A study of Franco-Manitoban cultural identity
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
I have opted to focus my attentions on Manitoba's French Canadians for the purposes of this assignment. I was able to interview Pete Vandal , a 51 year old father of three, about his thoughts on Franco-Manitoban culture and identity. As this cultural group is one of considerable importance in...
What parents consider before sending their child to school
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
Samples for the study consisted of randomly selected parents at various colonies from different occupation. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Data were collected from the targeted customer. Questionnaires were handed over to them with a request for filling on the spot. Due...
The value of using 'critical reflection' as a teaching tool
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
Increasingly, health care professionals are required to utilize reflective practice both within their initial training and continuing professional development. It is also seen as a Higher education transferable skill, evidence of which is required by Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). Within this...
Student nurse placement within a health center
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
The objective of this essay is to analyze the mentor role of a pre-registration student's placement in the field of district nursing. During the essay the student's true identity will not be revealed for reasons of confidentiality and so will be called Jane. Jane was due to start a six week...
Entrepreneurship development and the education industry
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
The education industry comprises all businesses and organizations that are primarily concerned with the provision of education. Deemed as a common channel to communicate with parents by some schools. The reality is: Mobile penetration is much higher and among the families which do not own or use...
Evaluation of teacher's attitude: A way to measure a teacher's performance
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
It is a billion dollar question arising in the mind of management experts that whether student satisfaction is related with the performance of teacher? Caldwell & Jenkins, 1985; Cashin, 1988; Marsh, 1984; Mims & Heller, 1987 consider it to be a most valid measure whereas Gaski, 1987 feels that...
OLPC (One laptop per child)
Thesis - 10 pages - Educational studies
There are more than a billion children out there who possess raw talent that is completely untapped through lack of resources and opportunity. Africa and South America, it can be argued are the poorest continents in the world with people struggling to attain life's basic necessities. Would it be...
How does education determine people's life chances?
Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies
In order to answer the question, "How does education determine people's life chances?" I am going to look at education in the sense of learning opportunities provided by the state and concentrate on issues of social class, race and gender. Life chances is a very vague phrase which could...
Negative emotions, dropping out of high school and drug use
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
Sociologists study the dynamics of the self, interaction, social structure, and culture. Questions such as the following are raised: What self-processes emerge over time, and within and across what situations? What occurs when individuals take account of each other? How do people build,...
Youth crime in high schools: A theoretical discussion
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
No study of youth crime would be complete without an examination of how it applies within high schools. The presence of disorder and delinquency in school and on school grounds is a growing problem. Most secondary school have some students who disrupt the classroom and threaten the safety of...
Virtual classroom system
Presentation - 29 pages - Educational studies
The present system is a manual system or a semi-automated system. Manual system involves paper work in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintaining critical information in the files and manuals is full of risk and a tedious process. Proposal: Developing a virtual classroom...
Theism in a postmodern world
Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies
Whither is God, he [the madman] cried. I shall tell you. We have killed him - you and I. All of us are his murderers. But how have we done this?...God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. In today's postmodern world, people are so consumed with...
Factors affecting voluntary termination from MSW distance learning programs by students/candidates prior to completion of degree requirements
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
Study Goals: To determine factors that influence MSW students, in a distance learning program conducted by a state-supported university, to discontinue the program prior to completing degree requirements. To investigate whether discontinuation reasons are idiosyncratic or if there are patterns...
UK Education: An analysis of the significance of gender at key stage 5 and beyond
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Recently it has been argued that the underachievement of boys has been happening for many years (Epston, Elwood ET. Al. 1999), it was simply the fact that female students were prevented from entering schools that enable this to go unnoticed for so long. During the days of the 11 plus it was well...
An outline of the various opportunities available for those pursuing a career in nursing
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
There are thousands of different job opportunities throughout the world. Most of these jobs have branches that give a person even more opportunities. Although nursing has not always been broad, nursing in the present day has many different positions that a person can fill and is a great example...
