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Human & social sciences

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19 Jun 2014

Globalizing World

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Humans have always settled within their own localities where they have been acquainted to as their homes and comfort zones. This has been the case for over many centuries. The constant characteristic of humans to explore and learn new things has changed this notion. Humans have continuously been...

19 Jun 2014

Futures contracts in risk management companies can use trading on a US exchange

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

A futures contract is an accord between two parties who have agreed to buy or sell a particular commodity of an agreed quantity. The agreement is based on a future transaction in which the commodity will be paid for in future at a time agreeable by both of the parties. This term is common in...

17 Jun 2014

Organic Architecture

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Organic architecture was invented by Frank Lloyd Wright to define is architectural designs. Wright was inspired by one of the people he looked up to, by the name Louis Sullivan. Organic architecture refers to use of organic or live materials to create architectural forms. He believed in the...

17 Jun 2014

Case Study of the Kosovo war of 1999

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Folker looks into the Kosovo war of 1999 between the Serbs and the Albanians the work of four different authors and in the theories that they brought forward to explain international relations will be reviewed in this paper. The paper seeks to find what theory of international relations best...

17 Jun 2014

Analysis of a Personality

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Individual personality involves a variety of seemingly long term characters. Many psychologists take the importance to describe personality by comparing people beside five extensive magnitudes. These magnitudes include: a proneness to nervousness beside with agony, craving for social association...

29 May 2014

Analysing the potential of group work to promote mutual aid and empowerment

Case study - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Mutual aid is group work where there group member is not only a recipient of help but also providers of service in enabling the group to meet its common goals and achieving its common strategy. Empowerment is both a process and a goal. It is a process that involves ongoing development of the...

13 May 2014

Williams Act and takeover defences in the United States

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

This statement will be discussed : “Without the process effects generated by the availability of takeover defense in the United States, the Williams Act would not be fit for purpose” The United States is among the countries the most favorable to the use of takeover defenses. A takeover...

13 May 2014

Criminal liability of corporations: A counter-productive policy?

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Criminal liability is one of the central aspects of a democratic system, assuring that wrongdoers will be punished for acts committed against the society as a whole. Criminal law has an important role to play in regulating the behavior of individuals, ensuring they abide by criminal law and are...

16 Apr 2014

Vietnam war: US involvement in Vietnam (1965-1975)

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Vietnam was part of the French colonial empire since the late 1850s. During World War II, the French were defeated by the Germans and the Japanese invaded Vietnam. As a consequence, the French and Japanese forces were forced to cooperate in order to rule Vietnam. The Japanese evicted the French...

10 Apr 2014

Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Sub-Saharan Africa: with its beautiful lush landscapes, diverse cultures, fantastic wildlife and wealth of natural resources there is also a huge amount of suffering. With the highest poverty rates in the world, Africa faces many obstacles on its path to development. Although its resource...

19 Mar 2014

Diversity, Equity and Standards

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Over the recent years, it has become common to talk about two Americans, whereby one of them is characterized by social and economic strife while the other is characterized by color. This has happened for centuries in the American education system. The nation has been faced with a main challenge...

19 Mar 2014

Black life in US between 1865 and 1910

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Reconstruction is a name which was given to the period between the end of the civil war in United States when federal troops were pulled out of the south. It was during the reconstruction period when the union army occupied the south. It was also during this time when the blacks voted and the...

19 Mar 2014

How research protocol would impact the medical providers' practice?

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Research puts it clear that healthcare research aids a patient and a client care through the provision of a unique scientifically based body of intensive knowledge used to make various decisions, practice and promote the professional role. The modern research protocols can be used by the medical...

19 Mar 2014

In what ways can disagreements aid the pursuit of knowledge in the natural and human sciences?

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The natural sciences seek to develop our understanding of the universe, and the human sciences to understand ourselves. Our pursuit of these Areas of Knowledge has been aided and hindered in a multitude of ways. Amongst these, the role of disagreements, in its various forms, in either spurring or...

