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30 Jan 2014

Police Brutality in New Orleans

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Various forces exist in any country for ensuring peace and the provision of protection to the citizen from internal and external attack. For these forces to operate accordingly there is need for them to operate within the rules and regulations that governs their operation. Therefore, in case...

30 Jan 2014

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Every country in the world has defence forces, which is compost of the military, police and other security forces in order to protect the country from internal and external attack. For the past few years, American has remains the superpower, hence have control in the whole world in terms of...

30 Jan 2014

Energy Sources

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Energy is very essential for human survival as it provide us with comfort, helps in increasing our productivity especially in the industrial development, hence, and gives us the opportunity to live as per our desire. For instance, some of the energy sources like hydropower help in the provision...

29 Jan 2014

Venezuela and Petro Populism

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Here is the result of the referendum in February 2009 which raised the question of whether Chavez would be able to get re-elected for life, it happens at the end of his third term, former legal limit in Venezuela. So next year the president attempts to seek a fourth term and continue as its...

29 Jan 2014

Sex Education at the School

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Nowadays, people would notice that some powerful countries like the United State, England, and Japan have their own uncommon subject for the students in the school. The subject is called sex education which is taught at the school as a common subject that is same as the other subjects such us...

29 Jan 2014

Smoking Ads Slogans and people's cognitive process

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Advertising is very familiar thing in this modern era. Years ago, it might be difficult to find many publications of advertisement in any media such as newspaper, magazine, or even in television or radio. But nowadays, we can see it everywhere and easily especially in television as a visual image...

27 Jan 2014

Role of Race - The Japanese American Internment

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Japanese American internment was as a result of the Japanese outrageous attack on Pearl Harbor (Greenberg 1995). The attack thus fueled a lot of sentiments from the Americans and led to the signing of an order namely, 9066 which saw to it that Americans of Japanese ancestry were brought...

27 Jan 2014

Counseling and Homelessness

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

It has been said many times that there are three basic needs for a human being. These are food, shelter, and clothing. With the advancement of time, the list of basic needs seem to be growing longer with some things that would have otherwise been considered as mere luxuries now being considered...

27 Jan 2014

Annotated Bibliography

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Publishing your Medical Research Paper: What They Don't Teach You in Medical School was a medical book published in the year 1998 and meant to elaborate how best to publish medical articles in a scientific way. The book was written to elaborate how students can publish medical articles by...

23 Jan 2014

Serving the Bottom of the Pyramid: Between poverty, business and innovation

Case study - 18 pages - Educational studies

Since the mists of time many people have reflected and worked on the issue of poverty, Mandela (2005), in an interview, argues that ‘like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.' Even earlier it has...

14 Jan 2014

Personal portfolio example

Case study - 14 pages - Educational studies

Presently an undergraduate student, in the program BA (Honors) International Business Administration (BAIBA) in the Nottingham Trent University I know that you have an outstanding international reputation which producing highly employable graduates and I know that you develop the careers of...

13 Jan 2014

Intuition Reliability

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Intuition is a source of confusion for most people, this is because we chose to follow it, believe it, and it ends up leading us the wrong way. At other times, one may be right based solely on following their intuition. Safe to say, intuitional judgment may work in or against our favor. Intuition...

13 Jan 2014

Philosophy and the City

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The renaissance of interest in Plato among contemporary scholars may be as a result of at least three factors; First, is the increasing interest in soul as a way of understanding human behavior, which includes behavior in organizations. Secondly, is the changed attention to things historical in...

13 Jan 2014

Renewable Energy Resources

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The use of renewable energy sources is one of biggest arguments of the twenty first century. On the one side there the supporters of use of this energy for numerous reasons while n the other hand there are those opposed to the ideology. It is a controversial topic with each side providing...

13 Jan 2014

False memory aspects of recall and recognition

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

False memories maybe defined as either remembering events that never happened or remembering them quite differently from the way they happened. There are many factors that can influence false memories like misinformation and misattributing the original source of the information. Also existing...

