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2177 results

27 Dec 2013

An Estate and Retirement Plan

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

It is of utmost importance to have a personal financial plan. By having a plan, you can avoid financial hardships and troubles in the future. A personal financial plan includes many goals. As we reach different stages in our lives our financial situations change. With this change comes a need to...

18 Dec 2013

Computer Forensics Laboratory and Computer Investigations Training

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

Computer forensics refers to the use of a computer expert program to collect, interpret, preserve, analyze and produce data from either volatile or non-volatile media storage devices. It is a branch of digital forensic science that is related to examining digital media in a forensic manner with...

18 Dec 2013

Intelligent Computers

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Intelligent computers are defined as machines that involve the use of intelligence and computer science concepts to execute various tasks initiated by the user. Intelligent computers are systems that are able to perceive their environments and take actions that are meant to maximize the...

18 Dec 2013

Farsi Language

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

The purpose of writing this essay will be to examine the various varieties of English that exist in Farsi language classrooms and also to determine the type of English language pronunciation that Iranian learners are aiming for and the interference of Farsi language in attaining the desired...

13 Dec 2013

Eye problems caused by technology

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The human eye, profound and unique is its design. The human pupil adjusts constantly, thousands of times during one day, adapting to light and the proximity of things looked at in the places visited. No doubt, though, this world has drastically changed since the eye was designed and created. In...

13 Dec 2013

Death and Freedom

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In a perfect world we wouldn't have to make a choice between empathy and morality, but this world isn't perfect. This essay sets out to prove that while euthanasia, including assisted dying and mercy killing, is a difficult and sometimes impossible choice to make, we should respect and honor the...

13 Dec 2013

Passion and its different effects

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In both Lillian Hellman's Toys in the Attic and Dan Baum's Nine Lives the characters seem to display a feverish passion concerning their interests, but the way their passion is put to use is what distinguishes them, as well as our feelings towards them. While Hellman's depiction of Carrie...

13 Dec 2013

Psychosis, and Mood/Affective Disorders Case Analysis Paper

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

The following describes the case study of the abnormal, violent and extreme behavior of an individual that suffered from pathological depression while taking a prescription drug that is a known selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI known as Prozac (Barbui, Esposito, & Cipriani, 2009)....

13 Dec 2013

Intelligence testing article analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

In the enduring and progressive field of the sciences, including the scientific study of the many dimensional factors of the brain, tangible, quantitative, qualitative, reliable, and verifiable data are regarded factual truth pertaining to yielded research information. Research data is derived...

13 Dec 2013

Psychological Disorder: Somatoform Disorder

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Psychological disorders are irregularities within the mind and brain that negatively impact people and individuals worldwide. There are numerous categorizations, classifications, and descriptions of psychological disorders however even with today's modern scientific research capabilities and...

13 Dec 2013

Gun control- To pull the trigger?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Gun rights advocates, or the people who believe laws should not become stricter and changes should not be made on gun use, trust that the greater good of the nation's rests when guns are more commonly used, and are used for the right reasons. As one argument, pro gunners use the second amendment...

13 Dec 2013

Organ Transplant

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Medical science has developed vastly to the extent that organ transplants are a routine practice in various hospitals. Unfortunately, the present techniques of procuring human organs are not meeting the demand (Thomas, 2001). A new strategy, the commercialization of the organs for transplantation...

13 Dec 2013

Communicating in a Field Research

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

There are various personality traits dominant in individuals in the society. On of the most common traits in technical roles is that of introversion. This trait is common in most workplaces and it negatively impacts verbal communication tendencies among employees. Depending on an employee's role,...

13 Dec 2013

The Impact of Social Movements in Chile: Scenes from Machucha

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

There is little doubt that Chile has been on the forefront on matters of human rights in Latin. Chile's human rights discourse has been dominated with social movements and the main arena of confrontation has not been the state (Safa, 1990). Social movements in Chile date back to the late 19th...

10 Dec 2013

Social movements and human agency, cultural representations, comparative racial inequality and intersectionality

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In the article by Naber (2008) ‘Look Mohammed the terrorist is coming' she describes the way the Arabs, Muslims and Middle Eastern citizens in Diaspora are looked at in America where everyone is chastised and seen as a suspect terrorist. For example, after September 11th attack, President...

