The impact of violence on the mental health of South African Children
Case study - 6 pages - Psychology
Violence as a national problem in South Africa needs little introduction. South African citizens are exposed to daily, sensationalised reports of violence in the media, emphasising this problem's national and international pervasiveness. However, little emphasis is laid on the negative...
UK Education: An analysis of the significance of gender at key stage 5 and beyond
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Recently it has been argued that the underachievement of boys has been happening for many years (Epston, Elwood ET. Al. 1999), it was simply the fact that female students were prevented from entering schools that enable this to go unnoticed for so long. During the days of the 11 plus it was well...
Exploring the principles of constructivism and applying them to Technological Education
Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Psychology
The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium states: career studies should be taught in manners that are consistent with a constructivist view of learning (NASDCTEC, 1999, p. 7). While this may sound good in theory, one underlying problem...
An outline of the various opportunities available for those pursuing a career in nursing
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
There are thousands of different job opportunities throughout the world. Most of these jobs have branches that give a person even more opportunities. Although nursing has not always been broad, nursing in the present day has many different positions that a person can fill and is a great example...
An investigation into positive behavior management strategies in the classroom
Essay - 10 pages - Psychology
Behavior management strategies have been always seen by both theorists and practitioners as an essential part of educational process since they aim to establish pupils' self-discipline and promoting their achievement and positive behavior. This suggests that teacher efficiency, academic...
Behind enemy lines: The account of a conservative living in eastern Massachusetts
Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences
According to sociologist Travis Hirschi in his article Control Theory of Delinquency, the act of deviating from the norms in a given society is caused mainly, not by the social structure, but by the deviant himself and the strength of his connection to that society. In this paper I will try to...
Labor study of education in New York: Elementary and secondary teachers
Essay - 8 pages - Educational studies
Public school teachers in New York City play a crucial role to the functioning of the city. Teachers are one of the greatest influences in the life of a child. However, it is important to understand that being a teacher is not just a role; it is an occupation. This paper will explain what one...
A discussion on the theories of the child and the inextricable link to education
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Educational provision has always involved much more than the ways of accumulation of academic knowledge. It has been central to the processes by which ideas of childhood has been socially constructed and, therefore, its history has much to tell us about the development of different educational...
Social work essay: Observation and assessment of a child
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
I will offer a written assessment and evaluation of my observations of a six year old female child. Firstly, I will outline what observation is, why it is important to social work and how it is used. I will discuss how this child was chosen, who chose the child and how permission to observe the...
School's responsibilities towards child abuse, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Creating a safe and learning environment in today's modern society has become extremely difficult not only for educators but also for parents. The need and demand for better education is no longer clear-cut because the demographic is dynamic in every sense of the word. Children with different...
An analysis of two theories: Solution-focused therapy and ecological systems theory
Essay - 7 pages - Psychology
In this assignment I will demonstrate my knowledge of two selected theories, discussing how they contrast, how they may overlap and possibly even work well together. I will begin by looking at what a theory is and the nature of the relationship between theory and practice. I have chosen to use...
Does television advertising have a negative effect on children?
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
Advertising is a collective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific commodities or services. Advertising is a form of mass selling, employed when the use of direct, person-to-person selling is impractical, impossible, or simply inefficient. It is to be...
A Discussion and analysis of three possible causes of Alzheimer's Disease
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
Read a newspaper, ANY newspaper, and you will come across medical technologies such as reduction in infant mortality, development of vaccines and antibodies, and advances in the treatment of heart disease and stroke that have contributed to the recent increase in life expectancy. In 1900 the...
A discussion and analysis concerning sexist language
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
One of the most important political and social movements of the twentieth century has been the drive towards achieving complete equality for all people regardless of race, color, class, gender identity, mental state or physical impairment. One area that has remained resistant to change is...
An analysis of the use of communication skills within a social practice setting
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
In this essay I will attempt to analyse the use of communication skills within a practice setting. I will briefly acknowledge the six areas of skill studied in the communication module and analyse, in more detail, two of these areas; empathy and working with difference. I will examine...
