Karen Horney and her psychological thoughts
Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology
Karen Horney occupys an important place in psychology and psychological thought. She was dedicated to psychology and the admirable thirst for knowledge. She followed the psychoanalyst school of thought and was instrumental in the creation of the psychological field as it stands today. As one of...
Perspectives of John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Edward C. Tolman
Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology
John B. Watson, B. F. Skinner and Edward C. Tolman were psychologists responsible for a large amount of innovative thought known as Behaviorism. Watson, Skinner and Tolman were important names in the psychology field and each of these men were forward thinkers with ideas that ultimately changed...
History of psychology - published: 22/03/2011
Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology
Psychology is the study of the mind and the working of the mind. It is a relatively new science when compared to the other sciences. Psychology was born from Philosophy and to understand the history of psychology one must also wish to seek and understand the history of philosophy. Goodwin (2008)...
"High, Popular and "Low" cultures and everyday life
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In this excerpt from Culture and Everyday Life (2005), D. Inglis intends to clarify the notions of high/low and popular cultures and their impact on everyday life and conversely, arguing that the social and cultural spheres cannot be separated. He also tries to explain the way art is defined as...
Examining Brain Myths and Folk Psychology in Flowers for Algernon
Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology
In today's world, an individual's IQ (intelligence quotient) is a common measure of their cognitive ability. This cognitive ability can make them successful in education and in the workplace. In the United States, individuals in prestigious positions have a generally higher IQ (Sternberg, 1996)....
Confidence is Art
Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology
If you do not feel confident, do not let that get your spirits down for you can be confident. If you're already feeling confident, then you can become even more confident. Confidence is dynamic, it can go up or down, constantly change and evolve. What you need to do is keep it at optimal and...
In-school strategies for enhancing primary and secondary school administration
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
Every organization has objectives to attain. It is the duty of the staff/workers in such organizations to work towards the attainment of the organization's objectives. The level of attainment of the objectives however dictates how the organization is faring. There is no gainsaying that teachers...
Sales Training in Christian Dior, London
Thesis - 8 pages - Educational studies
As part of my second year ESSCA, I was asked to do an internship in the marketing function, either in the sales department, or in the purchase section. The goal is to have a direct relationship with a customer or a supplier (BtoB or BtoC), to participate actively and be essential to the...
Female Beauty in Japan: perceptions and evolutions
Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Japan, is widely known for origami, the art of folding a kimono, ikebana and many such arts that require patience and discipline and seek to "beautify" the environment. However, in this document we will study the Japanese notion of beauty as it is applied to women. What does it mean to be...
Achieving improved funding of universal basic education in Nigeria through community efforts
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
Universal Basic Education (UBE) program was launched in Nigeria in 1999, to increase the access of the children of school age to basic education. There is no doubt that adequate funding of the program is germane in view of the experiences of the past, particularly with regards to the collapse of...
Psychological profile of John Adams
Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology
John Adams' life and political career were mostly and profoundly shaped by his egrarian roots, the period in which he lived, and his founding father cohorts. His father's assertion that John must be a man of liberal education in the law, as well as a farming man of New England made him hard...
Juvenile Delinquency
Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies
Children often have the habit to test the limits and boundaries set by their parents and other figures of authority. Among adolescents, some rebelliousness and experimentation is common. However, there are a few children who consistently participate in problematic behaviors that often results in...
The Gender Issue: Why this issue still poses enormous problems in the American and European societies at the dawn of 2010
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
For centuries, numerous demonstrations by feminist movements have accompanied women's emancipation. Their profoundly in-egalitarian status has dramatically changed. Women broke into all sectors of public life. However, we still notice today a lot of inequalities in the American society....
Global Relationship: Are Sexual Gender Roles Changing?
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
As defined by the Encyclopedia, a role, in the sociological sense, is a set of connected behaviors, rights and obligations as conceptualized by the actors in a social situation. It is an expected behavior in a given individual social status and social position. Since the 18th century, the...
Where are Queen Victoria's moral values in the modern English way of life?
Worksheets - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Today, if you search a definition of the 'Victorian moral values' in the Collins, you will find, 'qualities considered to characterize the Victorian period, including enterprise and initiative and the importance of family'. So, first, it's seen today as if it belongs to...
