Literature review, data, methodology, correlation table, model, theory of change, regression analysis
To what extent does physical education imparted in school affect the level of physical activity in school-going adolescents in NY?
[...] ➢ Ramsey and VIF tests on original equation with pvalue 0.000 and 2.52 respectively 20X X 20X X 20X X 20X X A few limitations this study faced DISCUSSION ● Omitted Variable Bias ● Misspecification Error ● Challenges to External Validity ● Cannot use Interaction and instrumental variables and fixed SUMMARY MODEL ● Omitted variables and heteroskedasticity ● Addition of variables to improve the efficiency. ● Negligible level of multicollinearity. FUTURE SCOPE ● Use data from non-self reported surveys. ● Comparison of NY with other states to solve for external validity issue. ● Video games habit, proximity to parks, race, IV's POLICY ● Complementary phenomenon and learning curve to be studied by policy makers. ● Inclusion of physical education programs. ● Grant application for schools. [...]
[...] ➢ Cannot use interactions or instrumental variables and fixed effects . ➢ White's test for homoscedasticity has p-value 20X X 20X X 20X X 20X X HYPOTHESIS TESTING ACCEPT H1 ● Physical education and physical activity are positively correlated. REJECT H2 ● Parent's income is positively correlated with physical activity. ACCEPT H3 REJECT H4 ● The correlation between physical education and physical activity is stronger for boys than for girls. ● Negative correlation between physical activity and the percentage of sugary drinks/sodas consumed by school-going adolescents. [...]
[...] ● (Shan XY, et al, 2015), soda consumption is a good predictor of teenagers' diet and high soda consumption is associated with low levels of P.A . Introduction of Model logAverageStepsday = logEduclevel2 * logObesityWeight * i.Gender1* logJanMar2011 * logincome *PercentofStudentWhoDrankSoda* PercentofadultsAged18years ● H1: Physical education and physical activity are positively correlated. ● H2: The correlation between physical education and physical activity is stronger for boys than for girls. ● H3: Parent's income is positively correlated with children's level of physical activity ● H4: Physical activity is negatively correlated with the consumption of soda. [...]
[...] The relation between physical activity and physical education - Econometrics Research Project Literature Review ● The literature focuses on P.A.'s effect on obesity and health problems such as diabetes. Today, physical inactivity is responsible for of deaths globally (P. Ekkekakis, 2009). ● (Carrell et al & R.R. Pate, et al 2006), P.E. is an efficient strategy to promote children's physical activity participation. ● (McKenzie et al., 2006), adolescents spend a large part of their day at school. An increase in P.E. [...]
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