Ethics, policy issues, care coordination, ANA American Nurses Association, Nurses' Code of Ethics, Affordable Care Act, confidentiality, patient data security, patient autonomy, state policy provision
First, we will examine the moral and regulatory implications of care coordination within the ANA (American Nurses Association). Then, we will examine how government policies affect healthcare accessibility, focusing on the American Nurses Association's advocacy efforts. We will also discuss ethical quandaries emerging from policy provisions and the ANA's role in resolving them. In addition, we will look at how the nurses' code of ethics interacts with ANA priorities and affects care coordination. Finally, we will highlight ethical and policy difficulties and propose answers, drawing on ANA's expertise to encourage collaboration and partnership in tackling these issues.
[...] Conflicts of interest and ethical decision-making among ANA members substantially impact care coordination and patient outcomes. The American Nurses Association addresses healthcare policy concerns through legislative lobbying to elevate nursing practice and ensure fair access to quality treatment. Based on the nurses' code of ethics, the ANA upholds ethical standards and promotes professional integrity. References American Nurses Association. (2020). Ethics and Human Rights. ANA. American Nurses Association. (2021). About ANA. American Nurses Association. ANA. [...]
[...] First, we will examine the moral and regulatory implications of care coordination within the ANA. Then, we will examine how government policies affect healthcare accessibility, focusing on the American Nurses Association's advocacy efforts. We will also discuss ethical quandaries emerging from policy provisions and the ANA's role in resolving them. In addition, we will look at how the nurses' code of ethics interacts with ANA priorities and affects care coordination. Finally, we will highlight ethical and policy difficulties and propose answers, drawing on ANA's expertise to encourage collaboration and partnership in tackling these issues. [...]
[...] It promotes justice, cultural competency, and trust in nurse-patient relationships, encouraging open communication and honouring different perspectives. Ethical leadership, compassionate end-of-life care, ongoing ethical education, and collaboration with healthcare teams all demonstrate the ANA's dedication to ethical practice and patient well-being (American Nurses Association, 2020). By advocating for moral behaviour and guidance in difficult healthcare circumstances, the ANA assists nurses in maintaining professional standards while supporting the best interests of patients and communities, advancing healthcare quality and patient outcomes. Slide Ethical Dilemmas Ethical quandaries within the American Nurses Association (ANA) develop in complex healthcare circumstances where competing ethical norms or ideals clash. [...]
[...] (2019, October 20). Federal Advocacy Library. ANA. ANA Center for Ethics and Human Rights. (2020). ANA Position Statement: The Nurse's Role in Addressing Discrimination: Protecting and Promoting Inclusive Strategies in Practice Settings, Policy, and Advocacy OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Chiu, P., Cummings, G. G., Thorne, S., & Schick-Makaroff, K. (2021). Policy advocacy and nursing organizations: A scoping review. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 276-296. [...]
[...] Duquesne University School of Nursing. (2020, June 5). Ethical Issues in Nursing: Explanations & Solutions. Duquesne University School of Nursing. Varkey, B. (2021). Principles of Clinical Ethics and Their Application to Practice. Medical Principles and Practice, 17-28. [...]
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