Why are Jungian studies rarely taught in the university and can Jungian orientated thinkers do anything to reverse the situation?
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
It is well-documented within the Jungian world that within academia, analytical psychology is frozen out. This is with regards to psychology. And it is as a psychologist that Jung made his name. Jung also failed to make a positive impression on philosophy. His legacy (so far) concerning impact on...
A discussion of the importance of dissociationism in Carl Jung's psychology
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
Carl Jung's psychology is often regarded as having been some kind of Freudianism albeit Jung's more esoteric spin on it. The most important of Jung's theories is the archetypes hypothesis. Certainly Jung's influences can be tracked and they are numerous. But in this paper we will...
Educating a multicultural America
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
No one would accuse one of the greatest of all political figures in American history, Abraham Lincoln, of being against equality. In his time, America had already experienced the stresses of immigration. There were German immigrants who fought to speak their own language. There were Irish...
Parent's responsibility: The moral development of their children
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
In today's culture the deprivation of morality seems to pervade into every realm of society; the home, the school, the church, the government, the media, etc. Why has our country apparently become void of components that encompass the definition of a moral society or rather, a moral person? Who...
Being a Jew after World War II: What it means to be Jewish in America today
Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Judaism as an identity has become a different concept than Judaism as a religion. Skepticism has formed as a result of advances in science and industrialization, and religion has changed. Judaism is unique in its definition of what makes one Jewish: rather than being based on belief and practice,...
Who holds the responsibility for the moral development of children?
Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies
On initial consideration, the question posed here seemed to bracket nicely few main points of the subject, but that impression appeared to be wide of the mark, especially when it came to making judgments concerning the notions of "morals" and "morality". Really, what is a morality? What does it...
Social policy and legislation in early childhood
Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies
The aim of this paper is to create a report for a follow-on research and critical review of the government implementation of the Code of Practice (2001) and its impact on identification and assessment of special educational needs in the early years setting (a nursery). For this purpose,...
Behaviour management in primary school classrooms
Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies
The aim of this essay is to create a body of knowledge for follow-on research in the field of behaviour management in primary classrooms. For this purpose, information was gathered through observations, as well as through the study and analysis of materials presented in books, research journals...
Critical evaluation of research methods in education
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
On initial consideration, the question posed here seemed to bracket nicely few main points of the subject, but that impression appeared to be inequitable, especially when it came to making judgments concerning different methods and approaches to research projects. The word "method" is derived...
Children and the importance of a healthy diet
Essay - 7 pages - Psychology
The aim of this essay is to create a body of knowledge for a follow-on research on the subject of the nutritional health needs of children from 3 to 5. For this purpose, information was gathered through observations as well as through study and analysis of materials presented in books, research...
A discussion and practice of the psychological benefit of hard thinking
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
This essay is about psychology. In part 1 we discuss detached ego conscious thinking and unconscious attached feeling. We argue that when looking into phenomena (e.g. a conflict) one should firstly focus on conscious reasoning and only look into unconscious motivations when the focus on...
Key problems for psychology as a field of knowledge
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
This essay will discuss the problems that constantly face psychology as a field of knowledge. Some fields of knowledge, notably the natural sciences such as physics, biology and chemistry are comfortable with their status and the demarcation between one another. There is only one physics ...
Educating children with special educational needs and disabilities
Essay - 7 pages - Psychology
Special Educational Needs (SEN) has a legal definition: children with SEN have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children of the same age. The SEN...
The importance of developing self-esteem in childhood
Essay - 9 pages - Psychology
The aim of this essay is to create a body of knowledge for a follow-on research on the subject of the impact of self-esteem on the behaviour of primary school pupils. For this purpose, information was gathered through observations as well as through study and analysis of materials presented in...
The role of play in children's learning and development
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
"Learning for young children is a rewarding and enjoyable experience in which they explore, investigate, discover, create, practise, rehearse, repeat, revise and consolidate their developing knowledge, skills, understandings and attitudes. During the foundation stage, many of these aspects of...