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Educational studies

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08 Aug 2013

Blackpool & Fylde Aero Club Ltd v Blackpool BC

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

For there to be an implied obligation on the local authority to consider the tenders duly received, it is presupposed that a contract existed between them and the club. To address this question, the earlier courts decided that a collateral contract had in fact formed between the two parties. This...

08 Aug 2013

Case note for Bolton v. Stone [1951] AC 850

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Although the general rules for negligence had been laid down by previous cases, Bolton v. Stone [1951] AC 850 still gave the judges at the House of Lords some difficulty in deciding whether it constituted just such a case. As such, while upholding legal precedent, it also paved new grounds in...

06 Aug 2013

Understanding military downsizing

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

On October 21st, 2011, President Obama held a press conference, one of many actually, where he stated “virtually all U.S. troops will come home from Iraq by the end of the year -- at which point he can declare an end to America's long and costly war in that Middle Eastern nation.”...

06 Aug 2013

Discuss the job performance model and compare and contrast Maslow's and McClelland's need theories

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

As discussed in the text, the job performance model of motivation was proposed by the Organizational Behavior researcher Terence Mitchell. This model starts off with “individual inputs and job context are the two key categories of factors that influence motivation.” (Kinicki & Kreitner,...

06 Aug 2013

Balancing work-family conflicts

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

At some point in our careers, we have all experienced something that is referred to as a “Work-Family Conflict.” The best way to describe this, and in the simplest terms, is that issues at home are taking a person's attention away from work or situations at work are taking a person's...

02 Aug 2013

Develop a hypothesis for a problem at a local business (for example: high employee turnover). Determine if your hypothesis has adequacy for its purpose, is testable and better than its rivals. Then, use the Checklist for Developing a Strong Hypothesis (Ch

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Military aviation, as an organization, requires a vast amount of moving parts. Everything from the aircraft themselves, to the people who work on them, fly them, and event the support staff who ensure everyone is being taken care of when it comes to pays, allowances, and other quality of life...

02 Aug 2013

HR-staffing and techniques for employee selection

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

ADNOC is the state-owned oil company of the United Arabs Emirates (UAE). The firm has thus embarked on a comprehensive program for the staffing recruitment and selection. There are a number of criteria for selection at ADNOC for instance the use of cognitive ability, job knowledge, personality of...

01 Aug 2013

Knowledge management system: Integrated KMS to support the case study

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

There is a minimal amount of knowledge that is known with regards to what knowledge management system is and what it is not. Although scholars have always described the approaches that can be used in the effective development of KMS that is based on technology although very few of them discuss...

01 Aug 2013

Gelato's compliance with Civil Rights Act of 1964

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In Heartland Corners, 75 per cent of the white population has completed high school compared to 25 per cent of the other minority groups. How is the information important in considering whether Gelato is in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...

01 Aug 2013

Leadership, governance and sustainability: case study of GM

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

On July 10 2009, the firm went through Chapter 11 reorganization after the firm had filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 8th the same year. The government offered a loan to GM that would be converted into shareholding at the new firm which was formed General Motors Corporation. The sales of GM...

01 Aug 2013

California traffic safety

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Traffic and traffic safety, especially in urban environments, tend to be at the forefront of most local government agencies. Statistically speaking, the numbers of accidents in an area are what drive the conclusions, decisions, and actions to be taken to better protect the population. Variables...

30 Jul 2013

Developing a cultural diversity training program

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

According to Kinicki and Kreitner, authors of the text Organizational Behavior, “Diversity represents the multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people. This definition underscores a key issue about managing diversity.” (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009, p97)....

26 Jul 2013

In order to rage against the machine- The extended addition! Directors cut!

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Adorno is clearly aware of the hold that capitalism and business have over art and many other forms of expression; forcing them (music, TV, literature) to adhere to the “standardization of mass production,” but he does not account for the more modern forms of expression that work within...

26 Jul 2013

Social politics of the plight of the woman

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Social politics is the process through which groups in various social structures make collective decisions. Social politics is influenced by various facets of the society such as religion, business, gender, academics and even sports. Social politics therefore encapsulate the attitudes, beliefs,...

25 Jul 2013

Women in Mathematics

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The history of the world shows us that women have had an increasingly important role in our society. Women have always strived to attain equal stature with men and have been remarkable influential along the way. Hypatia (370-415) had a passion for knowledge. She could even be considered a...