Labor study of education in New York: Elementary and secondary teachers
Essay - 8 pages - Educational studies
Public school teachers in New York City play a crucial role to the functioning of the city. Teachers are one of the greatest influences in the life of a child. However, it is important to understand that being a teacher is not just a role; it is an occupation. This paper will explain what one...
A discussion on the theories of the child and the inextricable link to education
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Educational provision has always involved much more than the ways of accumulation of academic knowledge. It has been central to the processes by which ideas of childhood has been socially constructed and, therefore, its history has much to tell us about the development of different educational...
School's responsibilities towards child abuse, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Creating a safe and learning environment in today's modern society has become extremely difficult not only for educators but also for parents. The need and demand for better education is no longer clear-cut because the demographic is dynamic in every sense of the word. Children with different...
Educating a multicultural America
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
No one would accuse one of the greatest of all political figures in American history, Abraham Lincoln, of being against equality. In his time, America had already experienced the stresses of immigration. There were German immigrants who fought to speak their own language. There were Irish...
Parent's responsibility: The moral development of their children
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
In today's culture the deprivation of morality seems to pervade into every realm of society; the home, the school, the church, the government, the media, etc. Why has our country apparently become void of components that encompass the definition of a moral society or rather, a moral person? Who...
Who holds the responsibility for the moral development of children?
Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies
On initial consideration, the question posed here seemed to bracket nicely few main points of the subject, but that impression appeared to be wide of the mark, especially when it came to making judgments concerning the notions of "morals" and "morality". Really, what is a morality? What does it...
Social policy and legislation in early childhood
Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies
The aim of this paper is to create a report for a follow-on research and critical review of the government implementation of the Code of Practice (2001) and its impact on identification and assessment of special educational needs in the early years setting (a nursery). For this purpose,...
Behaviour management in primary school classrooms
Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies
The aim of this essay is to create a body of knowledge for follow-on research in the field of behaviour management in primary classrooms. For this purpose, information was gathered through observations, as well as through the study and analysis of materials presented in books, research journals...
Critical evaluation of research methods in education
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
On initial consideration, the question posed here seemed to bracket nicely few main points of the subject, but that impression appeared to be inequitable, especially when it came to making judgments concerning different methods and approaches to research projects. The word "method" is derived...
Teaching children reading and writing
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
The aim of this essay is to create a body of knowledge for a follow-on research on the patterns of emergent reading and writing in young children in relation to the underpinning philosophies of two different instructional approaches - the Phonics approach and the Whole Language approach. For this...
To passively match or to actively change: Evaluation of studies and some thinking on matching instruction to student learning style
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
The term instruction refers to education (teaching of knowledge) or teaching (a form of instruction). Applying the knowledge concerning learning style in educational area, it's assumed that matching instruction to students' learning style would make the instruction more effective; on the...
Welcome to dear France: foreign student integration report and interview
Essay - 22 pages - Educational studies
Cross-cultural, Intercultural, relations, conflicts, shock of culture, ethic stereotypes, religious war, terrorism, civilization When there are too many words to decrypt the world, it is sometimes important to catch the opportunity and to try to change some points of view. Mass media always...
Higher education in Europe as an institution
Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies
Aristote was asking what the purpose of education was. He gave the following answer: education has to produce learned men, education has to be done in virtue and finally, education has to satisfy the material needs of society. Centuries after this Aristote's definition, there is no doubt that...
The creation of the faculty of economics and business at the University of Sydney at the turn of the twentieth century
Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies
The creation of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce spread over the last two centuries. Throughout its foundation, this essay will deal with the Australian society over that period from the conception of this Faculty in 1850 to its effective creation in 1907. It will also relate to broader...
On the way to a successful integration on a US Campus. How can a French student succeed his integration?
Essay - 23 pages - Educational studies
What makes 600 000 young people from all over the world come to study in the United States? Is it the reputation of the US degrees? The efficient teaching methods or the life on campus? Studying in the United States is a myth for a large number of students in the world. A lot of movies and series...