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03 May 2010

Case study analysis with respect to Holland's theory

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Holland's vocational theory is described, and then the case study set forth as a summary of the subject's educational and career history as well as the subject's vocational family history. The case study is then analyzed using Holland's theory in regard to the subject's personality types and the...

03 May 2010

Psychological report: A case study

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Sam Johnson was referred for assessment because he is applying for a position at Liberty University as a resident assistant. This is a demanding position, and Mr. Johnson was tested for personality characteristics conducive to succeeding as a resident assistant. Leadership skills, emotional...

03 May 2010

Self-esteem inventories: A comparison

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

As multi-cultural counseling becomes more commonplace, the need for assessments that can be used across cultures is increasing. While some test authors have attempted to write assessments that are culturally non-specific, or “culture-free,” it has been proven to be nearly impossible to...

03 May 2010

The Beck depression inventory

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

The most current version of the test is called the Beck Depression Inventory - II (BDI-II). The original version was authored by Aaron T. Beck, Robert A. Steer, and Gregory K. Brown in 1961, and published by the Psychological Corporation. A complete kit, which includes a manual and twenty-five...

06 Apr 2010

Study on the effectiveness of corporate education service with comparison between offline and online education service using SERVQUAL model

Tutorials/exercises - 17 pages - Educational studies

In this research, we empirically evaluate the difference between off-line and on-line corporate education services in terms of their service quality levels. Especially, in order to judge the efficiency and effectiveness of the increasingly popular on-line educational service and to provide a...

30 Mar 2010

The Iran hostage crisis

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

The Iran Hostage crisis occurred during a protest on November 4, 1979, outside of the American Embassy in Teheran, Iran. The protestors stormed the embassy, captured 66 people, and refused to release them until Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi came back to Iran to be tried for crimes against his...

15 Mar 2010

Meeting needs of the newly-defined at-risk student

Thesis - 2 pages - Educational studies

The Term “at-risk” is not new to the field of education. It has been used since the 1980's to identify those students who were candidates for dropping out of high school, thus condemning themselves and society to a large block of unproductive, unskilled adults who would have to be...

11 Mar 2010

Performativity and identity

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

Performativity as a concept is fraught with innuendo and subject to both discussion and debate. By use of this term are we denigrating that to which we apply it to mere acting? Or, conversely does the term Performativity lead us to open doors into broader definitions and ways of knowing the...

11 Mar 2010

The basics of irrationality

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

With the advent of the internet, there is an even wider exchange of ideas and beliefs between people. Unfortunately, this also means that any idea, no matter how ignorant of reality they might be or how fraught they are with pseudoscience or superstition, is also quickly spread across the world....

04 Mar 2010

Strategic management assessment: Barclays Premier League & Manchester United

Thesis - 9 pages - Sports

The last decade has seen has radical transformation of the UK football industry, with economic indicators pointing to football has a viable business model (Johnson et al, 2008, p.20). A prime example of this is the Barclays sponsorship of the Premier League, who has recently announced a three...

28 Feb 2010

A sample psychology experiment

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

In order to accurately perform a study, one can't simply rely on the standard experiment. Other types of study can be implemented to acquire more accurate results and conclusions. This paper will distinguish between these methods and contrast them with the standard experiment. The general...

28 Feb 2010

Conscious understanding

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

Any interest in human personality and culture must approach the concept of consciousness. Various disciplines have produced explanations of the foundation and context of human consciousness, yet their lack of assimilation perpetuates the ambiguity of conscious. Theorists diverge on either a...

24 Feb 2010

Chronological and subjective age in emerging adulthood: The crossover effect

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

The focus of this analysis is to analyze the research paper “Chronological and subjective age in emerging adulthood: The crossover effect” by Nancy Galambos, Pamela Turner and Lauree Tilton-Weaver (2005). Firstly, I shall provide an overview of the study and its claims and evaluate the...

24 Feb 2010

Suicide and Durkhein

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

Psychologists consider cases of suicide on a case by case basis, and examine the individual's “temperament, character, [and] biographical events” so as to understand the root causes of their suicide. In other words, psychologists emphasize the role of the individual's feelings,...

24 Feb 2010

Process approach and grammar instruction in ESL writing classes

Thesis - 2 pages - Educational studies

To correct or not to correct grammar issues? This is the question that ESL writing teachers have been asking since the 1970s up until the 1980s during which they taught Writing as a process of generating ideas, drafting, and then refining the final product by attending to accuracy issues. It was...

