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2177 results

22 Nov 2012

Environmental quality and concern in selected neighborhoods in Stockholm Municipality

Case study - 15 pages - Educational studies

Three different neighborhoods in Stockholm Municipality were chosen to compare whether lower income groups had less or more concern on the environment than high income neighborhoods. These districts were Ostermalm (High income), Hammarby Sjostad (Middle income) and Rinkeby (low income). These...

16 Nov 2012

External environment and social responsibilities

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

A big influence on internal business environment is the external environment. No business can choose to ignore the outside factors, if it aims to succeed in the today's corporate world. Corporate culture should embody what it takes to succeed in the environment. If the external environment...

16 Nov 2012

Group formations

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

A group can be defined as an association of two more individuals who interact and work independently to achieve particular objective. Groups can be further divided into two categories, formal and informal groups. Formal groups being those groups that are formed by an organization, whereas...

16 Nov 2012

Smoking case study

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The article “Illicit Smokes up 25% since tax rise” by Eli Greenblat talks about the effects of increase taxes on the illegal trade and smuggling of cigarettes in Australia. It was published on March 1, 2011; exactly a year after the Australian government increased the taxation on...

08 Nov 2012

Principal of sociology

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Famous American sociologist C.Wright Mills explored how sociology should be studied by the individual's perspective this is now known as Sociological imagination. According to Exploring Sociology “sociological imagination is defined for the ability to perceive how dynamic social forces...

05 Nov 2012

Pride of Baghdad: Humans and lions

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Brian Vaughan's Pride of Baghdad tells the story of a pride of lions, escaped from the Baghdad zoo, and the horrors of the humans' war they are suddenly thrown into the middle of. Vaughan uses anthropomorphism to tell the story: each lion has a distinct personality, as do the other animals they...

05 Nov 2012

Bonobo sex: A review approach

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

Primates of the Pan genus belonging to the Hominidae family in the haplorhines that fall under Pan paniscus are commonly known as bonobos, a species that is commonly compared with chimpanzees. Their geographic distribution consists of lowland rainforests and grassland habitats located primarily...

05 Nov 2012

A fatal attraction: Animal performance in Kafka

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

A careful study of some of Franz Kafka's most well-known creatures, and an exploration into the fantastical worlds in which they inhabit, will serve to open up an understanding of them that departs from a human-based appraisal. The pieces up for examination indispensably include his famous...

19 Oct 2012

Deforestation in Indonesia

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Deforestation in Indonesia has quite a long history and is currently of major national concern. Recent estimates identify the rate of deforestation in Indonesia at between 1.6 million and 2.5 million hectares per year. (Nawir et al 2007 pg 16) While this deforestation is linked to the industries...

18 Oct 2012

Archaeologies of Gender

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Anthropology is a field which is constantly evolving and which constantly needs to be checked for proper procedure, language, interpretation, and ethics. In Socio/cultural Anthropology, essays are frequently written to aid anthropologists in remaining neutral and not reporting a biased...

05 Oct 2012

Developmental stages and the development of abstract thinking

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

In the life time of this author, they have witnessed personally the developmental stages in their life. Luckily, the author is now a student of psychology and understands and can describe their developmental history using physical/cognitive and psycho social examples in their life stages. These...

05 Oct 2012

Corporate governance and ethical responsibility research paper

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

One of the top internal stakeholders within a hospital would have to be the actual doctors that run the day to day life of the patients. They make the ultimate decisions in split seconds that can save or lose the life of a patient. Doctors do make a lot of money but they can also be careless if...

05 Sep 2012

Compare and contrast essay: Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket, two views on the Vietnam war

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The First and mostly the Second World Wars have been often supported by Hollywood, which produced many propaganda movies. For instance even the classic Casablanca by Michael Curtiz had been shot in order to glorify the French Resistance and the US Army. But during the 1970s, we can observe a real...

06 Aug 2012

Era to Era: The NBA's evolutionary debate

Case study - 7 pages - Sports

Is it a basketball blasphemy to think that Kobe Bryant or LeBron James are better than Michael Jordan? Then again, what makes it so that Jordan is untouchable? Of course one cannot doubt his undeniable athletic ability and unparalleled knowledge of the game of basketball. Certainly the era he...

26 Jul 2012

Using the Socio-Ecological method to combat eating disorders

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Community health utilizes the ties between members of varied communities to change behaviors that lead to premature morbidity or mortality. We can use populations to analyze risk factors for those with a certain set of characteristics, but the real goal is to employ the bonds of the community to...

