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2177 results

14 Jan 2015

Is Facebook better than twitter?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Everyone has come across the terms Facebook and Twitter and also had a chance to use on or both the social media applications. According to Buffardi and Campbell (2008), these two terms stir up opinions, experiences and feelings since some love Facebook or Twitter than life itself while some do...

14 Jan 2015

Personality Theorists of Psychology: Carl Rogers

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Carl Rogers is one of the most famous American psychologists and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology. He was born in the 8th of January 1902 in Illinois and died on February 4th, 1987 of a heart attack. Rogers received his Ph. D in psychotherapy in 1931 from the University...

09 Jan 2015

Vincennes Zoo: Case study

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The Colonial Exhibition in the early arts summarizes the three main goals of world exhibitions. According to anthropologist, they tried to deliver a "encyclopedic discourse"(Over the life of the colonized, their cultural specificities), exposing masterpieces to legitimize colonization and the...

09 Jan 2015

Boredom: Is there a cure?

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

Ask yourself this question which is essential when we know that we will be interested in the school boredom. Indeed, many people believe that it is possible that the school is no longer boring. But can it really cure boredom? The authors believe that a cure boredom admits outnumber those who...

09 Jan 2015

The Republic, Community, Privatization

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

We must first clarify that it is not a question of opposing a multicultural society to a "monocultural" society. Our society is multicultural, and is a long time. She characterizes not only France since the 30 boom. We have always had several cultures cohabiting in our territory. The problem is...

09 Jan 2015

Beowulf Heroic Code

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Holt & Tom (26) claim that one of the main critical agreements is that Beowulf is a heroic poem from which there is the emergence of the great Geatish warrior as an embodiment of the Germanic heroism characteristics. Beowulf is always on toes to pull out extraordinary courage and strength in the...

08 Jan 2015

Connotations associated with boredom

Case study - 13 pages - Educational studies

If boredom has a rather negative connotation is that a priority the most general sense, boredom is to feel the pain of absence. Boredom is a dismal state of life. The trouble is lack of beauty. Ugliness is evidence of boredom [Nahum-Cluster, 1995]. The subject bored does not feel "brilliant"....

08 Jan 2015

Boredom : Case study

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

As "the school boredom" does not exist as such, it seems worthwhile to explore other fields of knowledge, philosophy, literature, psychology to try to learn more about the concept. Indeed, if "the school boredom" was never defined, boredom, he has inspired many developments. It will obviously out...

08 Jan 2015

Social boredom

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

We did not mind in the same way in a classroom, and a Sunday rainy afternoon. However, it can be noted some similarities to what V. Nahum-Cluster [1995, p. 34] calls "the ordinary social nuisance" and refers to the following performances: "ordinary social boredom makes us think so loose, the...

08 Jan 2015

The dictatorship of the majority vs. the dictatorship of minorities

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The tyranny of the majority does not seem enviable, but it is paradoxically the own democracy, which gives full legitimacy to the number and not the optimal result / rational optimum. This expression borrowed from Tocqueville would be the product of "belief in equality." Tocqueville believed that...

08 Jan 2015

Community supported agriculture (CSA) - CSA UBC Farm

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

This essay investigates what motivates members' in joining and remaining in the CSA. It also investigates the ability of CSA program to develop social capital within the surrounding community. Farm is an important asset to the UBC community since its value increase with time and its availability...

08 Jan 2015

The worst economic crisis - Late 1970s to early 1980s

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The worst economic crisis that happened in the world history occurred between the late 1970s spreading over the years to early 1980s. The USA was one of the world economies that were greatly hit by the economic downturn. The debts escalated and savings went down in the American economy leading to...

08 Jan 2015

European Union Influence in International Political Economy

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

International political economy is a field that tries to understand global and international problems through an electric interdisciplinary array of theoretical perspectives and analytical tool. It encompasses analysis of political economy in the global trade, international finance, multinational...

08 Jan 2015

Ethical case study

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The issue facing Lisa as the Finance manager of the Home and Personal Care Products is proving to the CFO of the company that was acquired why the marketing costs were not to be capitalized. She was concerned about maintaining ethical standards when the acquired company was coming together with...

06 Jan 2015

Core values of International Relations - Saudi Arabian national Constitution

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The Saudi Arabian national Constitution and concept of rule of law is based on the Qur'an, which identifies itself as the rule of law. The 1992 Constitution or the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia clearly states that the kingdom is a sovereign State with Islam as the religion of the nation. It is...

