Promoting, Sponsorship, Use of Celebrities and Social Advertisements
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
A green car or an environmentally friendly car refers to a car that consumes less fuel or uses energy that is friendly to the environment (Becker, 2010). Hybrid cars, such as Toyota Prius use both gasoline and electronic sources of energy, and they are, therefore, able to produce higher mileage...
Language and Cultural Identity
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Language is the use of symbols (words) to communicate. It is the most-important cultural aspect and every culture in the world communicates with their native language (Senft, 12). Language is also a tool used by archeologist to examine past activates and provide clues about cultural and social...
Invention of current modernization by earlier modernizations
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Early men lived in caves, used crude weapons for hunting and relied on gathering wild fruits for food. Today, man has built giant skyscrapers, uses the most-sophisticated technology for food production and lives in comfortable homes (Thomas, 1979). Everything developed in phases, first there was...
Innate Good of the Human Nature
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
A trait is a characteristic of a person. Human beings have many varying traits, such as shy, outgoing, arrogant, and aggressive and so on. There are potentially countless numbers of traits useful in describing human personality (Hogan, 2008). In psychology, trait theories are interested in the...
Marine Insurance Claims
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Insurance policies offer protection against loss that an insured party would experience in the event the insured risk strikes. Consequently, insurance facilitates a bearable atmosphere for one to expand ventures into opportunities of high-risk nature. However, as the level of investment has...
Health and Safety Legislation
Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies
The enactment of the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 outlined a fundamental structure, upon which other regulations have advanced. This report captures the emphasis demonstrated in its provisions requiring employers and self-employed to prioritize workplace safety. The report highlights the...
The Burden of Stigma and Discrimination to Mental Illness
Case study - 15 pages - Educational studies
Globally, information age awareness has heightened interconnected efforts underlining the essence of social inclusion in itself to counter the unjustified restrictions and stigmatizations experienced by individuals suffering from mental illness. After a series of assessments of the levels of...
Business Decision Making
Case study - 11 pages - Educational studies
Factually, every moment of life presents a set of choices with a multitude of competing possibilities on each course from available alternatives. However, given the scarcity of resources one can only choose a few of the alternatives on the basis of one judgement which culminates in life as a...
Bus Terminal-Case Study of transport system in Doha
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Time and again, the transport sector plays an iconic role of a mediator network to ensure individuals undertake their daily duties. In the era of major technological advancements spread around the globe, the transport industry has revolutionized to ease travel for many riders, so does the bus...
Differences between Kuwait Stock Market and Japan Stock Markets
Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies
Over the years, the world has witnessed major breakthroughs in business operations with accelerating capital outflow patterns symbolizing the increasing emergence of the advanced countries of economic prosperity. On a broader scale, inter connectedness of world nations has significantly...
Critical Examination of the Role of the Mentor
Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies
Over the years, the global advancements spreading in the field of medicine have gradually revolutionized the health care delivery spilling a new wave of nursing requirements in the patient units. For that reason, professional progressions for entrants in the nursing field require a program...
Early Adulthood Life
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
Early adulthood focus brings one to the realm of reality by revealing the day-to-day responsibilities and burden befalling members in this category of their personal life. In practice, every individual yearns for the betterment of the present situation in which one is raised. For instance, many...
Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Software Package and it's Impact on Social Sciences
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
This paper discusses the impacts of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) on social sciences. Social life is full of analytical demands from day to day activities that many of the programs that were initially developed have not been able to meet. The world is in the cusp of great...
To what extent can "The Road and The Handmaid's Tale" be described as political novels
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
This paper seeks to explore the extent to which The Road and The Handmaid's Tale are political novels and to justify their categorization as dystopia. The books are viewed in terms of literary quality, narrative effect and political insight. In The Road, the dreadful woman and the element of the...
Global Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
Although equated to philanthropic activities, today's investment by corporations in pro-social programs seek to create a social impact beyond building customer loyalty. With the society experiencing a myriad of issues, among them environmental sustainability and health issues, assuming an active...