14 Mar 2014

Waste products as unused resources

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Waste products involve a wide range of terms that encompasses most of the unwanted materials and includes, scrap materials, effluent or any unwanted surplus substance or article that needs to be disposed since it is broken, unusable, and worn out. Wastes can be categorized in to controlled...

14 Mar 2014

Child Sexual Abuse

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Child Sexual abuse and child exploitation is one of the violent behaviors children face and affects the Childs health as well as their webbings'. Over the last twenty five years, much has been written about the cycle of child sexual abuse. According to National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System...

14 Mar 2014

Educational needs of children with disabilities

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

All children with disabilities like any other children deserve a quality education that will enable them build on their skills as well as developing competencies that enable them become productive in future. Most programs have been established to ensure that these children can access education....

28 Feb 2014

Understanding disabled children with regard to their cognitive process and WISC functioning

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

Children with who have learning disabilities do face so many obstacles while pursuing their education. Determining the possibility of a learning disability among children becomes a hard task to tackle. Therefore, scholars apply the Wechsler Intelligence Scale as a test protocol; it is commonly...

28 Feb 2014

Food and Sustainability

Case study - 13 pages - Educational studies

In the early 1990s, the phrase sustainability came out as a concept meant to lower the environmental human footprint. It was seen as an approach of seeing to it that there is conservation of natural resources for future use. The concept only picked momentum after few years due to public scrutiny....

28 Feb 2014

Psychology of the Individual

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Sonny was supposed to be the next in line to take over the Corleone's crime family business although due to his ‘hot' headed temper, he lacks the restraints and self-possession that makes his father and brother, Michael so successful. He is rash and acts before thinking. He is the most...

24 Feb 2014

How does the United States foreign policy affect the war on drugs?

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The violence that the population in the illegal drug producing countries of Latin America has continued to take its toll on the population in a vicious cycle that continues to result in deaths, injury and a life if terror for many of the inhabitants. The poor civilians are caught in-between...

21 Feb 2014

Consensual relationship agreement

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Workplace romances have been common in most business organizations. A survey conducted more than 15 years ago by FindLaw indicated that 80 percent of workers have either observed or got involved in a romantic relationship while working. Romantic relationships have been in increase even though...

21 Feb 2014

Influential vocational legislation

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The American career and technical education sector has seen several legislative acts drafted and passed in order to make it better and more useful to the American people. These legislation acts are made and existing ones amended constantly to address the changing needs of the American people and...

21 Feb 2014

Impact of the Media on National Identity

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The media plays several roles in a country, its key role being to disseminate, compile, record and store information on current and past events in the country. The media is also responsible for the entertainment, enlightenment and education of its people. This role being crucial to the...

19 Feb 2014

Impact of the department of education on the US economy

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The US economy is largely influenced by consumers and producers. Government activities, however also play a huge role in molding the US economy. This is because the government is the one tasked with guiding the overall pace of the economy, maintain its steady growth, increase the levels of...

19 Feb 2014

Historical Literary Analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The 20th century saw many historical events take place. One the most significant events in the American society the fight for civil rights also referred to as the civil rights movement. The fight for civil rights in America had its roots in the 13th Amendment of the constitution which freed all...

30 Jan 2014


Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Privatization involves the transfer of ownership and the management of state owned enterprises to private firms. Governments should be less corrupted so as to increase the efficiency of state owned corporations and the public sector, promoting national security. Recently, pressure from the IMF...

30 Jan 2014

Adult Crying

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Adult crying has always been a contentious issue among all adults. Is it right for an adult to cry? How will people take an adult who cries often? What are the reactions when you spot an adult crying? These are some of the questions that run through everyone's mind when the thought of adult...

30 Jan 2014

Project Management Plan

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Organizations need to keep their working premises clean through proper arrangement of the organization document. Some of these documents are vital for future reference; therefore, organizations need to develop various structures that would help them to keep their documents. One of the structures...

30 Jan 2014

Poor Water Sanitation Management in Saudi Arabia

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Various definitions exist that describe sanitation, but according to Castro & Heller, (2012, pp34), sanitation refers to the process of keeping hygienic condition within our surrounding all the time. In the presence of poor sanitation, our healths are in danger due to various negative effects it...