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2177 results

03 Sep 2014

Diderot Encyclopedia versus the Bible

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Many people in the history have questioned the authority of accepted and canonic Bible texts, and before the authors would examine the differences between Diderot's Encyclopédie and the current text of the Bible that is used today. The below study would compare the texts, ideas and views of the...

03 Sep 2014

Euthanasia: Case study

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Euthanasia has been in the center of the public attention for decades. Different authors and politicians, religious leaders have expressed their concern about the ethical side of the matter, and various researches have been completed to point out both the positive and negative aspects of the...

03 Sep 2014

Changes Needed in Wireless Security Measures

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In the recent years home wireless threats have become extremely common. In this study we are going to review the risks and types of attacks users should be aware, when using home wireless networks. We are going to determine which type of network is more secure, and how can users protect...

03 Sep 2014

Safety of Immunization for Infants

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In the following study we are going to evaluate the risks involved when immunizing infants. There have been different studies concluded, and research made, in order to determine if the risks of the immunization or getting the illness are larger. There is a discussion among experts, so we will...

03 Sep 2014

Martin Luther's Excommunication from the Catholic Church

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Today's people tend to look back at Luther as a charismatic leader, a rebel and a missionary. Unfortunately, the organizational qualities and devotion of Luther are more emphasized than his religious journey throughout the years of reformation. The reasons why Luther created a new church are...

03 Sep 2014

Gun control in the USA

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

There are different opinions in the US, regarding to regulations on guns. There are a few main questions we would like to look into in more detail, to see if it would be beneficial to change the current legislation's. Some parts of the country are behind making the regulations tighter, and...

03 Sep 2014

Death Penalty

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Death penalty is a source of many debates all over the world. The real question is if a man has the right to judge other people's actions and take away life. Many people are questioning the effectiveness of the legal system, and as long as there is one percent chance for making the wrong...

03 Sep 2014

Advantages of public/private schools over home schooling

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

There is a current trend among parents of school-age children around the world to educate kids at home instead of in an institutional form. Although these parents want the best education and choices for their children and emphasize the difference, as well as the benefits of the home education,...

03 Sep 2014

On the Independence of the Organizational Ombudsman

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Like a creature of Darwin's fecund imagination, the ombudsman from so simple a beginning in the king's court of eighteenth century Sweden has evolved and adapted himself in the twenty-first century to suit our numerous modern organizations found throughout the world today. As per the rules of the...

02 Sep 2014

Mass media: case study

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Mass media is a specialized technology that helps in the spread of data through print, visual, digital and electronic media (Bennett, Curran, Gurevitch, and Wollacott, 2005). It involves the transfer of information from media companies to audiences through mass communications systems. Mass media...

02 Sep 2014

Local and Expatriate employees in Human Resource Management - published: 02/09/2014

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Organizations consitute people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These people have to work together in order to fulfill an organization's goals. Human Resource Management, HRM describes the management of the workforce in the organization. It is accountable for selection, assessment,...

02 Sep 2014

Legal risk of Nurses

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In today's litigious society, it is possible for a nurse to be involved in legal matters of the country she or he works for, either directly or indirectly. By understanding the cases involved, nurses can avoid many of the high risk areas of trouble. Due to the shortage of nursing officers,...

02 Sep 2014

Gerontology: Case study

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Blue zones are locations where demographic trends show longer life expectancies due high number of individuals who live above the ages of a 100 years (Wilmoth 2007). Studies from different scholars have exposed these zones whereby most of them are cut off from modernization. Research results have...

02 Sep 2014

Why did the Catholic Church bind together yet simultaneously tear apart nineteenth-century Latin American Societies?

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The Great Schism of 1054 signifies the split between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches as a result of Patriarch Michael I and Pope Leo IX excommunicates each other. In the past, there were disagreements between these churches sighting the bishop of Rome (who was the acting pope) who felt...

02 Sep 2014

The relationship between consumer education and consumer buying behavior in UAE

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Worldwide evolution is dependent on the current and great developments in the technological and industrial sectors. As a result, many players in the business environment are competing insistently in order to capture wider markets. This is greatly influenced by the business education in a country...

02 Sep 2014

How has excellence been used as a criterion for funding? Outline the critiques of this model. Find examples of arts and culture to demonstrate your case?

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Art, religion, culture and music have one thing in common; they all have a mystic power that touches our souls. Art has been for many years thought and proven to have power which sustains, heals and humanizes.This power is both frightening and beautiful at the same time. An artist is a person...