16 Jul 2013

Angles in 2-D Shapes: A progressive overview

Case study - 16 pages - Educational studies

Williams, 2007) and may present difficulties to pupils who have a right brain hemispheric dominance (and so possibly have a predilection to more logical algebra and number topics) who struggle to think in a more creative, left-brained manner (Sperry, 1945 as cited in Cherry, 2011). Although there...

16 Jul 2013

To what extent do teachers support pupils to become confident individuals and responsible citizens by contributing to the wider life and ethos of the school?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There has been considerable debate in society of whether a teacher's role is a purely academic one or whether they have wider pastoral responsibilities in developing the children in a holistic sense so they become better people as well as being more intelligent. In the Government's recent white...

16 Jul 2013

Personal statement

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

To say that I have always been interested in European society would be a lie. However, my study of English Literature, European History, and the French language has aroused my enthusiasm for European culture. The French Revolution, for example, engages me as it is a milestone event that signifies...

15 Jul 2013

Understanding of school curriculum essay

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The term curriculum is extremely ambiguous although the most fundamental definition is that it is a pre-prepared formal programme of study which pupils within a school follow (Haydon 2009 pg 353, Butt 2009 pg 360), although there are numerous other important aspects to it. A notable example is...

12 Jul 2013

My philosophy of education

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Education is a process of giving or receiving systematic instructions throughout school and college life. I believe that education is a personal experience for an individual, who seeks to learn something new. Education changes the lifestyle of children, who enter the class room. The learning...

12 Jul 2013

Western civilization

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

It is very difficult to say when the Middle Ages began because some historians said that Middle Ages started in AD476 when Western Roman Empire demolished where as some historians said that it started in AD410 when Alaric sacked Rome. But most of the people say Middle Ages started in AD 500 and...

12 Jul 2013

How to apply for a PhD in Criminology and Sociology

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The team at Kingston University can offer expert PhD supervision across the range of sub-disciplines that comprise contemporary Criminology and Sociology. Our research areas include: Cybercrime; child abuse and trauma studies; victimology; communities and social space; young people and youth...

11 Jul 2013

Healthy eating

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Health is the most important aspect of living. Various people have different notions about a healthy diet, according to the place where they live and the kind of food available for them to eat. In this paper, the aspect of healthy eating and to what extent is the community indulging in healthy...

11 Jul 2013

Why your boyfriend thinks something is wrong?

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

Anyone who's ever been in a relationship knows that arguments are a natural part of being together, yet many people don't understand where arguments stem from or why at times your significant other thinks something is wrong when nothing at all is. How do they sense these things or come to these...

11 Jul 2013

Benefits of capitalism and inequality of social classes based on Carnegie's argument in "The Gospel of Wealth"

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

In 1848 Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto in which he defined his creation of two social classes known as the bourgeoisie and the proletariats. These consisted of the wealthy and owners of factories, the bourgeoisie, and the rest of the public, who had no money, known as the proletariats....

11 Jul 2013

Search and seizure simulation and report

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

When writing a police report on a situation such as this one must first consider all of the primary components of a typical report before diving into the context of the situation itself. Frazee describes an accurate report as including the who, what when, where, why and how as well as the...

11 Jul 2013

Use of force simulation response

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

As a new supervisor in the above situation I might be experiencing a few key problems which are contributing to such behavior amongst my staff. As a new supervisor I have yet to gain any respect towards my authority and thus it is being represented in my staff's adherence to the rules I set as...

11 Jul 2013

Continental drift and tectonic plates

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The theory of continental drift has been around for quite a while. Yet many people do not fully understand the concept. Some believe that in one fell swoop the continents all separated instantaneously and for no apparent reason other than that they did it. Others believe it had something to do...

11 Jul 2013

Greenhouse gases and long term global effects

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Over the last few years there has been much talk in the news and government about topics such as global warming and greenhouse gases. Yet, how much do we really know about such things? Definitions of these complicated topics are hard to come by and specific consequences are even harder. In this...

11 Jul 2013

Evolution and its theories

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There are dozens of theories to be had on evolution and its existence. However, there are far fewer about the rate of evolution and how this came to be. Specifically two theories have been created throughout the centuries by some of the greatest scientists of all time, Charles Darwin and Eldridge...