06 Jan 2015

Blocking websites - China- control, and consequences

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

China has an internet connection that is censored. Internet censoring is done by the use of the Great Firewall of China. This is considered as the greatest, most extensive and advanced internet censorship in the whole world. There are several reasons why China censors content. Mostly it is...

06 Jan 2015

Mechanism of Multidrug Transporter- Proteins

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Multidrug transporters are proteins that exist in the membranes of almost every cell. These proteins bind to numerous compounds that are dissimilar both structurally and chemically and efflux them from a particular cell. The process of cytotoxic compounds removal is aided by proton motive force...

06 Jan 2015

The state secrets doctrine/privilege - civil liberties

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The state secrets doctrine/privilege is a rule of evidence that when applied in a court of law excludes certain evidence from a suit on the ground that it falls under state secrets. The affidavits are produced by government agents with a view to stopping legal proceeding for they may harm...

06 Jan 2015

San Joaquin river restoration program - research paper

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The SJRRP is a wholesome long-term project to return the San Joaquin River flow that originates from the Friant Dam to the intersection of the Merced River. It is also projected to maintain thriving Chinook salmon fish in the river while at the same time preventing overflow of water that may...

05 Jan 2015

Leadership: Case study

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

People and Scholars generally view leadership in very different angles than they did in the past generation. Leadership has changed over the past decades. Leadership, in the past decades, was something that was done by the book and was straight forward and was easy to learn. Currently, leadership...

11 Dec 2014

Social and Cultural Factors Giving Rise to Depression and Anxiety

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The World Health Organization further explains that anxiety disorder and depression are characterized by factors such as emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms that build an uncomfortable feeling that is usually described as uneasiness. Worry is usually followed by symptoms like fatigue,...

11 Dec 2014

"I Hate Homework. I Assign It Anyway"

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The article discusses the argument of Jessica lahey who is currently a teacher. She discusses the topic of homework that is very crucial in the education sector. Teachers are responsible for assigning homework to help students improve academically, but she comes out open to criticize the issue....

11 Dec 2014

Astronomy: Case study

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Astronomy is classified as a natural science that included the study of celestial objects such as stars, moon, planets, galaxies and nebulae. In addition, it also deals with the physics, chemistry, and the objects evolution, and phenomena that originate outside the earth's atmosphere. Astronomy...

08 Dec 2014

From a David to Another

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The term "Rinascita" from which comes the word Renaissance, was coined by Giorgio Vasari (1568) to indicate a cycle, he identified, starting with Giotto and continuing with Masaccio, Donatello, Brunelleschi and culminating in the figure of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Especially in Italy, following...

02 Dec 2014

Massive Open Online Courses

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are teaching plans that happen to be internet based giving them the capability of simultaneously handling thousands of students based in different geographical locations globally. The MOOC trend of learning in higher education was introduced during the summer of...

26 Nov 2014

Comparison of the media systems between USA and China

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Media is an overall term used to identify the different types of mediums that enriches us with vital information and knowledge (Sarah, 2011). It is a flow of information running throughout the society in a form of print, visual and audio mediums known as newspaper (newsletters, magazines and...

25 Nov 2014

How Homosexual Engage in Emotion Management?

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Emotions are at the center of everyday interactions; they motivate behavior, shape, and affect self and social control. Emotion management is being open to feelings, reflect and control emotions, engage or detach from emotional states. Emotional control allows one to follow emotions in their...

25 Nov 2014

Articles of Confederation

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Article II played the greatest part in keeping the central government weak from 1783 to 1787. The article required each state to retain its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, all the power, jurisdiction, and right, which were not delegated to the by this United States central government....

24 Nov 2014

Building an acceptable Mother-Daughter relationship

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Most generally than not, mothers tend to accept an already absolute band amid they and their children, during the stages of pregnancy. And from the aeon they are brought forth, a dematerialization of that accustomed band or accord occurs as time passes, and this is mostly apparent if it comes to...

24 Nov 2014

Religion and social development- Case study of Nazi Germany

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Nazi German/ The Third Reich refer to Germany during the reign of Hitler and his ruling Nazi Party also called the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party). In 1933, the Nazi party took over Germany and started running the political, social and economic sectors of the country. Between...