10 Dec 2013

Does physical punishment of minors promote future unruly behaviors?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Corporal punishment, such as spanking, is a very common method of disciplining children in many communities, the world over. The appropriateness of implementing such physical punishment by care-givers has become a hotly debated issue nowadays, as societies become more aware of its ill effects on...

10 Dec 2013

The cloning and expression of Alpha-Amylase gene from Bacillus subtilis using Escherichia Coli as the host

Case study - 20 pages - Educational studies

Amylases are among the most important industrial enzymes, accounting for about 30% of the world's total enzyme production. They have numerous industrial applications extending from general products such as detergents, paper, beer and textiles to clinical biology, health science and even the...

10 Dec 2013

Waste management in hospital settings

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Waste management is a vital factor in reducing environmental pollution. Workplaces such as hospitals mainly produce both hazardous, infectious and toxic wastes and also non-toxic waste materials. Safe, environmentally-friendly disposal of such waste is important to ensure that both community and...

10 Dec 2013

The Theory of Learning contracts in adult learning

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In evaluate the theories of adult learning such as the learning contracts, it is crucial to first understand the concept of adult learning itself. An adult learner can be described as someone who pursues education beyond the traditional age of school attendance. The adult in this case is someone...

10 Dec 2013

Legalization of Marijuana

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Public policy includes the decisions and actions that governments take in order to address certain public issues and problems. These policies are made in accordance within the set legal government guidelines, regulations, procedures using public resources. One of the issues and problems that...

10 Dec 2013

Civil War and Reconstruction

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The American Civil War claimed the most lives out of any conflict the United States has ever been in. The losses suffered during this war were unlike anything the country had ever seen. About two percent of the United States population died in uniform. That amount sums up to about 620,000 and...

05 Dec 2013

What is functional food and what are its potential benefits?

Case study - 15 pages - Educational studies

People are becoming increasingly interested in disease prevention rather than cure the disease and holistic approaches to promote health, such as eating nutritionally diet, maintaining fitness, etc… Interest in ‘natural and nutritional' treatments and products therefore continues to...

05 Dec 2013

The Metaphysics of Photography

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Digital camera completely democratized photography, making it available to anyone who feels interested, and a lot of people are and will be more and more interested. Why is that ? In this interest one can see “the hunger for the concrete” of the modern man, as Petre Tutea names it. It...

04 Dec 2013

French's rejection of the European Constitution

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

What is the research question in this article? Several months after the French referendum, Gilles Ivaldi is trying to answer to the question “How can we characterize the disapproval of the French referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty held on 29 May 2005?” The main hypothesis...

26 Nov 2013

Uses of natural resources in the U.S

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Natural resources are essential in driving the U.S economy (Sedjo, 2013). Natural resources include all materials on the earth surface that exist by nature and used by human beings in meeting daily needs. The development of U.S economy largely depends on how such resources are exploited and used...

26 Nov 2013

Themes in Miss Julie: Gender and class differences

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

August Strindberg presents, in the play Miss Julie, a scenario of women strengths in the society (Leckie 21). One of the major characters, Miss Julie, is recuperating from a broken relationship. Two of her servants Kristin and Jean are talking about her in bad light explaining how mad she is and...

26 Nov 2013

Is the U.S. government founded on religious or secular principles?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

US documents, which range as from declaration of independence, declaration of sentiments, US constitution, bill of rights and as well as Jefferson first inaugural address, are very crucial in addressing whether the US government is founded and based under religious or secular policies. There have...

26 Nov 2013

The life and ideals of Thomas Jefferson

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Life of leaders can be marred by a lot of controversies especially when they lead a different life from what they claim to stand for. Generally, leaders are judged by their accomplishments which are mostly visible achievements. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of America, led a life of...

26 Nov 2013

Analysis of Wieland

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The novel ‘Wieland' begins with a narration in the first person point of view. The exact identity and name of this narrator is not revealed to the reader but it later appears that it is a young lady narrating the events that happened to her family while she was young. In this way, the author...

26 Nov 2013

Single parent's homes and the effects on children

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Family lifestyle is constantly changing, and almost half the number of children in the current generation spends part of their lives in a single parent family. Single parenting is becoming a normal trend mostly a result of family break-ups. The decision to bear a child by oneself is a tough...