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2177 results

29 Oct 2014

Supply Chain Management in Aerospace Industry

Case study - 16 pages - Educational studies

The uncertainty characterizing growth opportunities in the global economy mandates the aerospace organizations to shift focus towards improving their visibility in the supply chains. Contrary to serial identity implied by a chain, the reality in the aerospace today demonstrates a network of...

28 Oct 2014

Co-Cultures in a Multicultural Society

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

People live in a rapid changing world society that brings people of different cultures in close interaction with each other. This interaction depends on the level of sensitivity that people have for other cultural groups. The interaction is characterized by the growing need of coming together...

27 Oct 2014

Israeli court decision- Harvesting Dead Girl's Eggs Raises Ethical Issues

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The move by the Israeli court to grant permission for family members to extract and donate eggs from dead daughter raises a number of ethical issues. The couple initially wanted the extracted eggs to be fertilized with donated sperms, which was declined by the court on the argument that it was...

27 Oct 2014

Romantic Period in America/Romanticism

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The Romanticism or Romantic Period began in Germany spread to England and France, where it arrived in the U.S at around 1820. The Romantics underrated the significance of individual's expressive art, as well as, that of the society. Romanticism fosters nature's rewards, values emotion more than...

27 Oct 2014

Bangladesh Environment, Crime, And Disease

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Bangladesh is located at a unique juxtaposition of the sprawling, composite, interlinked Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river system. The river is the second largest river in the world, with an area of 1, 086,000 from the republic of China. It also passes through Nepal and India; the length of the...

27 Oct 2014

Post-colonial literature

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Post-colonial literature is a vast body of literary writing responding to intellectual discourse existing in the European colonization of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The texts aim at addressing the consequences and problems occurring during decolonization processes of countries and...

27 Oct 2014

Public Law -The Human Rights Act 1998

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Protection of human rights has been the focus of many governments and states in the world. The United Nations, for instance, has put in place a number of rules and regulations that revolve around human rights and which all members should adhere. The United Kingdom is one of the states that have...

27 Oct 2014

Letter of Advice: Interpersonal Communications

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

In this paper a will write a letter of advice to a newly engaged couple on how they can effectively use interpersonal communication to improve their relationship by discussing these five areas: •Develop strategies for active, critical, and empathic listening. •Recognize how words have...

27 Oct 2014

Final Critique Paper: X-men First Class

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Growing up I remember looking at many cartoons and reading comic books about the X-men. I often wished that I had super powers like storm or had knives for claws like Wolverine; whom I thought was the coolest of them all. I use to wonder why that had not created a movie about the older X-men...

22 Oct 2014

Literature review-Cruel and unusual punishments in the United States

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The subject of “cruel and unusual punishments” has been an issue of contention in the American States. The case of Cornealious Anderson brought the topic in the public media after a recent court case that sought to jail him for thirteen years after a decade from the time of committing a...

22 Oct 2014

Sociology-Women are still being discriminated against in the workplace

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The plight of women in the work place has been a concern since time in memorial. Women have always had a lower hand when it comes to getting jobs or getting certain jobs that may offer better wages. This is because men have always been reserved for such positions since employers feel they can...

22 Oct 2014

Discussion Essay-Should we Encourage Population Control by Limiting Family Size Given our Obligations to the Future Generations?

Essay - 8 pages - Educational studies

Increase in population has become the concern of many countries in the world. Statistics show that there has been a tremendous increase in population in the recent past. The increase in population has its positive and negative effects as well as the influence it has in the world. Availability of...

22 Oct 2014

Role and Impact of UNHCR in Afghanistan-Pakistan

Case study - 13 pages - Educational studies

The primary input of international organizations (IOs) in global governance exists in the belief that they are effective centers operating on a common agenda to promote democratic governance and foster cooperation amongst member states in developing common solutions. (IOs) roles manifest...

21 Oct 2014

Discuss the main microeconomic environmental factors affecting the junior mineral resource industry

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

This report is to discuss the main microeconomic environmental factors affecting the junior mineral resource industry. To avoid confusion the report will concentrate on the junior exploration mineral industry versus the mining industry. The mining industry is directly related to the junior...

17 Oct 2014

The charge of the light brigade: Overview of the poem and the Crimean War

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

The poem “The charge of the light brigade” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson recounts the memories of the suicidal war that was fought by the British in the Battle of Balaclava. The battle was fought during the years of 1854-1856 in Ukraine and was named as the Crimean War. It involved a total...

