Sociological accounts of social movements
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Contemporary sociological accounts of social movements are mainly influenced by the new American paradigm' (crossley) arguing that social actors are rational calculators. According to these sociologists, emotions associated with irrationality are opposed to knowledge linked with...
What is depression and how is it looked after?
Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology
There are several types of depression, but we will only discuss the major depressions. We will try to understand this disease, by analyzing its symptoms, causes and possible treatments. The clinical depression is more than a feeling of bad day's blues. It is an intense state ofoccupational...
Motivation in the classroom
Thesis - 8 pages - Educational studies
Teachers should always try to inspire their students to learn. Sadly, not all students are willing to put in the effort it takes to do so and so teachers have a job to motivate their students. Students need to want to learn, because this will facilitate their learning and make it easier for them...
Six case studies on usage of technology in relation to the philosophical, social and ethical factors in modern education system
Dissertation - 71 pages - Educational studies
The following are the case studies discussed in this paper. 1. The misuse of e-Mail technology has created ethical problems. Some critics think that technology tends to remove students from the moral implications of technology. Issues at stake include respect for privacy, the proper use in...
Leadership and educational practice
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
) In his article What is Leadership author James Ryan (2005) makes four key points. He is concerned with problems of leadership form as they relate to education. Firstly he notes there is no definite answer to the question - what is leadership. (Ryan: 22) As he writes it is a...
Native Canadian education experience in early Canadian history: The industrial school and its legacy in the residential school - Considering oppression and resistance.
Thesis - 10 pages - Educational studies
This paper will explore Native education in British North America, focusing on the structural disadvantages which Native children faced in a society whose goal was assimilation of Native people to white, Christian values, at the expense of their own cultures and languages. This was a...
The uncanny: Freud's article used to analyze the film the devil's backbone
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
In his essay the Uncanny Freud writes of the rarity of a psychoanalyst being asked to contribute material to an understanding of the field of aesthetics. His discussion of the meaning of horror' makes sense however, psychologically, because things that frighten us often have...
Second and foreign language acquisition: Recent theories and teaching methodologies (A discussion)
Thesis - 9 pages - Educational studies
This paper will cover two areas related foreign language learning. The first area to be explored is theories of second and foreign language acquisition. The second is foreign language teaching methodology. The two are interrelated, as theory can be applied to actual classroom practice. Another...
Exploring the relationship between happiness and well being
Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology
We live in a culture where we are told every day in the media, from TV shows to advertising in magazines, that in order to be really happy we must have a lot of things: cars, homes, appliances, stereo equipment, fancy computers, and money to go on tropical cruises and so on. The happiest people...
A critique of a paper titled 'Service users experience of violence within a mental health system: A study using grounded theory approach'
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
This assignment will look at a piece of research relevant to a recent practice placement, on an elderly functional mental health unit. It will critique the article and will use a structured framework based on Benton and Cormack (2001). Following the Framework of this model has been proven to show...
Essays on (1. Causes and ways of preventing common injuries in male senior soccer) and (2. The examination of the systems of play and the underlying principles of play that featured in the successful execution of a goal.)
Thesis - 7 pages - Sports
Essay 1. - It is a well known fact that no athlete wants to have an injury, no matter how small or large the effects are on the individual's sporting performance and total fitness. This essay attempts to identify common injuries, the causes of these injuries and ways of prevention within the...
Observation and analysis of attacking play in soccer.
Thesis - 6 pages - Sports
This essay analyzes the players in possession (attackers) shown in the video clip provided. It provides a description and analysis of the performance and addresses the basic techniques, skills and principles of play evident. It attempts to illustrate how the passage of play by the attackers could...
Sports injuries within the sport of male senior football
Thesis - 5 pages - Sports
During the dissertation study it is intended to investigate and discover if male senior football players are more prone to injury during pre-season rather than in season and if so why. Braham, et al (2003) stated that 17% (1025) of the total number of injuries over the two seasons reviewed...
A cultural exploration of Slovenia in general and in terms of business affairs
Thesis - 26 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Abstract - This text deals with Slovenia's culture in general and in terms of business affairs. Literature of contemporary culture theorists is critically discussed. Focus is set on Geert HofstedeĀ“s cultural dimensions and Edward T. Hall?s theory of high -and low-context cultures. Slovenia has...
