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2177 results

29 Sep 2010

The Spanish Higher Education System

Essay - 13 pages - Educational studies

Although Spain is our closest neighbor, we notice that in the education sector, we have many differences. Even if this country is knows for parties or corridas, we may find several very famous universities such as the universities of Madrid, Bilbao, Alicante, and Barcelona. In fact, in the...

29 Sep 2010

The Amish

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

We discuss about the characteristic features of the Amish community in this document. The Amish are a religious and close-knit community which lives in the USA, a country that is riding high in terms of technology. The most astonishing aspect about them is that they choose to live on the fringes...

29 Sep 2010

The intrusion of church behind bars. Case Study: faith-based prison programs in the U.S.

Essay - 10 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Evangelical leader Charles W. Olson had promoted his dream of a 'Christian prison' for years. After he was convicted for his role in the Watergate scandal, this former aid of President Nixon was released from jail in 1975. He founded then, the Prison Fellowship Program in 1976. This...

29 Sep 2010

Museums and heritage

Essay - 9 pages - Psychology

The interest of tourists in death, disaster and atrocity is undeniable (Lennon and Foley, 2000). Dark sites are fashionable: tourists rush to visit Père Lachaise, San Vicente, or Highgate cemeteries (The Guardian, 2005), in-flight magazines talk of the "joy of prison museums" (Strange and Kempa,...

29 Sep 2010

Islam and Modernity : Towards a modern comprehension of Islam

Essay - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The events of the 20th century have totally disturbed the geography of Islam. Decolonization and globalization have been raising new issues in Muslim societies throughout the world. In this essay, we will see how the tension between the search for a Muslim identity on the one side, and the push...

29 Sep 2010

Marabouts in Morocco : how to explain the vigour of maraboutic practices today in the Cherifian Kingdom?

Essay - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The term "marabout" comes from the deformation of the Arabic term murabit. The murabit is a disciple who receives the religious teachings of a master of in a ribat. Their necropolises are often located on what used to be the old major caravan routes, where they represented spaces of neutrality,...

29 Sep 2010

Are conservative values back among young people?

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

An article that was published in ?The Economist' on the 26th of July 2003, deals with an ?upturn in conservatism' among young American people. Indeed, according to this article, more and more students support the republican ideology, and are in favor of US military interventions. However,...

29 Sep 2010

Emotional Intelligence

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

The study of intelligence within the scientific community is not a new development. Symbolically, the study of intelligence is related to research in the cognitive domain. The cognitive domain refers to the knowing domain. That is why when knowledge is imparted, the objective is to ensure that...

29 Sep 2010

Wake traditions in Ireland and Church opposition to wake and associated practices - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Foreigners often see Ireland as a deeply Catholic country. Yet when dealing with their traditional customs, the Irish can prove to be very disobedient to the orders of the Church. One of the best examples is probably that of the 'merry wake': the Church tried for hundreds of years to...

29 Sep 2010

Bodybuilding and its Influence upon American Sport - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 14 pages - Sports

American sports has evolved from the simple folk games and premodern pastimes of the colonial era to the highly complex, commercial spectacles of the early twenty-first century.Many factors shaped the development of sports in colonial British America and in the United States. Among the most...

29 Sep 2010

Abortion in the United States

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the modern world, one can observe the growing success of anti-abortion actions in the United States whereas the law is supposed to ensure safe and medical abortion. Besides, abortion has become a part of everyday politics (like the death penalty). For instance, in the presidential campaign...

29 Sep 2010

The Vanguard of Islamic Revolution by Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr

Worksheets - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Jama'at-i Islami was founded by Mawlana Sayyid Abu'l-A'la Mawdudi (1903-1979), whose deep Sufism-education rapidly led to Islamic movements, as for instance the Khilafat movement that failed to unite the Muslims of India. The context in which Mawdudi rose and later created the...

25 Aug 2010

Fears and phobias

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Fears and phobias are prevalent in human minds. Fears, phobias and anxieties are generally found hidden deep in our minds and constitute an essential part of our existence. A phobia is an excessive anxiety to face the reality of danger. A fear is an anxiety and becomes a phobia when it becomes...

25 Aug 2010

Values in social psychology

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

Every culture is organized around values, that is to say, it is governed by organizing principles of behavior and perceptions. They are defined in the form of ideals, shared by the members of a community and determine a way of lifestyle. Different people may move to different focal objects of...

25 Aug 2010

Psychologist's role in abortion

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

The objective of this document is to summarize the research information related to the professional practice of psychology. For this, we decided to work on the role of the psychologist in a hospital. As this is an area that interests us, we wanted to know the role of the psychologist during the...

