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2177 results

30 Jul 2009

School Choice: Picking the right school

Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies

School choice is a hot topic in current events today. After the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, charter schools and school voucher programs have been heated topics. Both charter schools and voucher programs have to do with giving students' and their parents the right and / or the opportunity...

29 Jul 2009

The problem of other minds: Empathy in the psychological development of children

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Discerning other minds is an issue rooted in the philosophical tradition with implications for ethical morality, epistemology, phenomenology, cognitive studies, psychology, and childhood development. While this list is by no means exhaustive, it suggests the extent to which an agent's attempt to...

29 Jul 2009

Rapid reasoning: Racial bias as a result of heuristic cognitive process

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Simple and complex judgments or decision-making are often performed in conditions which are not ideally rational, and the cognitive thought-process of the brain in fact follows unstated heuristics besides logic. Current research in cognitive reasoning finds that it takes more energy for the...

28 Jul 2009

Critical thinking in education

Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies

The issue is how teachers can teach critical thinking skills and still learn substantive material. The issue of critical thinking will be reviewed at all levels of education to include secondary and higher education. Specific focus will go to researching the efforts that most teachers place on...

28 Jul 2009

Depression in adolescents

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the often overlooked prevalence of adolescent depression. Adolescence is a time in a person's life that a beautiful amount of growth and maturity occurs, physically, emotionally and socially. It is an important point of development in a person's...

28 Jul 2009

Achievement motivation as it applies to competitive sport

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

An important psychological need is the need to achieve: the motive to achieve success by exceeding previous levels of success set by one's self and/or others. Achievement motivation can be characterized as both the need to achieve and as the need to avoid failure. The purpose of this paper is to...

22 Jul 2009

As the world turns: Constructing the problem of cultural illiteracy

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Miscommunication happens every day, in every type of forum, for many different reasons. Sometimes the incident is simply that - a miscommunication, but other times it bears witness to a deeper misunderstanding, based on or ignoring one's cultural or ethnic group. The current name that I offer for...

15 Jul 2009

An analysis of the problems encountered concerning the transition from childhood to adulthood

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Adolescence is the period in life just before maturity; it is the transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition is quite often very difficult one as the child adjusts, and has to come to terms with the responsibilities that they face as they progress in life. This essay will look at...

13 Jul 2009

Reforming the workplace

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The study of the sociology of work reveals that work plays a very significant role on our society, and over the last few centuries the nature of work has changed drastically, thus changing the nature of society along with it - from an industrial to a post-industrial society. The nature of work in...

13 Jul 2009

Legal moralism and polygamy

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Polygamy - the practice of being married to more than one person - is illegal in Canada, though it is rarely prosecuted. This law seems to be based on out society's unreflective common morals, rather than on rational arguments about the harm it does. The following will examine whether polygamy...

10 Jul 2009

The coherent concept of psychical distance and the danger of neutrality

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

In 1912, Edward Bullough published “‘Psychical Distance' As a Factor in Art and as an Aesthetic Principle,” a seminal article that permanently introduced “Psychical Distance” as a fundamental term for 20th Century aesthetic theory. A certain suspicion, however, has...

07 Jul 2009

Keeping fit as we grow older

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Injuries and age lead to progressive declines in muscular strength and lean muscle mass. Evidence exists that age-related and injury related declines in muscular strength and lean mass (Feigenbaum & Pollock, 1999) can be impeded following mechanical stress on the body resulting in the form of...

06 Jul 2009

Theories of family counseling/therapy

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

I was introduced to John Gottman, Ph.D. by Phil Donahue during the summer of 1995. At that time, Dr. Gottman was promoting the paperback edition of his book, Why Marriages Succeed or Fail?And How You Can Make Yours Last (Gottman, 1995) on the Donahue show. Also at that time, I had taken a break...

05 Jul 2009

Reactive attachment disorder: A developmental spectrum

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Within psychology, many different fields exist. Development, social, and abnormal psychology are considered distinct disciplines within the field, and those who specialize in one discipline rarely spend time in the study of another. Counseling is a substrate of abnormal psychology, focusing on...

03 Jul 2009

Nursing: Preparation for mentorship

Thesis - 11 pages - Educational studies

The following discussion will look at the role of the mentor within the nursing profession and utilize my experience as an associate mentor to date to explore the issues raised. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2007) considers a mentor as being a registered nurse who is a facilitator of a...

