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09 Jun 2009

Girl child education and economic development in Africa

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The objectives of this essay are to: Discuss reasons why girl child education is essential for economic development in Africa. Discuss reasons why the girl child in Africa is underprivileged in terms of education Discuss the impact of the low level of girl child education on economic development...

29 May 2009

Written reflections on teaching

Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies

The artifact is the March 30, 2007 lesson plan for the Spanish II subject thought to grades 9-12. I think that this artifact was filed under the TN-PES 1 Standard because in designing, developing , and writing a lesson plan the candidates best demonstrate their understanding of the central...

28 May 2009

The positive impact of video games on the academic performance of students

Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies

Have you every worried that playing video games, a popular pastime for many, will interfere with your schoolwork? If you answer yes, do not worry anymore. As a college student, I have often found myself playing video games. I have also often wondered whether I should be doing something more...

22 May 2009

Problem definition and the Failures of U.S. Drug Policy

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

The “war on drugs” in the United States has not been successful because drug policy has focused on defining the problem of drugs as a criminal justice concern and not as a public health issue. By defining the drug problem in this way, focus has remained on enforcement and neglected...

20 May 2009

Society vs. desire

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In America there is the idea that a person can be whoever and/or whatever they want and still have the chance to succeed. This is part of the so-called “American Dream”. This idea is often a theme in the American novel. However, in the American novel, despite a character's desire to...

20 May 2009

Alternative assessments to standardized testing

Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies

In today's educational system, standardized testing under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) is a main part of how the nation assesses our children's performance in school. This form of testing which is mandated under NCLB gives an inaccurate assessment of how well a child is learning...

19 May 2009

Tropical wasteland: A fort Lauderdale community's battle for justice

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

On the surface, Sunny South Florida may seem like an ideal resort area with abundant affluence and beautiful scenery. Once one heads away from the beach and toward I-95, however, a different story emerges. Densely packed neighborhoods populated mostly by minority citizens are the norm, and it...

19 May 2009

The American reality: Life in the working class

Thesis - 19 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1848, as the spread of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution were forever changing the social, political and economic landscape in Europe and America, early social theorist Karl Marx defined the working-class as those “laborers who must sell themselves piecemeal… a commodity like...

19 May 2009

Sociology of culture: Globalization: A threat to culture?

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The post-modern era of globalization can be simultaneously considered as a threat to culture and a medium for bringing previously peripheral cultures onto the world stage. Whether one embraces its new challenges and opportunities or is skeptical towards its implications, everyone can agree that...

17 May 2009

The French cultural exception: Exception or exclusion?

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In a bit more than one decade, culture has become a crucial issue of the globalization process. In fact, the IT revolution along with the development of transport, the increase of the international commercial exchanges and foreign investments, and the constitution of multinational conglomerates...

17 May 2009

How (if at all) do you know that you are not dreaming?

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

One big philosophical question is to know whether we know anything or not. Knowing in a sense is quite different from its everyday use. As a matter of fact everyone claims to know various things all the time, but the conditions that are required to say that we know in everyday life are quite...

17 May 2009

The Kashmir conflict

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

When we speak about Kashmir, we think at first of this multitude of conflicts which concerns the history of this country. This territory situated in South Asia is a junction point of India, Pakistan and China. It always generated enormous desire. Without dwell upon the long lineage of dynasties...

17 May 2009

Higher educational systems: A Comparative Study between China and UK

Tutorials/exercises - 32 pages - Educational studies

Through analyzing and comparing others' research, history of Chinese and British higher educational systems, and the current situation of the two systems, we can find that there are four major parts we can learn from British higher education, including improve transparency, enhance relevant...

17 May 2009

Do studies of the social ordering of space show that the exclusion from public spaces is always a problem for women?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It has been unanimously agreed, since Foucault, that power is not an intermittent and isolated force. Rather, the concept manifests itself daily as a continuous network of power struggles exerting on any individual regardless of his status in society, “from the great strategy of geo-politics...

17 May 2009

Special education

Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies

Today, school teachers are increasingly dealing with disabled children. In fact, we notice more and more hyperactive children or those with behavior problems. This could be explained by the fact that working parents don't get enough time for their kids. With parents' wish of perfect equal...

17 May 2009

A survey among exchange students living in Belgium

Thesis - 11 pages - Educational studies

We have decided to conduct a survey of the exchange Exchange Student living in Belgium” to analyze their living habits. We have decided to focus first on the reaction of foreign students living in Belgium. We have also decided to question other students that had been a part of a foreign...