23 Aug 2010

Site visit report: Genesis women's shelter

Thesis - 2 pages - Educational studies

This paper will present the cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy programs at the Genesis Women's Shelter, and specifically programs at the Austin Street Centre; Board representation includes First Presbyterian Church of Dallas and Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. This paper will...

19 Aug 2010

Sociology - published: 19/08/2010

Thesis - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Sociology is the study of society which comprises of humans. When further classified, it is the study of human social relationships and institutions such as groups and associations. A science on one hand relates to discovery, innovation and knowledge. Art is created by human beings. A combination...

18 Aug 2010

Objectivity and subjectivity in sociology

Thesis - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

A sociologist is a man who examines the society by being as objective as possible. We may therefore define objectivity as the quality which provides a distorted picture of people and things, or anything that describes them and judge them without a bias. This paper analyzes the methods employed by...

18 Aug 2010

The FIFA World Cup Germany 2006

Thesis - 4 pages - Sports

The FIFA World Cup was the most awaited event in the calendar for all enthusiastic football fans across the world. The FIFA World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world after the Olympics. According to Franz Beckenbauer, the president of the bid committee, "the organization of final match...

17 Aug 2010

Sigmund Freud's The psychopathology of everyday life

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

In this book, Freud tells us that the acts of daily life that we consider irrelevant (forgetting a name, an appointment, ring the bell to enter) actually have a meaning and are manifestations of the unconscious. For Freud, forgetting is a spontaneous phenomenon. It may be a word or a sequence of...

17 Aug 2010

The theories of the state in classical sociology: Karl Marx and Max Weber

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

European sociology for long has been influenced by the works of Marx and Durkheim. However, there has been little importance given to the work of Max Weber. Whenever his works were taken into account, they have been focused mainly on their methodological dimension. It is only recently that...

17 Aug 2010

Sports photography

Thesis - 2 pages - Sports

By sports photography we mean taking pictures of sporting events that involve action and movement. If the pictures are not sharp and do not depict fast movement that take place in a sequence, the purpose of a good sports photograph will not be achieved. That exciting movement of action must be...

17 Aug 2010

Fitness experiment

Thesis - 3 pages - Sports

This experiment's goal is to find out if people who exercise regularly are truly “fitter” than those who don't exercise regularly. Since a person's level of cardiovascular fitness can be measured through his/her heart rates, we believe that the people who are fitter will need less time...

17 Aug 2010

Cover letter for magazine editor

Sample letter - 1 pages - Educational studies

Thank you so much for offering youngsters an opportunity to spread their voices in MAGAZINE. I am currently a GRADE LEVEL student studying MAJOR in NAME OF UNIVERSITY. I may not be majoring in the field of English, but I am truly passionate about writing. Enclosed is a disposable copy of my short...

16 Aug 2010

The role of the brain in cognitive functions

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

The human brain is an extremely multifaceted organ. It not only holds the mysterious entity referred to as the human consciousness, it additionally arbitrates particular behaviors. The configuration of the brain and its advanced cognitive operations are the creation of many centuries of evolution...

16 Aug 2010

The sexuality of disabled people and related issues

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

I did my internship in a hostel, where there were twenty-one adults with intellectual disabilities and psychotic disorders, in the age group between twenty four and fifty nine. These adults were supported by an educational team consisting of three monitors or counselors, two educators, a...

16 Aug 2010

Dreams and Sigmund Freud

Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology

Dreams are images, sounds or emotions experienced by the mind while in sleep. The specific purpose of dreams has not been understood completely, though there has been quite an interest in this field. The scientific study of dreams is called Oneirology. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, who...

13 Aug 2010

The role and position of North and South Indian women: The problem of female infanticide, dowry burning and Sati

Thesis - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The North and the South of India is different in terms of language, custom and religion. In fact, language, custom and religion itself is prone to regional differences even down to the village level. However, despite these differences even in the village level, a homogenous explanation can be...

13 Aug 2010

Educating girls in a classroom

Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies

Throughout the course of history, society has been predominantly focused on the needs and actions of men. This issue became such pertinent problem that in the 1970s women from all across the United States began a campaign to advance their rights. While this campaign clearly elucidated the gaps...

12 Aug 2010

Native American identities and adaptations

Thesis - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Jamake Highwater was an impostor. According to an anonymous essay in Dancing Bear, a blog and online collection of essays having to do with Native American issues, Highwater fabricated his Native American heritage, his family history, his credentials, and even his age. Highwater clearly...