26 Jul 2012

What factors account for the long-lasting neglect of Women in Public Welfare Systems?

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Today, in Britain's full-time workforce, there is an average 16.4 gap between women and men in their hourly rates of pay . Although it varies across work sectors, the most striking is the 55 gap in the finance sector. In total 64% of the lowest paid workers are women . ‘A' 40 years on...

26 Jul 2012

Describe the influx of foreign-labor migrants to Europe and the consequences for the welfare state in Western Europe

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

In Europe, the second half of the 20th century was a period of major change in all aspects of social life. It was marked by economic, social and demographic changes. Migration movements since 1945 have had an especially marked effect, both on the existing population and on newcomers, which...

29 Jun 2012

Appeals of a Memory

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

It's in every speech at the podium, every twist of the tongue, and every presentation we've ever done. Investor relations meetings, political campaigns, and weekly performance reviews. It's a part of every society that's ever risen to power since its inception, and is so deeply ingrained with the...

28 Jun 2012

The Copts: more Christian than Egyptian?

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

While it is true that the Middle East is an incredibly diverse area as far as religion is concerned, the Copts represent within Egypt a particular case. Indeed, although today they only represent 10% of the population , Christians claim themselves descendants of the people of ancient Egypt, and...

20 Jun 2012

The importance of Non-State Actors- A Realists Perspective

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Non-state actors, do they matter? To answer this question one must first become familiar with the traditional, historical, and future trends and issues of global politics. Upon analyzing these aspects, one of the most remarkable changes occurring as a result of the dynamics involved in the...

06 Jun 2012

A case study of Marilyn Monroe

Case study - 15 pages - Psychology

Most people have heard of late actress and Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe(1926-1962). Many are aware that she endured a tragic life; however, just as many are unaware of exactly how tragic it was. To briefly summarize, she was born as an unwanted, illegitimate child to a mentally ill mother and a...

06 Jun 2012

Psychology research proposal

Case study - 11 pages - Psychology

The purpose of the proposed study is to determine how much of an influence being afflicted with a physical disability during childhood has on the quality of life and ability to be resilient in adulthood. Specifically, this study will focus mainly on adults who have been physically disabled since...

06 Jun 2012

Generalized anxiety disorder

Case study - 9 pages - Psychology

Anxiety disorders are one of the most complex psychological disorders in existence and also one of the least understood, etiologically. It is extremely important to understand anxiety disorders from an etiologically genetic standpoint, because it often explains why those people who experience the...

06 Jun 2012

Gaps in research knowledge

Case study - 9 pages - Psychology

Finkelhor, D. (2004) discovered several gaps in the research knowledge associated with the history of childhood sexual abuse. The authors affirm that the plethora of research that is currently available on adult survivors of CSA is valuable; however, they cite some weaknesses in some of those...

06 Jun 2012

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Health care comparisons of three nations

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Out of the three nations I chose to examine, Europe proved to have the best and most cost effective health care overall. While studying Europe, I mostly analyzed the UK's system, though I can say that most - if not, all - of the health care in other countries throughout Western Europe are...

06 Jun 2012

Crohn's disease and its psychosocial implications

Case study - 24 pages - Psychology

Crohn's Disease is an autoimmune disorder that falls under a category of diseases known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (sometimes referred to as Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome; Hanauer, S. B., 1996). An autoimmune disease is one in which a person's body determines its own cells and tissues to be...

04 Jun 2012

Paranoid Schizophrenia

Case study - 16 pages - Psychology

Paranoid schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that encapsulates a myriad of symptoms, including various states of psychosis and disorganized thought, speech, and behavior. Its etiology has not been ascertained, but evidence suggests a genetic role in its development. Those afflicted with...

04 Jun 2012

The struggle with poverty

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

In today's society, poverty is not only a regional issue for the United States, but an issue for all countries. Many different variables factor into a country having a high poverty level, but one variable that needs to be addressed primarily is the educational dilemma. As there is a direct...

30 May 2012

Globalization of Culture - published: 30/05/2012

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Globalization has been known to benefit local communities through the creation of new opportunities, financial capital and culture. But it is even more famous for the detrimental effect that it has brought upon the world's poorest countries. This essay will be focusing on the examination of the...

30 May 2012

Relational aggression

Case study - 12 pages - Psychology

Among modern children and adolescent peer relationships lies a subtle, but sinister variety of bullying that is becoming more prominent, especially among girls. It is called relational aggression and it is defined by “behaviors that inflict harm on others by manipulating their peer...