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Tutorials/exercises in educational studies

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20 results

11 Oct 2024

Personal Reflection on Integrative Studies and Life's Trajectory

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies

Integrative Studies is the way forward in educational development, where the link and common ground between different disciplines are pursued to greater heights. In its general mission, interdisciplinary studies is about combining different stones or two concepts from a particular discipline to...

21 May 2023

James's Holidays in Dominica: English Comprehension

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Educational studies

The document is a set of corrected exercises on the comprehension of the text "James's holidays in Dominica". It includes exercises of comprehension and grammar.

21 May 2023

Skills assessment test - Questions and answers

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies

The document is a corrected skills assessment test in English. It includes exercises of comprehension and grammar.

28 Aug 2013

The legal and political issues of Darfur

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies

In 2003, the escalation of conflict in Darfur has been one of the biggest humanitarian crises of the twenty-first century. The United Nations did not call it genocide and sent only a limited number of mediators and United Nations personnel to Sudan. There were many conflicting reports on...

29 May 2012


Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies

According to the Theravadan tradition of Buddhism, the woman violated two of the important five precepts of Buddhist ethics. By attempting suicide, she violated the first precept, which is to avoid taking life, including the life of oneself in addition to the third parajika in the Vinaya, which...

23 May 2012

Research about China/US student exchange programs

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Educational studies

Study in the US has been and still a major objective for Chinese students, as different surveys like the one recently carried out by Art & Science Groups have pointed out. The Art & Science Group is an organization dedicated to advising US academic institutions on their enrollment practices....

08 May 2012

Essay on models of health such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and living well, naturally- Select and examine the model that best reflects your own personal approach to health

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Educational studies

During recent decades, a number of health models and diet programs have emerged, and intended to help people to live a better, healthier and happier life. In this respect, the media have focused on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and other well- knows diet methods, as a source of inspiration for...

08 May 2012

Essay on asylum seekers, refugees and illegal immigrants in Australia: Outline the socio-political consequences

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Educational studies

The asylum of refugees and other foreign citizens in need has become the focus of debates and public opinion during recent years. Socio-political commentators in countries all over the world have examined the issue and provided a wide range of opinions on the subject, from those in favour of...

08 May 2012

Was the Battle of Gettysburg the most important battle of the Civil War and was it the turning point in the war?

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Educational studies

The battle of Gettysburg is one of the best known combat actions in US history. The battle, which only lasted three days (1st - 3rd July, 1863), saw the fierce confrontation between the Unionist soldiers of Major General George G. Meade versus the Confederate army of General Robert E. Lee. The...

26 Mar 2012

Environmental sustainability of events

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Educational studies

In this report the author aims to educate the readers regarding environmentally sustainable event management. The author believes that in today's trend it is very important not only for event managers but also people from all other sectors to think about our environment and how our day to day...

06 Apr 2010

Study on the effectiveness of corporate education service with comparison between offline and online education service using SERVQUAL model

Tutorials/exercises - 17 pages - Educational studies

In this research, we empirically evaluate the difference between off-line and on-line corporate education services in terms of their service quality levels. Especially, in order to judge the efficiency and effectiveness of the increasingly popular on-line educational service and to provide a...

17 May 2009

Higher educational systems: A Comparative Study between China and UK

Tutorials/exercises - 32 pages - Educational studies

Through analyzing and comparing others' research, history of Chinese and British higher educational systems, and the current situation of the two systems, we can find that there are four major parts we can learn from British higher education, including improve transparency, enhance relevant...

05 Nov 2008

A second chance:A report on the effects of after-school programs and the prevention of delinquent behaviors

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Educational studies

Research shows that delinquency among children and adolescents is an extremely prevalent social problem, especially among adolescents in poverty stricken neighborhoods. Studies have shown that these kids are twice as likely to use and abuse drugs, participate in gang related activities and have...

06 Oct 2008

Affects Of teaching techniques & styles on student learning

Tutorials/exercises - 16 pages - Educational studies

This project endeavors to reveal, present and discuss the idea that a wide and various array of teaching techniques proves effective in improving the functionality of instructors as tertiary educators. It emphasizes the central role of varied communication in the teaching process and covers the...

20 Jul 2008

Staying afloat: Income and poverty determinants for Southern Maine

Tutorials/exercises - 22 pages - Educational studies

In this study I will be looking at data from the Southern Maine subset within the 2000 United States Census. This sample includes a 5% random sampling of the residents of Androscoggin, Cumberland, Kennedy, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and York counties. The data that I will use comes from Integrated...

09 Jul 2008

The relationship between drop-out rates and high-stake exams

Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Educational studies

Issues on education took up a complicated level wherein the micro aspects of this pervasive social institution are given much scholarly attention. Recently, a concern about the effect of increased use of high-stake testing on students' academic performance has baffled the intellectual circle....

24 Apr 2008

The Creation of a Special Education Graduations Requirements Committee and Creation of Special Education Graduation Requirements Framework with regard to the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

Tutorials/exercises - 15 pages - Educational studies

What does a high school diploma signify? Does it signify mastery of a specific subject set? An ability to succeed in college? An ability to obtain gainful employment? A high school diploma is a nationally accredited document, a document has benefits including, enabling a person to be eligible for...

03 Jan 2008

The Practice of Sophism in Athenian Politics, Religion, and Decision Making

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Educational studies

In this paper I will discuss the study of sophism as a system of education in ancient Greece and the ways in which it impacted the inhabitants and the conflicts of the ancient Greek society. In the first part I will discuss the subject matters that sophists taught, the reasons why young...

02 Oct 2007

Inclusion: Should general education and special education students share a classroom?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Educational studies

“In special education there is a presumption that student success occurs most effectively and efficiently when children with disabilities actually receive education services in general education classrooms and are not removed or segregated in separate education classes” (Luster and...

30 Aug 2007

Censorship in School Libraries

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Educational studies

Public middle and high schools across the nation are pulling books off library shelves because parents, administrators, or teachers deem them inappropriate for student use. By removing books from libraries, faculty and parents are putting students in these censored schools at a disadvantage...