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Educational studies

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1195 results

17 May 2013

School dress codes and uniforms

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

School dress codes have been a highly controversial topic for quite a long time now causing the legislative authorities a hard time. It seems that ever since Mary Beth Tinker, a 13-year old junior high school student decided to join a group of students that were protesting about the Vietnam War...

14 May 2013

Homeland/organizational culture analysis

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Culture can be understood as values, beliefs, characteristics, or customs of a society or community that can de described by everything from religion, arts, social habits, and language. The American culture is unique and widely influenced by many types of individuals. America is the land of...

07 May 2013

Filibuster reform

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Change is an inevitable part of life. Changes are made daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly. Without them progress would be impossible. However, it is necessary that certain portions of the original object are still relevant in any change. An example of change being necessary may be...

07 May 2013

Affects of the Roman Civilization on Modern Society

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Nations may be influenced by a variety of elements. No nation will come into existence without the assistance of another. Rome was a civilization that greatly influenced other nations. These influences are plentiful. In addition to the influences being plentiful, they are long lasting. The...

06 May 2013

Leadership: Implementation and analysis

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Leadership, the action of leading a group of people or an organization. Often confused and associated with intimidation and insecurity, in my opinion, I am an individual who would like to be viewed as not a leader, but one who leads. When applying leadership to one's career, one is lead to one...

30 Apr 2013

Ethical issues regarding social networking

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The popularity of social networking sites is a relatively new phenomenon Within the past 10 years several evolution have been made. Most are positive, but some are negative. With this phenomenon there has also been several sites that have reached iconic status. Some have reached this status for...

30 Apr 2013

Government involvement in childhood obesity

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Everyone will die at some point. However, this date may be postponed by certain actions. Healthy eating choices are a primary action that will ensure a longer life. This is a practice that is established in the households of America. Therefore, to prevent unhealthy eating habits and obesity,...

23 Apr 2013

Interactions between Native Americans and White European Settlers

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Interactions between Native Americans and White European Settlers can be traced back to the late 1400's. (Dempsey) These groups shared many similarities and differences including but not limited to: lifestyles, methods of hunting and traveling, cures for various illnesses, and methods of...

23 Apr 2013

Gun rights

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The United States Constitution grants all Americans the right to possess guns. This right has been the topic of several disputes throughout the history of the country. Recently this right has been challenged again. This is due to several instances of violence occurring within months of each...

23 Apr 2013

Slavery in its entirety

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There are many events that occurred in the past that are hard to imagine today. Some of these events are easier to envision because of the stories that have been saved for centuries. Slavery is one event that is hard to believe occurred. Due to several journals and records it is possible to...

23 Apr 2013

Galileo and his contribution to science

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. When he turned eleven he was sent to monastery and when he told his father that he was interested to become a monk he was immediately withdrawn and sent to study medicine in the University of Pisa. When he turned twenty he discovered something...

23 Apr 2013

Provide a description of the various market entry strategies into a foreign country and critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital - the world's best talents and greatest ideas” (jack welch, 2009) Now all the countries are sharing their market together and that because of the...

18 Apr 2013

Choosing careers in health care for job security

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Despite slow recovery of economy battered by recession followed by credit crunch, overall poor economic growth and unstable stock markets, job prospects in health care is bright in the USA, UK and many other countries. In fact, health care is a very demanding sector where career growth is...

08 Apr 2013

Letter to the editor: Fierce debate after Newton shootings - Where was God?

Sample letter - 1 pages - Educational studies

The most debatable topics in the news today are varying from the lack of gun control all the way to teachers concealing weapons during school hours. In the aftermath of the Newtown shooting, these controversial topics have become more and more disputable. The root cause of these issues in...

03 Apr 2013

The BP oil spill - Macondo Blowout crisis

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

This brief aims to investigate the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 in regards to proper crisis planning, communication and management to ensure smooth business continuity after such a critical incidence. The notion that crises have a recognizable life cycle is a constant theme...

03 Apr 2013

Indian economic crisis

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The roots of the 1991 currency crisis in India can be seen during the entire decades that precede it. As a matter of fact it lies in the large and persistent macroeconomic imbalances that developed over the 1980s. A close examination of the government expenditures, over the 1980s, suggests that...