02 Sep 2014

Some questions on the UNIDROIT Principles

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

More specifically, though, the problem is about force majeure and hardship, as well as the relationship between the two concepts. The contention between the parties is essentially whether the provisions in the contract on force majeure cover the variation of price, and this may be broken down...

02 Sep 2014

In Search of Paradise

Case study - 22 pages - Educational studies

Through the small window above me I could see only a blur rush of Payne's grey that obscured the night. Lying in my dank bed, I could hear the roaring of the rain above us, above ground, accompanied by the regular dripping of rainwater onto the beds, the cupboards, and the floor. Occasionally...

02 Sep 2014

The Hague-Visby Rules and Its Alternatives

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

‘The Hague-Visby Rules 1968 built upon the Hague Rules 1924 and the United States Harter Act 1893. They were intended to balance the competing interests of both carriers and shippers. However, it could be argued that the Hague-Visby Rules 1968 failed to achieve this balance as the rules were...

27 Aug 2014

Analyzing the role of religion in personal morality

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Do religion and morality have any connections? It is a tricky question. Deeming an action as right or wrong depends on the intentions of the individuals and the circumstances that prompt their behavior (Fitzgerald 95). Hence, the need to show the connection between the religion and societal mores...

27 Aug 2014

Critical Response - Globalization and Modern Day Slavery

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Over the last decade, human trafficking has been on the spotlight. The politicians, public and even students, tend to focus on this contemporary issue since it is real. All the stakeholders share one notion since they believe that it would only take time, careful thinking and persistence to end...

27 Aug 2014

Reasons against legalization of marijuana

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Some people call it weed, pot, ganja, grass or skunk. However, its most-common name is marijuana a cannabis plant. Some people prefer to smoke while others opt to eat marijuana. The main aim of using marijuana is to entice euphoria in the user (Blundell 8). Throughout the years, there has been...

27 Aug 2014

Business Plan for Cardinal Health

Business plan - 2 pages - Educational studies

The product stands for what the organization accords, which entails making the transactions between patients and the health care medical staff much easier and faster. Cardinal health provides supply chain services that include branded and generic prescriptions, as well as OTC drug distributions....

27 Aug 2014

An analysis of Arson plus as a Noir genre

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Salman Rushdie once asserted that in the literary world, “Nothing comes out of nothing.”The implication is that every piece of artistic work garners inspiration and may be similar to other literary works thus creating allusions. Consequently, it is the reason that classical noir genre...

27 Aug 2014

Changing the attitude of stereotyping

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Cofer asserts that to end stereotyping “…the transformation has to occur at a more individual level (Cohen, Samuel S.56)” In The Myth of the Latin Woman Judith Ortiz Cofer highlights the need for individuals to shun stereotyping since it raises misplaced conceptions that breed...

27 Aug 2014

Trusts Problem Question

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

There are various ways of dealing with this group of people, in order to ensure they receive what they are entitled under the will. Firstly, HH has mentioned charitable status, and one needs to first explore whether ‘Children of Paradise' can fit under the rules governing charitable status....

27 Aug 2014

How ethical fundraising is ensured in your organization?

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Catch22 is a national charity with an income of approximately £44m. It has a complex structure based around the local delivery of a range of different services and projects for young people that are not centrally funded, but are financed largely through contracting arrangements with statutory...

27 Aug 2014

The hand that files the cradle (on Form 1040) A proposal to emulate paid parental leave through the tax code

Case study - 20 pages - Educational studies

“Sarah O. had no paid maternity leave from her college teaching jobs after her first two children were born. She had only about three weeks off, once from a semester break and once by arranging for a substitute. She could not afford to take the unpaid leave to which she was entitled with her...

27 Aug 2014

Annotated Bibliography-Should Condom be distributed in Prison?

Case study - 6 pages - Psychology

In the current decade, sexually transmitted diseases have emerged among the greatest threats across the globe. It is a threat that can wipe the human race away. It is an issue that should be addressed with care. Individuals have embraced the act of having unprotected sex and using other...

26 Aug 2014

Comparative Religion, cognitive peers

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

A cognitive peer, as defined by Tom Kelly refer to a person who posses all the intellectual virtues as the other peer. It also refers to the person who has been exposed to the same arguments as the other peer (Kelly, 2005; p.175). Kelly stated that the only question at issue is whether arguments...