Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and Dodd-Frank Act
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
From the unprofessionalism conduct of Albert Dunlap abrasive management at Sunbeam to the failure of Enron, MCI WorldCom and Global Crossing at the turn of the century, it suggests the nature of accounting scandals characterizing the US corporate sector. While the magnitude of the loss greatly...
Performance Management Systems
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Over the years, globalization has rapidly leveled the playing field for business operators, blurring the previously existing lines characterized by distinct operations attributed to the acquired comparative advantage. Additionally, with competitors bridging such features of differentiation, it...
Health Insurance and Financing in United States
Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies
The U.S health care spending has been characteristically among the costliest per individual, despite which the service quality lies overall below the anticipated delivery level. Unlike the single-payer healthcare system in the United Kingdom, the U.S operates a blend of market-based and...
Monetary and macroeconomics interrelations between countries
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
International finance is a division of financial economic that deals with monetary and macroeconomics interrelations between countries. It is also referred as international macroeconomics. It involves the economic relations between different countries and involving how the respective countries...
My Strategic Plan: Personal opinion
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Generally, a strategic plan is meant to help an individual discover his or her skill while developing them and putting them to maximum use. It is essential in ensuring the individual gains the highest rewards for effort. In contrast to a corporate strategic plan, an individual plan focuses on...
What the constitution of Roman republic entails?
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The constitution of the Roman republic was a set of guidelines and principles that passed through precedent. It was largely unwritten and constantly evolved since the founding of the city Rome to the collapse of Roman Empire. It vested the sovereign power to the king who did have checks on his...
Results of the American economic meltdown of 2008 as per the video "Inside the Meltdown"
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
The video Inside the Meltdown shows the immediate responses of various institutions as a result of the American economic meltdown of 2008. The meltdown occurred as a result of the Great Recession which was beginning to take form at this time. An economic recession is a state of...
Sliding scale education system
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Education is one of the most fundamental human requirements in the current world. It is every child's right to get education. However, most families have faced various problems in ensuring their children get proper education. Financial problems make it hard for children who come from financially...
Case study: The spitfire grill- Reasons why characters apply lies and secrets
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
The Spitfire Grill is a cinema's finest that is deeply theological in its film category and it is mainly packaged as a feel-good drama panned by a large figure of secular critics. They pay most of their attention to emotional tonalities and at the same time ignoring theological content and...
Philosophical Ethics: Equality Between Human Beings (women and men) and Animal
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Domestic animals such as horses, cats and dogs are common in most households of people who fight for human rights. Surprisingly, such people treat the animals badly and deny them the basic principle of equality that the same recognize should be extended to all members of their own species. The...
The history of the destruction of the Indians
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
Indians lived on an island that the Spaniards discovered and went there with the intentions of settling the land. King sent them to convert the natives to Christianity and save them from the eternal damnation. They later forgot their primary role and started hoarding gold. They killed millions of...
Workplace stress among the Nurses
Case study - 3 pages - Psychology
Disturbing events leave ineradicable marks on those closely associated with the incident. Those persons who are left to air or care for individuals who are undergoing traumatic events may also experience stress levels that they are not really aware. These kinds of people are oblivious of the...
Media services: Case study
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Media services come to the market with the aim of reaching a wide range of people since media is largely accessible. Netflix is a company founded with the aim of supplying internet on demands and offering DVDs online at a flat rate. The Company is officially registered as Netflix Company Limited...
The main causes of global warming
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
In the recent past, the world as a whole has come to terms with the increasing incidences of heightened and elevated temperatures across all continents. The Northern and Southern hemispheres are experiencing high temperatures and this is leading to the melting of the ice at the snow caps and this...
Person perception and interpersonal behavior
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
People behave different in different situations. Psychology has many approaches that help people to understand each other. It facilitates expression of people through personal perception, Set groupings depending on behavioral trait, gives expectations of either positive or negative altitude, set...
