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25 Sep 2008

Arts in the schools: A look at the benefit of art programs for students

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

Problem: All children are not receiving equal opportunities and exposure to the arts as a part of their formal education. Hypothesis: The unequal distribution of art education for students is detrimental to their personal and academic development. The lack of exposure to the arts results in...

16 Sep 2008

Are psychopaths untreatable?

Essay - 13 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Psychopathy equals violence. Whatever rubric is used identifies a person with a greater likelihood of violence, often motivated by opportunism, sadism or material gain. Treatment responsivity and harm reduction as treatment success in high-risk or repetitive offenders seems overreaching. It...

10 Sep 2008

Two theories of my life

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

: Using the developmental theories of Erikson and Piaget (primarily Erikson), and critiques of the same, the life of Valencia Richards, a non-traditional adult student will be critically examined. Richards experienced malnutrition and abuse as a child, and then the heavily structured life of a...

10 Sep 2008

A researched investigation on best practices for English Language Learners (ELL)

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

ELL students represent a large percentage of the population within schools in the United States. This group of students is actually increasing more than that of English speaking students. (Shore, 2001). This group also has a very high drop out rate, coupled with low ranking grades, academic...

10 Sep 2008

Healthcare for the uninsured

Essay - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It can be said, with some truth, that the American healthcare system is the best in the world. Technology levels are high, specialists abound, innovations in treatment, care, and prevention are matters of course, and physicians and other medical professionals are well-paid, high status, and thus...

09 Sep 2008

Constructivism vs. Direct instruction

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

Childhood education is an issue of overwhelming importance, so it is no surprise that schools, governments, parents, and teachers have closely examined child psychology, social psychology, and even neurology in order to determine how school curricula should be best developed. Early theories of...

09 Sep 2008

How drama and theater affect sociology: Case studies on Bertholt Brechts' "The Good woman of Setzuan" and Bernard Shaw's "Mrs. Warrens Profession"

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It has been said that Shakespeare was a master at using the dramatics of theater to not only deconstruct society, taking it apart to show it again to the viewer, but also that through his works, society in turn was forced to take a critical look at traditional societal roles. In this sense, one...

09 Sep 2008

Evaluating distance education

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

Online Distance Learning (ODL), also called distributed education (DE) has yet to revolutionize education. While the potential of the Internet — a multi-media medium of information that can combine synchronous and asynchronous communications, video, audio, text, and graphics — for...

09 Sep 2008

Hip-Hop's influence on culture

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Hip-Hop, over the course of the past thirty years had grown from an improvisational street art in the South Bronx section of New York City to a multi-billion dollar business and cultural phenomenon. Hip-hop is thus also a major cultural influence. In the same way jazz gave us words like "cool"...

04 Sep 2008

Identity development of the African American adolescent

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

One definition of identity is who you are, what you do, and how you respond to the world around you. One develops this sense of self, an identity, during adolescence. Many contributing factors and variables affect this process to mold how an individual views him or herself. In addition to...

04 Sep 2008

An examination of second language acquisition

Essay - 8 pages - Psychology

Language acquisition is a complicated concept that many scientists have been trying to understand for years. It is known that humans are the only animals to develop a vocalized form of language. However chimpanzees have proved to be capable of not only learning a language but then teaching it...

29 Aug 2008

Educational collaboration

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Collaboration and consultation are idea with significant positives, but which has shown to be difficult to hold to in practice. Collaboration between teachers, first suggested as a way of helping students with special needs, is now believed to be beneficial for learners of average and above...

29 Aug 2008

Broadcasting Board of Governors in 2008

Essay - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Broadcasting Board of Governors has been in operation for just under a decade. Formerly a Cold War-era media arm of the US government tasked with spreading American media, news, and propaganda messages behind the Iron Curtain, the BBG was repurposed to deal with the new international...

29 Aug 2008

More's Humanist Utopia

Essay - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Within the narrative, the Utopians undergo a shock of recognition when the little expedition of Europeans lead to the introduction of Christianity and then modern technology. A utopia is by definition an ideal society and therefore does not need to change. In fact, by the strictest standards of...

21 Aug 2008

Tarahumara: persistence at the margins

Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Tarahumara are a simple, content, people who live in one of the most rugged places on Earth. They live in Sierra Madre Occidental of Southwestern Chihuahua. The area is often referred to as the Sierra Tarahumara. It contains the tallest waterfall in the hemisphere and canyons deeper than the...

