Report for French expatriates in Russia: Cultural differences and recommendations to succeed in business there
Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies
We are cross-cultural consultants and experts in Russia's business culture and we are going through this report to show how to successfully do business there. This report will facilitate the cultural integration of French expatriates in Russia and help them to succeed doing business there....
Why international agreements are necessary to protect environmental health and community health?
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Environmental health refers to the elements present in the environment that affect and influence human public health. As established by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the United Nations health agency, Environmental health refers to both direct pathological effect of different elements...
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
Anxiety disorders are one of the most complex psychological disorders in existence and also one of the least understood, etiologically. It is extremely important to understand anxiety disorders from an etiologically genetic standpoint, because it often explains why those people who experience the...
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies
According to the Theravadan tradition of Buddhism, the woman violated two of the important five precepts of Buddhist ethics. By attempting suicide, she violated the first precept, which is to avoid taking life, including the life of oneself in addition to the third parajika in the Vinaya, which...
Examination of social inequality from a sociological perspective
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The aim of this essay is to discuss the social inequality and other aspects of society from a sociological perspective. Inequalities in society have been the subject of numerous sociological studies. Various commentators from different ideological approaches have analyzed social inequality in...
Globalization of Culture
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
Globalization has been known to benefit local communities through the creation of new opportunities, financial capital and culture. But it is even more famous for the detrimental effect that it has brought upon the world's poorest countries. This essay will be focusing on the examination of the...
Research about China/US student exchange programs
Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Educational studies
Study in the US has been and still a major objective for Chinese students, as different surveys like the one recently carried out by Art & Science Groups have pointed out. The Art & Science Group is an organization dedicated to advising US academic institutions on their enrollment practices....
Essay on the importance of teaching functional skills in the classroom
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The study of functional skills in classroom is a very significant, as it provide the most basic and fundamental skills that school children and young students will later use in life during a wide range of everyday life situations, both in their professional and personal. DfES established the...
What is meant by the acid rain game? Describe an efficient strategy for tackling this transboundary pollution problem
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
In this essay I will outline what acid rain is in terms of its causes and effects. In this context I will then explain what is meant by the acid rain game and its implications. I will then outline an efficient strategy for tackling this transboundary problem. Finally I will offer a possible...
Essay on models of health such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and living well, naturally- Select and examine the model that best reflects your own personal approach to health
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Educational studies
During recent decades, a number of health models and diet programs have emerged, and intended to help people to live a better, healthier and happier life. In this respect, the media have focused on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and other well- knows diet methods, as a source of inspiration for...
Essay on asylum seekers, refugees and illegal immigrants in Australia: Outline the socio-political consequences
Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Educational studies
The asylum of refugees and other foreign citizens in need has become the focus of debates and public opinion during recent years. Socio-political commentators in countries all over the world have examined the issue and provided a wide range of opinions on the subject, from those in favour of...
Was the Battle of Gettysburg the most important battle of the Civil War and was it the turning point in the war?
Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Educational studies
The battle of Gettysburg is one of the best known combat actions in US history. The battle, which only lasted three days (1st - 3rd July, 1863), saw the fierce confrontation between the Unionist soldiers of Major General George G. Meade versus the Confederate army of General Robert E. Lee. The...
Environmental sustainability of events
Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Educational studies
In this report the author aims to educate the readers regarding environmentally sustainable event management. The author believes that in today's trend it is very important not only for event managers but also people from all other sectors to think about our environment and how our day to day...
Study of Dubai as a Metropolis
Essay - 10 pages - Educational studies
With its dazzling development, Dubai has become in a few years the center of attention for analysts and scientists. Its population grew from 58,971 in 1968 when the city organized the first census, to 370,800 20 years later, and finally to 2.2 million now . The city is also specialized in...
Global warming - published: 01/02/2012
Presentation - 15 pages - Educational studies
Global warming is the increase in amounts of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere Greenhouse gases trap the sun's rays in the atmosphere, raising the temperature to abnormal levels The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and ozone...