The Impact of Providing Supportive Educational Environment to the Performance of Gifted Children
Case study - 17 pages - Educational studies
All over the globe, the information age has brought immense awareness amidst the social transformation emphasizing nurturing self-sufficiency skills through effective learning for all, eliminating instances of exclusion on the basis of limited proficiency and economically disadvantaged learners....
Global Developments Affected Marsh's Opportunities as a Woman
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
The experience readers obtain when interacting with the written adventure of great heroes and heroine brings imaginations to reality of the ordeals and accomplishments which various personalities encountered in their day-to-day activities. However, such experience is inseparable from the pieces...
Efficient business marketing-Ben Sherman Company case study
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
Marketing process is an act of carrying out analysis on marketing opportunities, choosing target markets, nurturing the mix of marketing and managing the effort of marketing. Potential customers are usually at the centre of the process of marketing. The process of marketing is composed of the...
Customer service improvement
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Anacceptable standard of customer service policy is becoming a major component in various business organizations due to the increased completion and customer awareness. The standard policy is essential to the management, employees and the potential customers. They enable the management and...
Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort-Clinical case of depression
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
Since time immemorial, comfort has been consistently aligned to nursing both in- and out-of-the-hospital settings. Historically, nurses were bestowed with the responsibility of providing comfort to not only their patients but also families of patients through the comfort interventions. The...
Different Perspectives on Marriage and Partnerships
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
There are changing trends in people's interpretation of marriage and partnership. To understand the issue of partnership and marriage, it is crucial to analyze different perspectives on the matter. In this context, we will look at marriage and partnerships from a Feminist, religious and social...
Managing Under Uncertainty
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
Over the years, understanding the effects of managing under uncertainty has gradually made arriving at the appropriate decisions complex in practice, than previously perceived in theory. For instance, the events of unfolding financial catastrophe and unpredictable economic downtown are the latest...
Leadership, Theory and Practice
Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies
For too long, organizations have committed to tapping the best of the technical expertise to better their chances of thriving in the competitive environment, owing to the rapid globalization. This trend emerges from the organizational requirement to apply a set of reproducible features in...
Labor Relations: Case study
Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies
Over the years, the global economic environment has assumed a volatile feature owing to a multiplicity of factors pushing for advancement to new heights of operations. For instance, globalization of market, changing consumer preferences, era of informed clientele, and unforgiving market...
Franchising - published: 10/11/2014
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
A crime is any act that is prohibited, prosecuted and punishable by criminal law (Stuart, 2001, p. 6). The modern criminologists have adopted this definition. Traditional criminologists defined crime as the violation of criminal laws, an action which is liable for summoning and sanctioning by the...
Existentialism is a Humanism by Sartre
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Sartre (1905-1980) is the best known philosopher for his untiring pursuit of philosophical reflection and creativity. His writing Existentialism is a Humanism granted him the title Father of philosophy for setting an intellectual tone on philosophy in the time proceeding...
Defense for Christianity vs. Atheism
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Christianity is a collective name given to the people who are Christians (Sue, 6). Christianity is divided into two main groups, Orthodox Christians and western Christianity. Christians believe that there exists a supreme power above them, God. Atheists on the other side do not believe in the...
Advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards by college students
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
When credit cards were introduced to students, they were viewed as advantageous, but concerns arose about the risks that they presented this group. However, the final decision that came after deliberations of University administration officials, students and organizations offering these...
Chinese American museum
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The Chinese America Museum is found in Los Angeles California. The museum is a part of a historic movement known as the El Pueblo de Los Angeles. The museum is a dedication to the history and experience that the Chinese Americans have in the state of California. Exhibited in the museum is fine...
Work in the 21st Century: Rhetoric and Composition Instructor
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Work includes all activities involving mental or physical effort that is done to achieve a purpose. It is mainly done with the aim of earning money. Career on the other side is an occupation that is undertaken for a better part of a person's life that presents life opportunities to progress....