21 Aug 2008

Pornography and evolutionary psychology

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

How one judges an aspect of modern culture is really based upon their perspective. The perspective of an individual filters how the information received is understood. Pornography is an area of modern culture that is hotly debated; however, these debates can never be resolved because they are all...

12 Aug 2008

The prevalence of eating disorders among Asian American women

Essay - 9 pages - Educational studies

The prevalence of eating disorders among ethnically diverse populations has become increasingly evident over recent years. The existence of eating disorders across the socio-economic and global sphere has raised interest in the socio-cultural factors which influence diverse groups. However, there...

12 Aug 2008

Multicultural early childhood literature in picture books: Reflections and explorations from the color-blind generation

Essay - 10 pages - Educational studies

Utilizing methods of research, social and historical inquiry, as well as interviews and examination of texts both primary and secondary, the purpose of my senior work project is to interrogate the dominant view(s) of multi-cultural early childhood literature through the lens of contemporary...

05 Aug 2008

The 1919 World series: Effects of a scandal

Case study - 8 pages - Sports

Considering the belief that “[except] for motherhood and the flag, no institution stood more for what was good and true about America than baseball,” America was shocked to learn that her prized pastime was just as corruptible as anything else (Miller 200). The 1919 Baseball World...

04 Aug 2008

Class and ethnicity in Costa Rica: The Afro-Antillean case

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Latin America has a unique heritage of race mixture and class struggle, within which is located the domination and repression of countless people of African and Amerindian blood. While Costa Rica is no real exception to this historical trend, many of national proponents claim that their country...

04 Aug 2008

Cultural differences in corporal punishment in children, comparing different countries with the United States

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

Committing wrongdoings is tantamount to punishment, in these cases; adults tend to do corporal punishment as their way of disciplining their children. As long as children are perceived of doing something unacceptable, adults has the liberty to do corporal punishment, also known as physical...

30 Jul 2008

Learning theories for students with learning disabilities

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

Learning is the process of acquiring, gaining, and retaining knowledge which may be applied to situations in real life. Learning is not a passive process wherein students can take in information and then remember this information throughout the student's life rather learning involves a complex...

29 Jul 2008

How to conduct a security survey

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Due to the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers of New York, America has heightened its security measures. Different measures of security have been improved. The development of Homeland Security was established to strengthen the security at public institutions and places in order to prevent another...

24 Jul 2008

Reducing prejudice through exchanges between equals

Essay - 8 pages - Psychology

America prides itself on its immigrant culture and great progressive values that have been the key to political, economic, and technological superiority. Indeed, the United States is comprised of a diversity of cultures and ethnicities. Even with its progressive history and values, America is far...

22 Jul 2008

Existential and person-centered therapy techniques

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

According to existentialism, human nature is best described as being in constant change. Humans are always evolving and recreating themselves through their projects. Through asking questions in an effort to make sense of their existence, humans develop in six dimensions: the capacity for...

22 Jul 2008

Goliath bird-eating spider

Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies

The Goliath Bird-Eating Spider, which is scientifically known as Theraposa blondi, is indeed a spider that can actually eat a bird. This spider that belongs to the Tarantula family is hairy and is coffee-colored. The Goliath Bird-Eating Spider is a large spider with four pairs of thick legs, a...

21 Jul 2008

Feminist therapy and postmodern therapy

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Feminist therapy is based on a gender-fair, flexible-multicultural, interactionist, and life-span-oriented view of human nature. The traditional androcentric, heterosexist, and deterministic theories are considered to be greatly limited, especially in relation to women and people of other...

21 Jul 2008

The miseducation of Mexican Americans: The crossroads of affirmative action and bilingual education

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

From its inception, the US has been a nation of foreign cultures and languages, a nation with a strong ideology committed to ideals of harmony and justice. Since its inception too, the nation has time and time again fallen far short of these ideals. While waves of immigrant ethnic groups have...

20 Jul 2008

Existentialism in today's classroom

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

This paper looks at Dr. Van Cleve Morris's ideas on existentialism in order to see whether existentialism can be used effectively in today's classroom. Dr. Morris's idea of existentialism is one of responsible individualism. One is responsible for their choices and therefore, makes responsible...

20 Jul 2008

Violence in media and its effects on adolescents

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

This paper will review several studies of violence in today's media of television and electronic gaming and how it significantly affects aggression levels in children. These studies have looked at the direct and indirect effects of violence in the media and how it produces more aggression in an...