Conditions of access to maternity wards in the city of Recife
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In order to answer the question "how to build the experience of motherhood in popular urban community in Recife? we rely particularly on the contributions of two authors: the theory of social experience by Dubet, and sociology of the generation by Luc Boltanski. These theoretical approaches are...
The sociology of disasters
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
It is customary to consider the disaster or a catastrophe as a phenomenon essentially tied to the vagaries of nature or as a byproduct of human activities. In both cases, it is approached through a perspective of emergency that rarely leaves room for interpretation on the functioning of social...
Civilization and its Discontents, Freud: the "death instinct" (chapter VI)
Book review - 1 pages - Psychology
To understand Freud's discussion of the death wish or « death instinct » in chapter VI of Civilization and its Discontents, suffice it to start with a paradox. The work of culture is placed under the authority of Eros, of a life force that aims at combining individuals into greater units and...
Ethnographic Research Project: Yoga To The People
Case study - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences
As our mantra says...this yoga is for mothers, brothers, sisters and grandmothers, poets, bakers, painters and artists. This is Yoga to the People! So let all of your doubts or questions be set aside... come and explore the world of yoga', are the words one can read when entering Yoga to the...
Presentation of The end of the body, Emily Martin
Book review - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Why is the question of the body so important and relevant today? This is because the body is a key feature in Western societies, as historical factors have led to the merging of a salient body; among them: the European state formation (with the creation of protected citizenship),...
Analysis of a moral struggle
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
"Public should not exercise authority over any marriage", says Nathan Warner in a recent article. Is it that simple? Should marriage really be a private matter, on which the State has no control? A few years ago, the Economist published an article dealing with polygamy practiced by Mormon...
Cultural analysis of France
Essay - 18 pages - Sociology & social sciences
France is one of the 27 member States of the European Union. This means it enjoys the four fundamental freedoms within the European market: freedom of movement for people, money, services and goods. France is located in Western Europe, a developed area with all the necessary infrastructures for...
Have eating habits changed in the last 20 years for the better or for the worse?
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
A meal is usually defined as the consumption of two or more foods in a structured setting at a set time. Snacks consist of a small amount of food or beverage eaten between meals. A common eating pattern is three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) per day, with snacks between meals. The...
How can we claim that the sport at the world level became a real business in our time?
Dissertation - 28 pages - Sports
Today, it is difficult to deny that sport takes a considerable importance in our society. An importance which can be characterized at several levels: economic, social, or even cultural. Thus, we can assist different sports events all the year round, but also do our Sunday jogging, or go to the...
The measure of America: how a rebel anthropologist waged war on racism, Claudia Roth Pierpont
Book review - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Based on Boas's life and achievements, Claudia Roth Pierpont's article ?How a rebel anthropologist waged war on racism' deals with the origins of anthropology in the United States, laying emphasis on the importance of Boas, the "rebel anthropologist?, in the transformation of the...
The use and abuse of biology, an anthropological critique of sociobiology
Book review - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
According to M. Sahlins, vulgar sociobiology is "the explication of human social behavior as the expression of the needs and drives of the human organism". This thesis implies that social organization is exclusively determined by biology. However, among other arguments, the author argues that one...
Anthropological debates on definition and origin
Book review - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
This article is based on Tylor's work on animism and Durkheim's work The Elementary Forms of the religious Life. One of the main problems of an anthropological study of religions is to find the objectivity that every science requires. For example do we need to be believers or atheists to...
Evolution of Investment Strategies, and Case-Based Decision Theory
Essay - 2 pages - Psychology
Gilboa and Schmeidler's work demonstrates an important distinction between behavior as predicted by Expected Utility Theory and as predicted by Case Based Decision Theory: in the event of a posed similar, familiar decision, people will revert to their memories of past situations to determine...
America's middle-class
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
We have examined throughout the length of this course the fact that America's lower class does not have the ability to voice their political concerns that the wealthier classes have and thus, when focusing on the issue of welfare it is important to realize that most of the policies enacted...
One is not born, but rather becomes a woman' (de Beauvoir). Discuss with references to determinist, constructionist and deconstructionist theories of gender.
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.' This famous assertion, excerpted from Simone de Beauvoir's Deuxième Sexe, concentrates the idea that sexual identity is an identity that one acquires, and whose acquiring is influenced by socialization, education, ideology and cultural...