Cultural influence for foreign nations, Indonesia
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Islands of Indonesia, in ancient times lies in the trade route between the two ancient trade centers, namely India and China. It lies in the path of international trade provides a huge influence on the development of Indonesia's ancient history. The presence of Indians on the islands of...
Are company stress management programs effective?
Case study - 16 pages - Psychology
France has very specific characteristics on stress at work,problems such as suicide are much more frequent than elsewhere. Ironically, France is a country where firms are trying to reduce stress problems. The French case is a good example to study in the current context.The question is:what firms...
The French Soccer Team as a National Brand
Presentation - 28 pages - Sports
Nowadays, Media are playing a major role in the football landscape. Most relevant for this type of situation, the most recent example is the crisis of France during the last World Cup. To avoid this there is no better means to have good relations with journalists and opinion leaders. One of the...
Sample Personal Statement
Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies
The first thing most people notice about my resume is the numbers of universities I went to versus the fact that I'm still an undergraduate. Therefore, you might want to read this through to have a better idea of my interesting experience and well-justified explanation. I spent two years...
The plight of single African American mothers
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
African American single mothers are an understudied population in the psychology field. There are many articles written about the plight of the single mother, but very few that details the issues and concerns of the African American single mother. In this paper, I will seek to point that life is...
Our Unconscious Biases: The Implications of the IAT and Other Implicit Measures
Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology
If you are unprepared to encounter interpretations [of your results] that you might find objectionable, please do not continue (Project Implicit ® - Take a Test). Every visitor to Project Implicit, a self-described hands-on science museum exhibit involving researchers from...
Behavior across the Life Span
Essay - 2 pages - Psychology
The Home Environments of Children in the United States was a recent study that examined the home environments of children in the U.S. and how particular conditions related to the child's well-being. The following pages will provide additional commentary on this study while utilizing Piaget's...
Eat, Think, Play: A after School Health Education Program
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Eat, Think, Play is an interactive after school health education program dedicated to helping high school students build and promote a healthy lifestyle. We work to help students construct skills necessary to make good decisions regarding physical activity and eating a nutritious...
Strategic analysis of Liverpool FC
Case study - 21 pages - Sports
This assignment is to provide a strategic analysis of the football club Liverpool FC within the business environment of the English Premier League. Liverpool FC is historically seen as the most successful football club within the Premier League, having won 18 League titles, seven FA Cups and the...
The evolution of sign language through the ages
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The history of language houses many fascinating subtopics that can paint a wildly intriguing picture of how communication has evolved and been promoted. In the field of linguistics, sign language is arguably one of the most complex and interesting forms of communication. Its history is...
Will practicing yoga on a daily basis help ward off back and articular pains?
Essay - 1 pages - Sports
Yoga is a traditional form of exercise that combines relaxing, breathing and stretching. This form of exercise is appropriate for people who suffer from painful joints and lack muscle balance. Yoga, which systematically works all the muscles of the body, involves various kinds of stretching poses...
Cognitive psychology: Language
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
Language is a complex cognitive function that has fascinated scientists and cognitive psychologists for years. Language is a cognitive function that all humans acquire, use, and alter over the course of a lifetime. Language acquisition begins almost immediately following birth and appears to be a...
Overview of Cognitive Psychology
Essay - 3 pages - Psychology
The Columbia Encyclopedia (2008) defines cognitive psychology as the school of psychology that examines internal mental processes such as problem solving, memory and language. (para. 1). Cognitive psychologists work to understand how people recognize, diagnose, and solve their...
Sources of motivation - published: 23/03/2011
Essay - 2 pages - Psychology
Motivation is a concept that all individuals are aware of in some way or form. Motivation is the root of many discussions and the cause of many behaviors in humans and animals. Society wonders what motivates individuals to commit criminal acts despite the obvious consequences and the educational...
Motivation and the brain - published: 23/03/2011
Essay - 2 pages - Psychology
Smoking is a destructive and largely popular vice. Smoking is linked to medical problems such as heart disease, major and minor cardiac problems, lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis (eHealthMD, 2010) . Quit Smoking Support states Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals...