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2177 results

10 Nov 2014

Transport Information Technology in supply chain

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Supply chain management is the active management of the activities related to the supply chain to increase customer value and satisfaction and achieve competitive advantage (Robert, Jan 2011). Transportation is one of the components of supply chain. Information technology is used to transform the...

10 Nov 2014

Success and Failure of Foreign Market Entries

Case study - 18 pages - Educational studies

Foreign marketing involves exchanging goods and services between various different national markets (Salman par 1). The marketing activities are coordinated and integrated across various countries that relate with each other in business. In order for a company to fit well in foreign markets, it...

10 Nov 2014

Social media advertisements

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Social media involves the interaction of people through virtual communities and networks where they share and exchange information or ideas of different kinds. Social media marketing aims at gaining attention of the existence of a certain product to a group of people, mostly referred to as the...

10 Nov 2014

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009

Case study - 15 pages - Educational studies

Over the intervening period, the world nations had prioritized efforts and initiated programs meant to attain a low-carbon environment in the future generations. Alike all conferences, the subject at the Copenhagen meeting sought to assume a cooperative approach in regenerating a future green...

10 Nov 2014

Systems Development Life Cycle

Case study - 13 pages - Educational studies

Over the years, the global demand for operations efficiency and effectiveness during service delivery has seen most corporate leaders prioritize reviewing their strategic tactics to keep up with the dynamic environment. Ordinarily, most organizational cultures emphasize sticking to the practices...

10 Nov 2014

Privatize water services or not?

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Most view of many people in the world is that water is essential, and a human right and this view was voted by the U.N General Assembly in July, 2013 (Jeneen et al., par 20). There is plenty of water on earth that can sustain the earth's population for millions of years without depletion....

10 Nov 2014

Research Paper on Lab Rotation

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

For a long time, the medial scientists have tussled with the baffling incidence of many people who feel phantom limb pain in post-amputation with others not experiencing such pain. Although they have unearthed that phantom limb pain severity varies, from mild to extreme pain. In this far, the...

09 Nov 2014

Comparison and Contrast Essay - Araby and The Lesson

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

“Araby” presents a character, the narrator, who secretly finds himself emotionally in love with a girl from his locality, but never talks his heart out. He has a caring family, his aunt and an uncle. “The Lesson” on the other hand narrates of Ms. Moore, a lady who gives back...

09 Nov 2014

Celebrity's life

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Culture defines a person or a society according to what is regarded as socially acceptable in regard to arts, manners and interactions, among others. Recently, America's celebrities dominate in influencing the culture that people are adopting. The cultural landscape is dominated by the actions of...

09 Nov 2014

Cable Network "USA Network"

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The NBC universal owns and manages USA Network, and it is the first cable channel to be launched in America in the early 1970's. It was launched on September 8, 1971. In the 1970's, the channel was one of the most recognized channels in the cable television network. In the 1970's, it switched its...

09 Nov 2014

The Ayyubid dynasty Territories

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Saladin founded this dynasty. It ruled Egypt in the late 12th century up to the early 13th century. This dynasty is what later became Iraq, Syria and Yemen. This kingdom was named after Ayyub, Saladin's father, who was a member of the Kurdish soldiers of fortune. These soldiers took service in...

09 Nov 2014

Men and Social stereotypes

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

A stereotype is a belief that is common among people or particular groups of people. Stereotypes are based on some assumptions based on people's culture. This figure of the 18th century among the Dutch shows engraved pictures of the people of the World, showing the inhabitants of Asia, America...

06 Nov 2014

Critique of Australia's Alcohol Consumption research- Morgan and McAtanmey

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Consumption of alcohol in Australia is a major issue to the law enforcement bodies. The vice attracts attention to practicing researchers like Anthony Morgan and Amanda McAtanmey of the Criminology department in Australia. Morgan and McAtanmey identify alcoholism as a big problem that exonerates...

06 Nov 2014

The Dissenting Opinion of Justice Sotomayor in Relation to the case of Brown v. Board of Education

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Racial Discrimination is a heavy matter that has affected America since its conception until the present day. Historical battles have been fought and the country has lost many of its admirable and noble leaders starting with our very own founding father Abraham Lincoln and the likes Martin Luther...

06 Nov 2014

Female Prostitution vs. Male Prostitution

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Prostitution as the world's oldest profession gained prominence during the Victorian period, a time of rigid moral principles. Feminists consider prostitution a vehicle or medium used to demean the female figure within the society, as women who are not chaste are labeled as ‘whores.'...

06 Nov 2014

Traditional marriage

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The traditional people believe that a marriage is legitimate when two private souls come into an agreement to stay together. The legitimacy of their agreement is validated by their families. Certificates are not viewed as proving to support these agreements. Marriage is sensible when it is...

06 Nov 2014

Single-System Research Design

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

ABA design of the single-system design was applied on AM, an SSRD participant who is suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS). AM is experiencing depression after he was diagnosed with the problem. Multiple Sclerosis is an immune related disease that affects the central nervous system caused by...

05 Nov 2014

Adequate cash balance-Case study of Cash Management

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Time and again, cash management has become a common phenomenon inseparable from an individual's life, following the increasing requirements to settle increasing transactions. Typically, cash management system in organizations applies the principle of making payments and cash receipts in...

05 Nov 2014

Islam and diversity

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

A fifth of the world's population is made up of Muslim believers. The religion has suffered many splits, as a result, of orthodoxy, reforms, struggle and depression. Just like the Christians, the Muslims have their own believes and pillars of faith. “Shahada,” a declaration of faith,...

05 Nov 2014

Door-to-door dry cleaning

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Nowadays, people are full of activities that time for laundry is limited to some hours. Most people find time during the weekends while others do not get time at all. The business provides door-to-door dry cleaning and laundry. Clothes are picked from the client's door, laundry done at a central...

05 Nov 2014

Exploitation of human rights of undocumented workers in the United States

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Undocumented workers area at risk throughout the American States and their lines are in danger. Their human rights are violated all times and their rights as workers abridged without the knowledge of the appropriate authorities. Protecting this group of people is becoming difficult because of...

05 Nov 2014

Pratt & Whitney Ethics and Social Responsibility

Case study - 14 pages - Educational studies

Corporate social responsibility, environmentalism and ethical principles provide a triple foundation of contemporary decision making concept for business and managing organization's activities. Considering that social awareness amongst the public and other interested stakeholders is increasing...

04 Nov 2014

The Canadian Federal Election

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The 2011 elections were instigated by Liberal party leader's motion of no-confidence. While the liberal party seemed to enjoy large support among Canadians, the results of the election would prove them wrong. The results of the party delivered the majority to the Conservative while offering NDP...

04 Nov 2014

Practical ways teachers can promote student communication and teaching of the world language- Burke (2010)

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In order to be effective in the teaching of the world language, language teachers need to find the most effective ways that will develop not only the learners interest in the language but also competence in the usage of the L2. This is because the ultimate goal of teaching a second language to...

03 Nov 2014

Syntax and Resolving Ambiguity

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

All languages tend to present their unique rules and regular patterns upon which an individual should master. This places every language as objectively economical communication platform using similar forms of phrases to serve different purposes. Typically, Syntax illustrates the relationship...

03 Nov 2014

Performance Appraisals in a Small Group and Team

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The existence of small groups and teams proves the cornerstone of sustaining organized behavior to stimulate operations within all levels of the organization. Increasingly, the latter offers a favorite channel upon which the management organizes their employees to accomplish set objectives and...

03 Nov 2014

British Policy of Appeasement: Great Britain and the Second World War

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

The policy of appeasement pursued by Great Britain in the years leading up to the outbreak of World War Two is among the most controversial events studied by historians. Assessments of the policy of appeasement offered by historians include those who criticize the actions of the British state...

03 Nov 2014

The Rise of Modern America

Case study - 12 pages - Psychology

The frame of reference attached to the stretch of years from 1865 to 1900 as ‘The Gilded Age,' implies a surface gleam where a gold coating encloses a cheap metal underneath. The justification for the gilded label comprises the rapid development and expansion of the economy, new...

03 Nov 2014

Everything You Think You Know about Risk Seems Unhelpful and is Probably Wrong

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

Over the years, risk management has become one of the business concepts which have continually shaped management thoughts and practices. Naturally, risk affects the whole world no matter the level of connection; it is inherent in all spheres of individual contacts and enterprise operations....

03 Nov 2014

Devaluation in Open Economy

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Over the years, the global economy has undergone massive transformation emerging from the desire to run the national economies under financial strength arising from the expanding international trade. Ordinarily, the international trade demand use of foreign exchange to leverage the absence of a...