03 Jul 2009

The sex talk for children: A look at modern sex education

Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies

Every year, hundreds of thousands of American teenage girls become pregnant. According to the Guttmacher Institute (2006), a private research company in the field of teenage pregnancy studies, 821,810 teen girls, ages 15-19, became pregnant in the year 2000, and many more may occur, only not...

03 Jul 2009

Diversity in schools: The true definition of segregation

Thesis - 3 pages - Educational studies

I grew up in a very small town of twelve-hundred people. Now that I look back, I realize that my town, Greenfield, contained absolutely no diversity; the population was one-hundred percent Caucasian. However, when I'd visit my friends in neighboring towns, they had lots of black friends who...

03 Jul 2009

Education: A necessary determination

Thesis - 3 pages - Educational studies

The motivation to become well educated can be affected by many factors; however, it is an extremely essential part of everyday life. Becoming cultured and having an education (whether it be liberal or specific), although it might be challenging, is everyone's responsibility as an active citizen...

03 Jul 2009

Addressing the philosophical foundations of ethical issues as they pertain to mentally disabled individuals

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

Since the beginning of technology and new advancement, doctors are now able to give expecting parents the news of the condition of their unborn child. The early stages of prenatal care and development of the unborn fetus state can now be determined with almost 95% accuracy. What hurts the...

03 Jul 2009

The school library media program

Thesis - 3 pages - Educational studies

The school library media program encompasses all the resources and activities through which the library media staff translates the mission into reality. A variety of models exists for the successful program. The activities and resources included in the library media program are determined by...

01 Jul 2009

Fixating on the oral: Today's common obsessions

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

James Baldwin once said, “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” There have been great movements throughout time based on change. Recently, however, grand movements of change (such those seen throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth...

26 Jun 2009

An analysis of Goldstone's 'The rise of the West- or not? A revision of socio-economic history'

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The article deals with some of the common notions concerning why the so-called ?Rise of the West? (Goldstone, 2000) occurred, and then proceeds to offer counter-arguments all leading up to the final conclusion that without the presence of four events which were arguably complete accidents or...

26 Jun 2009

Endangered speeches: A theoretical approach to aboriginal linguistic minority rights in Canada

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Today, as globalisation and technology rapidly increase along with industrialisation and environmental degradation, many environmentalists are calling to attention the alarming rate at which ecosystems, forests, clean water and even whole species are becoming extinct. Unfortunately, another type...

15 Jun 2009

Psychological aspects and related psychopathology to HIV infection

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

The recent introduction of therapy with protease inhibitors among persons infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) has greatly improved the prognosis of the disease patterns consequent to infection. In particular, it improved the course of the disease and several other clinical aspects,...

15 Jun 2009

Aspects of psychodynamic pharmacotherapy

Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology

Considerations on the doctor-patient drug addict. As long as there are beings who suffer and until their illnesses are not cured, will I be, to help them, their doctor, their resolve and their servant. Start the practice of the bodhisattva. The ability to develop an effective doctor-patient...

15 Jun 2009

The squabbling children

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Reasonable, brother-sister squabble, Just be reconciled, is a "busy" again. You can not avoid. But, why do they quarrel? How do I cope? "No! This is mine! "Sister cried while retake toys taken brother. But younger sister did not want to lose. He was behind the snatch toys. Be they rebut squall....

10 Jun 2009

Youth discomfort, existential and discomfort of civilization

Thesis - 12 pages - Psychology

In search of authentic human values in the perspective of transpersonal psychology. The Italian news in recent months has brought some disturbing news about the world of childhood and adolescence. Was the focus of the media, the young killers of their parents, for reasons of inheritance, "baby...

10 Jun 2009

The happiest place on earth

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Disney World was never an illusion to me as a child; I could see right through it. “It's a theme park,” my mom would explain to me. What an interesting idea. It was tangibility's final step in the evolution of imagination. First there were the playgrounds I knew as a child, consisting...

09 Jun 2009

E-learning: A tool to learn, upgrade and regenerate

Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies

A highly competitive global environment, free trade, and constantly changing market needs and wants has created the growing need for highly skilled people in the workplace. This has challenged businesses to look at better ways to improve the efficiency of their human capital. Both private and...

09 Jun 2009

Examining the security motivation model of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Thesis - 10 pages - Psychology

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is condition marked by persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and the repetition of relatively stereotyped behaviors despite the recognition that they are irrational (compulsions) (Szechtman & Woody, 2004). Individuals with OCD experience a high need...