, the conduct you...

24 Apr 2008

Gender Schema Theory

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

In “Gender Schema Theory and Its Implications for Child Development: Raising Gender-aschematic Children in a Gender-schematic Society”, Sandra Lipsitz Bem introduces a cognitive model for the process of sex-typing as it occurs in child development. She then provides a step-by-step...

24 Apr 2008

Combating an American Epidemic: A Look At Autism

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Today, our country is in the midst of a major epidemic. Our children are being overtaken by a debilitating disorder that leaves them and their families devastated. The Center for Disease Control estimates that one in one hundred fifty children are born with this affliction. In fact, more children...

24 Apr 2008

The Creation of a Special Education Graduations Requirements Committee and Creation of Special Education Graduation Requirements Framework with regard to the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

Tutorials/exercises - 15 pages - Educational studies

What does a high school diploma signify? Does it signify mastery of a specific subject set? An ability to succeed in college? An ability to obtain gainful employment? A high school diploma is a nationally accredited document, a document has benefits including, enabling a person to be eligible for...

23 Apr 2008

Examining The Religion of Scientology?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Scientology is a controversial new aged religion which has grown and shrank quickly over the past few decades. Much about the religion is unknown to the general public aside from the fact that it seems to be popular among celebrities. With their headquarters located on Hollywood Boulevard they...

23 Apr 2008

Who Really Wins? An Examination of Gambling in Modern Society

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Human beings are the most sophisticated animals on earth, capable of raising entire civilizations through their mastery of tools and their uncanny ability to manipulate their environment. This concept of control is enforced from early childhood as stable and predictable lifestyles are depicted as...

22 Apr 2008

Teen Pregnancy: The need for a Comprehensive Sexual Education Program in Massachusetts

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

Why does the United States have almost four times the rate of teen pregnancies as France? Almost nine times the teen pregnancy rates of the Netherlands? Other nations have sexual education implemented in an effective manner within their school systems. France has implemented a mandatory sexual...

22 Apr 2008

"Mom, why is Black Beauty in the back of that semi?" Truths of Modern Day Horse Slaughter

Case study - 3 pages - Sports

The Black Stallion, Mr. Ed, My Friend Flicka, all reminders of the American icon that has been so closely tied to our past. Horses have served humans throughout our American History, carrying us on their backs through the Wild West, tiling our fields, pulling wagons and carriages, even carrying...

21 Apr 2008

An Exploration of Diversity and Self Monitoring

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Today we live in a world that undeniably diverse, especially in the United States of America. We strive to have a peaceful coexistence of diverse ethnic groups, as we embrace our similarities yet still hold our differences close. Historically, the United States has had to deal with many issues of...

21 Apr 2008

Pre-Travel Advice Sysytem in The UK - An Assesment

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

The UK residents are well-recognized international travelers exploring different parts of the world including disease endemic regions like the Indian Sub-continent & the Africa. This pattern of travel makes them vulnerable to infectious diseases like malaria and diarrhea, which are communicable...

21 Apr 2008

"La Femme Provocateur": The impact of the sexualized female image on adolescent females

Case study - 10 pages - Psychology

Learning what it is to be a woman in today's society could be the largest mountain any female has to cross. Adolescent females are suffocated with an uncountable number of media images that tell them how to look, what to eat, how to develop relationships with men, and more. These images are often...

21 Apr 2008

Adopted Children's Personalities in Relation to Biological and Adopted Parents

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

Adoption is a word that is thrown around all too much today in the English language. In 2004, we adopt a greyhound, adopt a soldier overseas, and adopt a tree. Needless to say, all of these uses for “adopt” has led the masses to be distracted as to what adoption truly is. The true...

20 Apr 2008

Bamboozling Culture

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Popular culture is defined as the cultural elements that prevail in any given society, and stems from the daily interactions, needs, desires, and cultural 'moments' that make up the everyday lives of the mainstream . This definition is only one side of the coin however, since it fails to...