16 Feb 2010

Meals not so ready to eat: Ecology of food

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

Napoleon once said, “An army marches on its stomach”, and most soldiers would agree. So in 1975, the Department of Defense created the Meal Ready to Eat, affectionately known as MREs. Over the years MRE's have become the foremost source of food for our nation's troops. Meal Ready to...

16 Feb 2010

Issue of instruction through delight in children's literature

Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies

The literary label of crossover fiction to contemporary children's literature is commonly associated with J K Rowling's “Harry Potter” phenomenon. However, arguably it was Phillip Pullman's “Dark Materials” trilogy that operated as a catalyst for this change in literature...

25 Jan 2010

Difficulties graduates encounter and the needs and expectations from companies

Thesis - 13 pages - Educational studies

Finding a good job one of the biggest concerns of students after graduating. From then, the question of whether graduates from universities could have a suitable job in the future may be far more complicated to be answered. There are many controversial points of view around this issue, and each...

25 Jan 2010

Students and project work: Problems and recommendations

Thesis - 10 pages - Educational studies

Project work, as defined in the website of the Ministry of Education of Singapore, is considered as one learning experience that can help to provide students with opportunity to apply general knowledge of various fields to real life situation. In such attempt, Hoa Sen University has made project...

25 Jan 2010

How to motivate students' activeness in taking part in classroom activities

Thesis - 12 pages - Educational studies

Gone are the days the lecturers taught while students just listened comprehension and took notes. Nowadays, educational career has been innovated about the teaching and learning method. More and more students are self - motivated in their own studies, they advance their opinions even oppose...

05 Jan 2010

A personal experience on attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

Someone once said, “Be careful what you wish for, for it might just come true.” I thought writing a paper from the personal perspective of an adult living with attention deficit disorder (ADD) , would be a comparatively easy task. I have written about the many unrelenting challenges I...

30 Nov 2009

An analysis of nutritional requirement for athletes

Thesis - 9 pages - Sports

This paper examines the nutritional needs of the athletes. Though there are numerous sports, this paper evaluates Marathon and racing as the example of stressing the importance in athletes. This paper is designed to provide recommendations for British Athletes during the Olympic Games to be held...

30 Nov 2009

An analysis of drug abuse in sports: Why sportsmen resort to drugs to enhance their performance?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sports

Athletes face tremendous pressure to succeed during an event. They are not only pressurized by their peers but from external groups like fans, family etc. At times this pressure becomes extremely difficult to tolerate and affects the performance of the athlete. The high expectations from them...

30 Nov 2009

Evaluation of sports development as a policy initiative for the benefit of the society

Thesis - 7 pages - Sports

There is no denying the fact that sports contribute significantly to the development of the society on the whole. Sports education is considered to be the integral part of education. The role of sport development officer assumes significance since he is responsible for planning, implementation...

18 Nov 2009

Factors influencing academic performance of pupils/students in an educational institution

Thesis - 3 pages - Educational studies

Assessment of pupils / students is one of the duties of a teacher, which can be in form of test or examination and aimed at measuring the level of attainment of educational objectives. However, there are three domains of educational objectives: the cognitive, affective and psycho motor. While the...

10 Nov 2009

Strategies for improving biology teachers for optimum performance

Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies

Biology is an important subject among the science subjects. Over the years, there has been much ‘hue and cry' about the issue of ineffective teaching of biology in schools, which is being attributed to the poor academic performance of students in the subject at the Senior School Certificate...

05 Oct 2009

Psychological profile: Andrei Chikatilo

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

Every human is capable of committing murder; however, there are only a select few who actually chose to do so. Murders are classified by their nature, whether or not they were premeditated, and the number of victims slain and the time span of the murders. Serial killers are those who generally...

05 Oct 2009

How can we define 'abnormal behavior'? Discuss and evaluate how views on abnormal behavior have changed over time

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Throughout the history of man, there have always been individuals behaving against the current by acting or believing in so-called strange and outlandish ways. Some may view this as eccentricity or down right bizarre. Others may perceive this as signs of illness or distress and characterize the...

05 Oct 2009

One brain two languages: The advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Language is such a vital part of our existence. We are confronted daily with language through interaction with others and within ourselves through our own inner dialogue. On the whole scientific inquiry and analysis utilizes language in communicating ideas and conducting experimentation....

01 Oct 2009

Environmental racism

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

According to Fredrickson, America was able to largely ignore the “race question” until the American Revolution. Before the war for independence, Jews were mostly sequestered in ghettos and black people on plantations, so the need for a dominating racial ideology had not yet arisen....