13 Jan 2014

Death and its significance

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Death is the ending of life. When one's life ends or is over, then they are considered dead. According to Fred Fieldman, for one to be able to completely comprehend death, then one has to be able to fully understand life (1992). Death has been known of its iniquity and obscurity. This has always...

13 Jan 2014

Sample recommendation letter

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

I write this letter to recommend Duong Cong Doanh for admission to the postgraduate program -Master in Economics at University of Turin. I have been working with him since 2011 at Faculty of Business Administration, National Economics University - Vietnam. Doanh was a bright student. Based on...

13 Jan 2014

Personal development plan

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Evaluation is important stages in the self-development cycle as it would assist me discover whether it is worth in the realization of my career goals and those of the organization (Pedler 2001). The requirements of my job as a spinal research coordinator involves the liaising and coordinating...

13 Jan 2014

Casual explanations of child abuse

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The topic, which is always under discussion and attracts the attention of scientists of different fields of investigation, is child abuse. According to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA): Child abuse is any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker,...

13 Jan 2014

Eradicate crimes committed by homeless individuals and the related gangs in the United States

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

According to the recent research by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the number of homeless individuals across the country has grown to over 600,000; however, a worrying trend associated with the increase in homelessness is their involvement in crime (Saul, 2013). An...

13 Jan 2014

Sexual Predator Laws of Texas

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Texas law defines a predatory act as “…an act directed toward individuals, including family members for the primary purpose of victimization” (CSOT, 2007). Under the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Act, the State has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is...

13 Jan 2014

The cultural effects of an aging population

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The improvements in nutrition, health care, and medicine have lengthened the lifespan of Americans but with this good fortune come new challenges for our culture. The elderly population in particular is expanding at an unprecedented rate. Today, those over the age of sixty five represent around...

13 Jan 2014

Marital Rape: A Crime or a Conjugal Right?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Marital rape has been defined in various ways depending on how an individual perceives it. Individuals considering marital rape as a crime frequently define it as a non-consensual sex in which perpetrator and victim are spouses (Bennnice & Resick, 2003). Some authors have also defined it as a...

13 Jan 2014

Probation in the United States

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Karp (2002) argued that probation in the United States can be said to have originated from English criminal law during the middle ages. During these times, both adults and children were punished in the same harsh manner for crimes that were sometimes not very serious. It was common during the...

13 Jan 2014

Socio Economic Factors Influencing Delinquency

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Contemporary delinquency theories can be deployed in supporting economic deprivation as a contributing factor in elucidating many crimes, though it is directly linked to property crimes like theft (Borraz & González, 2011). However, this does not imply that the cause-and-effect association...

09 Jan 2014

Anglo-Zulu War

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In their quest to conquer as many countries as possible, the British engaged in a number of wars. Some of these wars claimed the lives of thousands of soldiers, while others were won with minimal loss of lives. The British found strong opposition in some battles and were either were defeated or...

09 Jan 2014

Partnership Confliction

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There are actually 3 partners that held vital role in the company, one of the partners, his name is Alex, and whereby holding a big share in the small business company he shows bossy, his own ego and being assertive and never listen to his partner and disobey the rules of partnership agreement,...

07 Jan 2014

The Consequences of World War Two

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

A shift in the world axis of power is seen as the major result of the war. Power shifted from Europe because most of the countries had been crippled by the war and their economies were left yearning for intervention. The war had taken place against a backdrop of world depression which made it...

27 Dec 2013

Oral de BAC : Global cities

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

A global city is a city having a strategic position in diverse domains, mainly economic, political and cultural at the world level and establishing a dynamic node of communications. Global cities as London, the second world city after New York, and Shangai, the fifth, are the leaders in the world...

27 Dec 2013

Linguistic Relativity and Cultural Context

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis about linguistic relativity suggests that the differences in languages cultural and cognitive encodings affect how people think. In other words, speakers' thinking style is defined by the cultural context which shaped the language they use. The power of language on...