Religion in Nazi Germany
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Nazi German/ The Third Reich refer to Germany during the reign of Hitler and his ruling Nazi Party also called the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party). In 1933, the Nazi party took over Germany and started running the political, social and economic sectors of the country. Between...
Child Labor in India
Case study - 7 pages - Psychology
Child labor can be defined as any practice that involves employing children in economic activities either on permanent full time or semi permanent part time basis. It involves the violation the minimum age laws and include the excruciating abuse such as child trafficking, forced labor, child...
Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
Case study - 2 pages - Psychology
Regardless of the racial and gender discrimination, African-American women have built up rich intellectual tradition they are well known off. The author investigates the words and ideas of Black feminist intellectuals as well as other African-American women outside the feminist class. Patricia...
Amid An Epidemic of School Shootings, Some Teachers Are Being Trained To Shoot Back
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Rhetoric is the art of improving the capability of the speakers or writers to convince and motivate the audience in a particular direction. There are three modes of persuasion that are used in rhetoric that is; ethos, pathos and logos. (Joyce & Robert 10) Ethos is achieved by the speaker or...
Counseling Psychology: Case study
Case study - 5 pages - Psychology
Counseling psychology is a career whose specialty involves helping people gain control of their feelings. It is a class of applied psychology that uses research and applied work to give treatment to clients who experience variety of emotional, social and behavioral problems. Among other...
Chronic kidney disease education
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
Chronic kidney disease is a health condition that is characterized by progressive loss in renal function over time. The disease is detected during screening people known to be most likely to be at risk of kidney problems, for example, hypertensive people and diabetics. The difference to acute...
Nigerian War: The Ultimate Sacrifice for narrators shifting to the theme of war
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
During the 21st century, fictions have come out of Nigeria marking the attempts of dealing with displacement and identity by the childhood ideas. The attempts are not successful because it is a fact that Nigeria has transformed itself during the nineteen sixties to the nineties from the military...
Common Academic Goals in American Universities
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
A goal is a desired result that an individual makes a conscious effort to achieve (Weatherford et al., 1960). Universities are institutions of higher learning that instill technical as well as cultural and social skills to students. In the universities, the students are required to set aims and...
Recommendations for Community-Based Practitioners
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Community-based corrections have experienced significant growth in the last few years. The correction has grown unabated since 1980, and the growth has significant implications for the correction agencies on matters on how to make decisions related to caseload and workload issues. The caseload...
Positive Psychology and Judaism- "Have a Little more Faith: A True Story" written by Mitch Albom
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
In the novel, Have a Little Faith, Mitch Albom presents a true story about someone who had the fear for his Rabbi in his childhood, and began to fear faith itself into his adulthood. When he left his hometown, his childhood Rabbi asked him (Albom) to deliver his eulogy when he dies....
Miranda V. Arizona case
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Miranda V Arizona remains one of the most law enforcement cases to have ever been handed down by the United States' Supreme Court. There is no other decision in the history of United States that have ever affected the law enforcement procedures and policies than the 5-4 opinion. A decision from...
Steps Involved in Risk Assessment
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Risk assessment refers to the process of identifying the hazards that might occur, as well as, analyzing its consequences in case it happens. In as much as the five steps and their tasks are helpful in risk assessment when a terror attack on a building occurs it might not be applicable to...
Classification of Mental Disorders
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Anxiety is a typical human emotion experienced by every individual at some point in life for instance, when faced with a problematic situation or a test at school. On the other hand, anxiety disorders cause distress to the individual thus interfering with the level of normality (Connolly et...
The impacts of Great Depression on Chinese America
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The article describes a new hope for America as compared to how it used to be in the twenty first Century. American colonial rebellion led to its fight against all abusing culture that bureaucracies in Europe and China petrified. Some year back, Americans found themselves in challenging...
Birthright Citizenship Control in the United States
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Birthright citizenship is a federal law provision that grants all children born within the United States automatic citizenship regardless of their parental heritage (Lacey par 1). U.S and Canada are the lone developed countries that offer automatic citizenship to all children born regardless of...