Psychopathy: Antisocial personality disorder and Dyssocial personality disorder
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
Psychopathy is one of the oldest forms of personality disorder, but it remains to be one of the least understood by both researchers and clinicians. The aim of this paper is to review the published literature on psychopathy as defined both in antisocial personality disorder and dyssocial...
Recruiting in India: Tracing a path through the education system
Presentation - 26 pages - Educational studies
This presentation will talk about the background of the professionals from India. It will start with looking into the traditional and the new (agent based) models of recruitment before moving onto a closer look at the use of agents in recruitment. It will then move on to take a look at the role...
Anti-racist and multicultural approaches to education in the classroom:Overview and evaluation
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
Part of becoming a teacher is developing a personal philosophy of education, and while certain elements are subject specific or specific to a particular teaching environment, one element that should be common to all teaching philosophies is the consideration of diversity in the classroom. Canada...
Drawing to improve writing
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
Every child has a unique ability to express themselves from the early age of scribbling to the sophisticated work of a college graduate. In most cases, it is our natural instinct to draw; therefore children need to implement drawing into their coursework to be successful in their writing....
A study of Franco-Manitoban cultural identity
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
I have opted to focus my attentions on Manitoba's French Canadians for the purposes of this assignment. I was able to interview Pete Vandal , a 51 year old father of three, about his thoughts on Franco-Manitoban culture and identity. As this cultural group is one of considerable importance in...
The importance of communication in nursing practices
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Within this essay appropriate references and where possible recent literature will be used to support the different forms of communication used in nursing practice. Potter and Perry (2001), describe communication as being the basic element of human interactions. It allows us to establish, improve...
What parents consider before sending their child to school
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
Samples for the study consisted of randomly selected parents at various colonies from different occupation. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Data were collected from the targeted customer. Questionnaires were handed over to them with a request for filling on the spot. Due...
A health care practices and clinical skills paper concerning a patient suffering from anxiety and depression
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
The aim of this essay is to discuss health and maximizing the health and well being of a client with mental health problems. Factors, which can enhance the health and social well being of the client, such as anxiety management and relaxation therapy, will be identified; the role of the nurse in...
A paper concerning an ethical dilemma in the field of mental health
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
Being subject to Section three of the Mental Health Act 1983 removes some rights taken for granted by members of today's society. Patients subject to this Mental Health Act may find it difficult to exercise the right of autonomy, and furthermore face many ethical dilemmas whilst under a...
Do mentally ill patients have autonomy?
Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology
The aim of this assignment is to consider whether mental health patients have autonomy or do staff and the healthcare environment merely allow them a measurable quantity of autonomy based on legal, ethical and moral restrictions, if this is the case, is this autonomy at all? Placement experiences...
The role psychological, social and biological factors play in the etiology of schizophrenia
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
The exact cause of schizophrenia is still unknown and scientists are certain that schizophrenia has more than one cause. Many factors have been studied to find out the exact cause of schizophrenia, it has not yet been proven beyond doubt that schizophrenia is a disease entity which has just one...
Partnership and collaboration in education for children with Down syndrome
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate the concept of partnership and collaboration in education. The study emphasizes on assessing the educational services for children with special needs, specifically those of Down syndrome (DS). The 1970 Education Act insures all children...
The value of using 'critical reflection' as a teaching tool
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
Increasingly, health care professionals are required to utilize reflective practice both within their initial training and continuing professional development. It is also seen as a Higher education transferable skill, evidence of which is required by Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). Within this...
The role of the district nurse in relation to the problem of malnutrition in older people
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
Following the census in 2001 it was estimated that the population of England and Wales was over 52 million. Of these 52 million some 8 per cent are between the age of 65 and 74 years and further seven and a half per cent are over 75 years (Office of National Statistics (ONS) 2003). The statistics...
Student nurse placement within a health center
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
The objective of this essay is to analyze the mentor role of a pre-registration student's placement in the field of district nursing. During the essay the student's true identity will not be revealed for reasons of confidentiality and so will be called Jane. Jane was due to start a six week...
Why do individuals use complementary therapy for the maintenance of health?
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
This research project is being conducted to formulate an answer or theory to the question, why do individuals use complementary therapy for the maintenance of health?' Using a single case study a member of the accessible population' shall be interviewed using the semi-structured...