08 Mar 2013

Go to the paddle tail route: Sometimes it's just the best way to go

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

As bass anglers we all are looking for ways we can catch more fish, many of us go the route and try to cover more water faster hoping to pick up as many bass as we can as quick as we can. We fish with fast moving lures such as spinnerbaits, topwater lures, and crankbaits, often fishing them fast...

22 Feb 2013

Amnesty and illegal immigration

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The contentious concept of amnesty for illegal immigrants in US is one that is deep rooted in the history and culture of the American nation, a fact authenticated by the fundamental foundation of the nation by early European immigrants and “melting point” phenomena. The word amnesty,...

18 Feb 2013

Approaches for managing indiscipline of pupils and students in primary and secondary schools' settings

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Observation of the situation in the society these days would buttress the fact that it is characterized by several menaces such as: prostitution, armed robbery, bunkering, street violence/demonstration, thuggery, drug trafficking, kidnapping, raping; terrorism, swindling, just to mention few. It...

18 Feb 2013

What for Hobbes was the 'natural condition of mankind' and why did it necessitate the Leviathan state?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Thomas Hobbes is a British philosopher, born in 1588. Among his prolific work, one book will become one of the major founder pieces of the modern political thought; Leviathan (1651). In this work, Hobbes writes about the natural condition of mankind, and its consequences. He thus joins the...

11 Feb 2013

The separability doctrine

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The separability doctrine, also called the severability doctrine, states that an arbitration clause is separable from the main contract underlying it, and can thereby survive any successful challenge to the latter. This doctrine has been incorporated into numerous international arbitration...

06 Feb 2013

The simplest shape of meditation

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

It is known that animals in breathing longer time (the time for a single draw and exhalation) live longer. While the animals using a shorter time to breathe, to live more simply. It is interesting to note that the character and health of a person is an exact reflection of the pattern in...

04 Feb 2013

How important is innovation in obtaining sustainable performance?

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Economic globalization has promoted the increase of goods and services in the different parts of the world. These previous regions, which were unrelated from one another, are now linked thanks to the different companies that have entered. Today, companies from North America may be competing with...

28 Jan 2013

Comminution behavior of porous and nonporous minerals

Case study - 30 pages - Educational studies

Grinding operation represents an important cost factor in mineral processing plant. At least 50 to 70 of the total energy is consumed in the process of grinding and 97 of energy input for grinding is consumed wastefully, as heat and sound, while a minuscule 1 of the input is consumed in creating...

27 Jan 2013

Analysis of armed conflicts Mr Cook - The Six-Day War

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

Seen as an ineffaceable trauma for Arabs and a poisoned victory for Israel, the Six-Day War has been a strategic moment in the history of the Middle East. Before developing the topic, a brief reminder of the previous Israeli-Arab relations is necessary to better situate and understand what led to...

23 Jan 2013

Altering the reality of images

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Go to your local supermarket and walk to the magazine aisle. Pick up a magazine and study its cover. The woman on the front cover stares back at you—her eyes bright, teeth whitened complexion flawless and her waist slim. Allow me to continue to mention that her arms are small and her legs...

23 Jan 2013

Defining the other and its representation in media and stereotyping

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Other. The two words alone sound like some sort of 1980s cult classic horror-thriller film. However, let us not get too caught up with it, or go off on a wild tangent for that matter. The Other is a somewhat vague/under-explained theory laced throughout the last chapter of John Durham...

23 Jan 2013

A more neutral gender

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Life presents a multitude of choices. These vary from deciding what time to get up in the morning, where to attend university, or even what cake flavor one wants for one's birthday. These choices seem petty and society is not affected. Sometimes when an individual is presented with a choice, he...

15 Jan 2013

The image and icon of California

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

California is symbolic of its title as “the Golden State”. Ironically, it is not the state that yields the most gold in terms of precious metal production. What California does represent is golden sunlight, natural treasures from the snowy mountains to endless coastline, and a breadth...

07 Jan 2013

The hippie counterculture and its impact on the American society

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Throughout the history, the evolution of the United States of America has been marked by numerous social and cultural movements that have influenced the course of important events and have helped shape what we know today as one of the most powerful, influential and complex countries in the world....