17 May 2009

The British passion for sports: Its particularities and its limits

Thesis - 8 pages - Sports

The former British athlete Sebastian Coe declared on the 12th November that “he wanted to tap into United Kingdom's passion for sports” by presenting the London Olympic bid. It is indeed undeniable that sports have a significant place in British society. There are at least 36 million...

16 May 2009

New ways of promoting gender equality

Thesis - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This paper provides an overview of gender inequality comparing Europe and North America through media perspectives and company front runners within each region. It will provide an analysis of the methods used by companies and how actions are successfully carried out. As well it will discuss the...

15 May 2009

The evolution of Chinese and French women since the nineteenth century: Differences and similarities

Thesis - 17 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the two last Centuries, French women and Chinese ones have realized, little by little, their emancipation. What are the matrixes which have participated to the positive evolution of the condition of the Chinese and French women? Under which form has it taken place, and at which moments in the...

14 May 2009

Do you agree with Mernissi that the modernizing Moroccan society she studied in the 1970s provided no norms for heterosexual interaction between the sexes? - How far is this applicable to other Moslem societies you have read about?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Gender interactions in the Moslem world and in Western societies are often opposed in terms of the woman's place in society. The Cultural differences between the two worlds can be underlined but it is not the subject of sociology to evaluate which one of the both ways of gender interaction is the...

13 May 2009

Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc

Thesis - 11 pages - Educational studies

During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the tourism...

12 May 2009

Football and globalization

Thesis - 12 pages - Sports

“The world is a global village in which everything tends to be known. Or at least, can be known. Universal references exist, people who can be identified at once from Tokyo to Berlin, via Los Angeles, Dakar, Buenos Aires or Melbourne. But football is the most globalized phenomenon. Georges...

12 May 2009

Feminism in France and in the US: A comparison

Thesis - 11 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1991, the American feminist movement was revived by the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas case. In the same year, Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court nominee was accused a few days before his appointment of sexual harassment by one of his former co-workers, the Law Professor Anita Hill. This case is...

11 May 2009

Is education in Japan is truly meritocratic?

Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies

At first sight, Japanese education system seems to be truly meritocratic. Indeed, in Japanese consciousness, all are born equal. It is only thanks to their work and efforts, that they achieve their goals. As the education system is grounded on those principles, we may think that only the most...

11 May 2009

Walpole vs. Reeve: The gothic novel

Book review - 4 pages - Educational studies

In The Castle of Otranto, Horace Walpole sets the norm for Gothic novels to follow. He introduces such themes as the supernatural, the tragic heroine, usurpation, and a central location. Clara Reeve in her novel The Old English Baron redefines Walpole's definition of Gothic and makes it her own....

11 May 2009

Uninhibited writing: The importance of a positive writing environment in the language arts classroom

Thesis - 8 pages - Educational studies

Writing is unique from other subject areas such math, or science because it so greatly relies on the facilitation of ideas rather than the relaying of constant factual information to the students by the teacher. How writing is taught is heavily dependent on teacher values. Whether it is a...

10 May 2009

Autistic disorder

Case study - 6 pages - Psychology

Thomas McKean was a 15-year-old boy attending junior high school when he was diagnosed with pervasive development disorder and placed in a psychological care facility. Since he was a young boy, Thomas and his family struggled with his condition and they were all unaware of the cause behind all of...

08 May 2009

On the way to a successful integration on a US Campus as a French student

Thesis - 14 pages - Educational studies

What makes 600,000 young people from all over the world come to study in the United States? Is it the reputation of the US degrees? The efficient teaching methods? Life on campus? Studying in the United States is a dream for a large number of students in the world. A lot of movies and serials...

08 May 2009

Examining Anti-social personality disorder

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

The human body is a remarkable entity which possesses a seemingly unlimited amount of potential. Everyday people set out to climb mountains, swim oceans, and accomplish wide arrays of tasks previously thought impossible. If one examines the human body closely they immediately notice the...

07 May 2009

International professional experience, IPEX, Brant lake Camp, program ICCP YMCA

Thesis - 6 pages - Sports

From the 6th of June to the 24th of August I was working in Brant Lake Camp as a kitchen staff. Brant Lake Camp is located in New York's Adirondack State Park about four hours driving time north of New York City. Brant Lake Camp is located on a 6-mile long, crystal clear lake, nested in New...