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22 Aug 2013

Altruism and psychology

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

My random act of kindness was paying a family member's cable bill so her service wouldn't get turned off. This case was a bit more unique because it wasn't just her favorite channels she would be missing out on. She has a twelve year old autistic son who if doesn't have internet, will get into...

22 Aug 2013

Attention worksheet

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Life can become vastly more complex which requires added attention these days. Going back to the time when there were no cars, cell phones, or any other device that would sidetrack someone as effortlessly as today, attention was easier focused and less divided. Now a day, things altered and...

22 Aug 2013

Cognitive brain function paper

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

All the way through the history of psychology there have been primarily two outlooks of the localization of higher cognitive functions, phrenology and reactions to phrenology, which is the holistic approach. In present day given the latest information and studies, one of which is the Phineas Gage...

22 Aug 2013

Cognitive psychology

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

The division of psychology that deals with an individual's internal states and cognitive functions such as, attention, problem solving abilities, motivation, and even thinking is cognitive psychology. The expansion of cognitive psychology is noticeable by a number of milestones in the department...

22 Aug 2013

Ethics awareness inventory

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

The Ethics Awareness Inventory (EAI) is employed to appraise an individual's ethical technique. Every person has his or her own standpoint. This standpoint or outlook can be brought about form the individual's analysis of wrong and right. The majority of individual's place the foundation his or...

22 Aug 2013

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - published: 22/08/2013

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

In the beginning the thought of the heart and soul was different from the “mind” that we know today, and the treatments were used to clear the body of bad blood that made individuals act inappropriately. Since then therapies to help treat the illness that people were consumed with was...

21 Aug 2013

Applications of Clinical Psychology

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Research conducted in the past finds that mixed receptive-expressive language disorder has no conclusive evidence of the causes, however; research does find two different types: developmental and acquired (Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2012). Current researchers continue to conduct studies to...

21 Aug 2013

Sources of motivation

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

Motivation is described best as an initiation guidance, movement, or guidance, which causes a human being to demonstrate certain types of defined behavior or set and acquire goals. As some are aware it is the source of motivation that forces a human being to attend school, work, or to bring to...

21 Aug 2013

Learning and memory paper

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Memory and learning are bonded in relation to one another. The concept is so similar that people confuse them with each other. Although many people think it is the same, by definition, the two are quite different. Learning is the process that will modify a subsequent behavior and memory...

21 Aug 2013

Gender Identity

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Every person possesses a gender identity within their self's which nearly everyone match one's anatomic look. A person's gender indentify is either male or female or possibly something in between. This is a significant individual trait that adds to ones self-worth. It is the mode in which one...

21 Aug 2013

Does sexual abuse at a young age lead to becoming a sex addict?

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Expansion and consequent worldwide increases of at no cost trade and internationalization makes way for numerous amounts of fresh benefits given to humanity. With that in mind the aged and fresh collective inequities have made their presence known. With this happening it has permitted a shocking...

20 Aug 2013

Operant conditioning

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

B. F. Skinner is commonly the first person that is thought of when operant conditioning is the subject being spoke on. The reason behind this is that Skinner was the psychologist that developed the beginning theory behind this behavior. It was his experimentation with animals that lead him to...

20 Aug 2013

Learning and cognition

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

Behaviors with the procedure of gaining knowledge are more resent areas under discussion within psychology. Behavior is primarily the subject that psychology focuses on yet it is known that not every behavior is learned. Reflexive behavior is an instinctive response caused by a certain...

20 Aug 2013

Developmental stages matrix

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

The brain triples in size and their stomachs digest more food and more kinds of food, transmitting sustenance for the body to facilitate extraordinary enlargements. An infant on average weighs about seven pounds at birth. Generally, at two years of age the child will weigh around 30 pounds. The...

20 Aug 2013

Psychological testing at the workplace

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

The workplace is unique because the qualities and characteristics of people and abilities are combined to help an organization to function properly. Organizations work diligently to measure the performance and productivity of these employees. However, psychological testing is a provision that...

