Cape Breton Island Foods
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Cape Breton, an island in the Nova Scotia province, is known for producing the winter foods from vegetables to fruits that line the farmers' tables. In the markets for cape Breton are filled with meat, cheese and honey during the winter seasons, as well as good ethnic choices such as samosas and...
Introduction to Philosophy- Descartes, Meno and Socrates
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
In the paradox of inquiry, Meno and Socrates discuss whether virtue can be taught. In response to the paradox of inquiry, Socrates insists that the matter cannot be settled without an idea of understanding what virtue is. The paradox of the argument was that how is knowledge or inquiry be...
Benjamin Banneker, African-American mathematician, astronomer, and inventor
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Benjamin Banneker was an exceptional African-American mathematician, astronomer, and inventor. He was born near Baltimore, on November 9, 1731. He was the son of a slave man and free black woman, however, grew up as a free black and demonstrated his abilities in mathematics while attending school...
Miscommunication during and after attack of Pearl Harbor
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
The foundation of the attack of the Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941. The information in this paper discusses the lack of communication during and after the attack of Pearl Harbor. Details such as communications from Washington D.C. to Pearl Harbor conflicts in communication, and the...
Regulation of researches with human subjects
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
Research regulation in the United States and Canada should be done so as to put down laws regulating both public and privately sponsored medical research with human subjects. Such regulations should help limit violation of human rights in research and at the same time giving researchers the...
Ethos and pathos in ads on use of marijuana-Rhetorical Analysis
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Television and the internet is a good channel of passing the messages about the adverse effects of the use of marijuana. The office of the National Drug Control Policy is an American government action which depends on safeguards the health of the people of America. The "above the influence"...
Depletion of the ozone layer, resulting into submergence of the Maldives into the sea
Book review - 10 pages - Educational studies
This paper provides an elementary explanation on the continued depletion of the ozone layer that could result to a total submergence of the Maldives into the sea. There has been tremendous change in the climatic conditions, a concern that has led to disagreements and arguments among the...
Bobby v. Dixon: Does the denial of Miranda taint a later, proper confession?
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Archie Dixon, a murder suspect, claimed that the police violated his rights because they ignored his request for an attorney and by failing to Mirandize him when he was detained for forgery during a murder investigation. In a later relating to the investigation, Dixon was read his rights, and he...
There is no hope of doing perfect research, Griffith's sentiments
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The postulation that there is no hope of doing perfect research was put forth in 1998, Griffith (97). At first sight, it sounds rather vague and unfounded. Nevertheless, after proper scrutiny, I perfectly agree with it. Something is said to be perfect when it is flawless. A perfect thing is the...
Case study On Japans Changing Culture
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Panasonic was established in 1920 but it's initially it was known as Matsushita before 2009. It is one of the building blocks of the rise in Japan as a major economic power. It was a company that embraced the Japanese traditional culture. The company treated its employees with great care from...
Harvard Business Review Response
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Factually, everyone is affected by communication and information irrespective of the level of connection as vital factors in acquiring shared knowledge for improving performance capacity. Given the scope of global interconnectedness, most situational activities demand continual interdependence...
Article on-steps in implementing a change: Case study of modeling as a facilitator of change
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
In today's world, new initiatives, projects, technologies and other life changing aspects come, improve or change within a limited time and changes the way people work or approach different scenarios. Changes come with new challenges and benefits too. People are often resistant to change,...
Forensic Case Summary-Death of Otzi, the Iceman
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Otzi was found by German tourists on September nineteenth, 1991. The body was at first viewed to be a modern corpse just the several which have been discovered in the region. The body was recovered by the Austrian authority and taken to Innsbruck. The age of the Iceman was discovered to be around...
Analysis of Women in the Military
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
For a long time recruitment of women in the military was kept at minimal. However, in the present era the face of military has taken a drastic change as more and more women join the armed forces. Currently, women make up 14 percent of US forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq (Carreiras 2013)....
Ethnic studies-structural or institutional racism
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Structural or institutional racism is formed by the social, economic, political, or educational forces that foster discriminatory outcomes or give preference to members of one group over the other deriving its genesis from the concept of race. The biological fact for the race has been invalidated...