17 Oct 2014

Occupy Gezi Movement in Turkey

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

The Occupy Gezo movement was a heated anti-governmental protest that ran for four consecutive days in an effort to advocate the revolution of media. It had become almost a crime to use the media in Turkey as the number of people arrested, as a result, of tweeting, sharing photos and posting any...

17 Oct 2014

The willingness of Saudi Civil Defense to respond to flooding disaster at Jedah

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

The area of Jedah is prone to flooding due to its escarpment topography in the event of any exceptional storms. The heavy rain ever experienced in the area on 25th November 2009 led to the death of many people who were variously reported to be between 123 and 161. Other reports claimed that this...

17 Oct 2014

Performance Project in the Nursing profession

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

When dealing in paediatrics, the majority of the health care professionals often face a number of challenges due to their delicate nature. This is because this category of patients is composed of children, infants and adolescents who are quite sensitive to handle and thus deserve high quality and...

17 Oct 2014

Limits of international law in relation to the use of force

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Countries are allowed within the charter to build up self defence. For example the USA, recently disobeyed this. The legal advisor the state John Ballinger III stated that: ‘The global war on terror-to which some have objected, is not intended to be a legal state. Article 51 in the charter...

17 Oct 2014

United States Intelligence Community

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

President Truman in collaboration with the Congress did find out that the United States could not meet their security needs without a defined structure for decision making. They had to find a way to deal with intelligence issues in the country. On this note, the president, in 1947 , did sign the...

17 Oct 2014

Tar sands: Case study

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Tar sands occur in tailings and they are sometimes referred to as oil sands. There is no clear distinction between the two. The concept of oil sands or tar sands is well understood from Canada ( Cerclay 2) which has many industries that mine the resource. Processes have evolved over time with...

17 Oct 2014

Are African Women Portrayed Negatively in Films?

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

When the Nigerian film industry, famously referred to as Nollywood burst into the world of film-making in the early 1990s, Africans and indeed the entire black world applauded and cheered at an industry that was not only homegrown but also one that was ready to finally show the world that Africa...

17 Oct 2014

Introduction to Law and Regulatory Framework

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Conservation areas serve the purpose of retaining the originality of the buildings. Before any building or structure is put up, rules and regulations set aside by the building and control needs to be observed (Ballesteros et al., 2010, p. 200). Provisions are that the original status of the...

17 Oct 2014

Child Counseling: Case study

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

It is mandatory for a human being to go through various stages in life, whatever hardships the face at each stage. Each stage should be approached in a special manner because they are more challenging. This comes due to various challenges that people experience during the passage of each stage....

17 Oct 2014

Economic Theory of Organizations

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

World Vision began its operations in 1950 as a child-focused, community-based, integrated and interconnected Christian relief organization whose aim is to eradicate poverty by providing basic amenities like food and shelter to orphaned children all over the world. Over the years World Vision has...

17 Oct 2014

Products Liability Research Paper

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Product liability is one of the sections in the law whereby the manufacturers who make products to the public must be responsible for the injuries the products might cause to the customers. The claims which are commonly associated with product liability include the following; strict liability,...

17 Oct 2014

North Korea internal affairs and the response of South Korea and the United States

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

North Korea is considered one of the world's secretive societies and one of the remaining countries under communist rule. The country's nuclear determinations have intensified its continual isolation from the rest of the world. The end of World War II saw the emergence of North Korea in 1948 with...

17 Oct 2014

Case of Vasiliy Gorshkov and Alexey Ivanov

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There have been reports of computer crimes of late in the news and the surprising realization is that children are becoming criminal masterminds online. There are readily available hacker tools that can be used by unskilled people to wreak havoc for financial gain or just for fun. The disturbing...

14 Oct 2014

Marketing Strategies Helping UK Firms Achieve Competitive Advantage in Ghana

Case study - 15 pages - Educational studies

The participants of the survey were employees and managers of Cadbury Ghana Ltd and Nestle Ghana Ltd. We collected data from both companies to get a full overview of the cocoa industry in Ghana and challenges international firms need to face, due to the increased legislation. The two company...

14 Oct 2014

Build Moral Character Education, Creating The Educated Youths and Ethical

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Education is an investment, both for individuals, families and nations, Because acceptable or not, education san determine the success of a person's success in the future. It is not surprising that education has always been a top priority each country. Likewise with our country, education is...