20 Aug 2013

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

All the way from fundamental figures such as data portrayal, to utilizing multifaceted statistical method so to see potential blueprints or fortify scientific claims, the function that statistics bring research is immense and vital when dealing in psychology. This is also true with reference to a...

20 Aug 2013

Research, Statistics, and Psychology

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Several uses of research methods and statistical reasoning are in attendance as is relevant to psychology. Statistics are a necessary utility to the comprehension of the facets of the ease of understanding completing personal research and grasping psychology articles or journals. The scientific...

20 Aug 2013

What is meant by merit goods?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Merit goods are basically products which are considered to have some sort of intrinsic value. However, such a broad definition may be inadequate and ambiguous, neglecting the complexities: For instance, what kind of “value” must it possess for it to be considered a merit good? To what...

20 Aug 2013

Sanskrit and Latin: A comparative study

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

As the eighteenth century approached its end, another revolution was unfurling alongside the French Revolution. William Jones, in 1786, wrote, “the Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more...

20 Aug 2013

How far should scientists be held responsible for the effects of their discoveries and inventions?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

A phenomenon of recent years is the emergence of a class of full-time scientists. Accompanying this phenomenon is the question: to what extent should scientists be held responsible for the effects of their discoveries and inventions? In my opinion, they should be, to a large extent, because of...

20 Aug 2013

A peace of dynamism

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

When, some three thousand years ago in ancient China, the Duke of Zhou set about building up the Zhou Dynasty, he instituted as a way to organize society the rites and music system, using rites to give expression to the differences between people on the one hand, and music to transcend these...

16 Aug 2013

Perspective Paper

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Consideration of human action means primarily discovering how one's life occurrences shape a human being for the rest of his or her life. Modern psychology has very much established an organization in behaviorism. B.F. Skinner, Edward C. Tolman, and John B. Watson are only a small number of...

16 Aug 2013

Anna Freud

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There were a number of women during the 1850s who contributed to the field of psychology. These women were established, open-minded theorists and counselors. Although women of yesterday made remarkable contributions to the field one woman demanded attention over all the others. That woman's name...

16 Aug 2013

History of psychology

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Since the beginning of time there has been a superior obsession with the human mind and how it works. There are some people that believe that humans evolved and were not created. Whatever a human believes it or not it is very apparent that whatever you believe or don't believe the mind is still...

16 Aug 2013

Ashford bus 642 week 5 discussion

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

After polling a small sample of my fellow enlisted military coworkers, asking them for their “career aspirations for the next five years,” I can now use content analysis to assess their responses. As Cooper and Schindler (2011) stated, “Content analysis follows a systematic process...

16 Aug 2013

Ashford bus 642 week 5 assignment

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

For this scenario, I would use cross tabulation. As Cooper and Schindler (2011) put it, “Cross tabulation is used with demographic variables and the study's target variables” (p. 444). To be clear, demographic variables are “Personal statistics that include such information as...

16 Aug 2013

Ashford bus 642 week 4 discussion 1

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

When it comes to conducting research, the party responsible for gathering the data has two options; they can either be passive and observe or actively communicate. As Cooper and Schindler (2011) stated, the researcher “…determines the appropriate data collection approach largely by...

16 Aug 2013

Ashford bus 642 week 4 assignment

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Observations look to identify conditions, behaviors, events and processes whereas the survey approach looks to find attitudes, motivations, intentions and expectations. The two can be further separated in that, active participation falls into three categories: the self -administered interview...

16 Aug 2013

Ashford Bus 642 week 3 assignment

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

When it comes to selecting the most appropriate measurement scale for a study, there are four properties most researchers are looking for; nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Nominal classifies date into categories without order, distance, or origin. Ordinal shows relationships of more than or...

16 Aug 2013

Emergence of a young urbanised skilled population and democratisation: is there a link? The case of China

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The link that is often presumed between the emergence of a young urbanized skilled population and democratization is not new, but the case of China is. More specifically, the central link claimed is that the emergence of these classes causes democratization; however, I will show in my essay why...