Napoleonic period French revolution unifications of Germany and Italy
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Widespread uprising, 1848 revolutions, took place across Europe with regards to the social and economic pressures as a result of the industrial revolution. The middle and working class people threatened the European conservative monarchs as they tried to found a government that would allow an...
Graduate Training in Theory construction and Sociological Theory, Barry Markovsky's Article Summary
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The study by Barry Markovsky on Graduate Training in Sociology Theory and Theory Construction aims at identifying the following variables: attitudes, beliefs, background, and practices of sociology instructors in regard to different approaches to theorizing. The study focused mainly on theory...
Large Animal Rescue- Training on Large animal emergency rescue (TLAER)
Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies
Large animal rescue the process of interacting with large animals within a rescue situation (Staples, 2006). The other name for large animal rescue is the technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue. It is a specialty form of heavy rescue and emerged in a period of the last 20 years (Lindroth, 2006)....
Pauline Epistles Reflective Essay
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The three Paul's letters (1Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus), which are also called Pastoral Epistles, are addressed by Paul to individual pastors. The first two are written to Timothy while the last is addressed to Titus. Since these three letters are for particular individual pastors, they only...
The fall of the Babylonian Empire
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Babylonia was a delightful country south of Mesopotamia. The name comes from its capital city called Babylon. Babylon's geographic location was around the Euphrates River, which was 50 miles in the south of the modern day country of Baghdad and the north of the present day Iraq. Their neighbor's...
Obesity the Slow Killer
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Obesity is a condition characterized by increased fat in the body. Obesity and being over-weight may be confusing, but they are two different things. Over-weight may be because of other factors other than fat. A person may be over-weight due to increase in the muscles or bone in the body....
Research to prove the effects of Stress to Blood Pressure
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Stress refers to the physical response of one's body because of physical or psychological pressure, which normally leaves an individual upset, and might make them feel threatened (Bailey 54). Stress is an appropriate way of the body to react to real or imagined danger in a process known as...
To what extent do you think it is possible for women to be both politically engaged feminists?
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Women are known to multitask perfectly and to handle more than one chore has never been a problem. However, as much as women want equality with men in all areas including the political field, they are not supposed to forget about what entails to be female. There comes a time that women cannot...
There are several important characteristics and ideal behaviors of youth-sport coaches
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
There has been an emphasis of involving the youth in sports. With the over indulgence of the young people in technology, there is an increased stress on young people to involve themselves in sporting activities. Youth sport is a team effort that involves the young children, parents and coaches....
Reading Strategies
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
Language instructors are usually aggravated by the fact that learners do not transfer the strategies they employ when reading in their native language to reading in the language ,they are learning. In its place, they seem to view reading as starting in the beginning and reading word by word only...
Race, sectionalism, and gender in America
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh had very little in common especially regarding where they came from; Calhoun was a leading statesman in the south and managed to reach the helm of the senate and vice presidency while Fitzhugh was a lawyer. They, however, shared the same views about slavery....
Renewable energy: case study
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
There are two main types of energy in the world. The first one is renewable energy, and the other is non-renewable energy. All the forms of energy used are classified in either of the two categories. Non renewable energy is the type of energy that has finite amounts in that they will get...
Choice of the book and its background information
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
The book reflects the business society and provides qualities that compose a modern day leader. The book's title has a hidden meaning that the authors use to highlight a great leader's important traits. The authors, Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller, are leadership experts in the corporate...
Jesus Life and Biblical Principals
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
Religion has been part of mankind throughout evolution. It entails the belief of a supernatural being or spirit that has power over man and all his endeavors. In Christianity, people believe that Jesus, God's only son, came down from heaven and died at the cross for the sins of mankind. What make...
Essay & Annotated Outline "Factors That Shape the Financial Literacy in Youth"
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
An explanatory field study by de Clercq named, Do our children know anything about money?, is vivid in illustrating financial literacy among youths in relation to how they spend money. The discussion in the Clercq's article raises the topic of why the youths do not consider saving...