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Educational studies

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18 Sep 2013

Deficit reduction

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The United States' national debt is one of the largest security risks to the American people. Our debt has recently surpassed the sixteen trillion dollar mark and is projected by some to only get higher in the years to come. The word “deficit” is a term often used to describe the amount...

13 Sep 2013

How do these Hispanic subgroups differ and how are they similar?

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The term “Hispanic” appeared in the early 1970s and was created by the Federal Government of the United States. The creation of the term was “an attempt to provide a common denominator to a large, but diverse, population with connection to the Spanish language or culture from a...

13 Sep 2013

Training Proposal

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Every month the Albany Police Department focuses on certain aspects of the field. A.P.D.'s Human Resources Department invites you to sign up for the free in-services. Every Monday, at the Center Station location, HR hosts free in-services that benefit the employee both in the field and with their...

13 Sep 2013

Belize barrier reef reserve system

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The country of Belize is rather small; it is approximately the size of Massachusetts. The Belize Barrier Reef that sits at “16º 13' North, 88º 48' West” ( however, is “the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere. Nearly 260km long, it runs from the...

13 Sep 2013

Eastern and western philosopher's comparison

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Some information that is relayed to the public can seem so inconceivable; counties fighting over oil, medical unknowns, adultery, divorce, politics, and death. Like those listed, philosophy and religion are no exceptions to the rule. If a thought or a point of view is said to be so unbelievable,...

13 Sep 2013

Team diversity paper

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The average age for college students is rising. “At both Harvard and Notre Dame the average age is [sic] now 27. The University of Phoenix, which offers both online and traditional degree programs, has an average student age of 35-37” (n.a., 2009, pg. 1, para. I). We currently live...

13 Sep 2013

Test your leadership style

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

A good leader not only understands that communication is a very important aspect in the workplace, but also how to effectively communicate. Effective communication is the backbone to all successful business operations. “Lack of effective communication may lead to: misunderstandings, lack of...

13 Sep 2013

Cosmic creation myths across cultures

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

According to Norse Mythology, what is referred to as the planet Earth was once Ginnungagap. Ginnungagap is the Great Emptiness. South of Gunnunugagp was the firey realm of Muspell. Muspell only had lakes of fire and rivers of poison. The fiery pit prevented any type of growth to emerge. North of...

13 Sep 2013

Elements of religious tradition

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Hinduism is the world's oldest documented religion. Followers worship in temples dedicated to their deities. Hindu deities are not like the average figures of worship. The Hindu deities are brightly colored, sometimes with multiply limbs, sometimes not human-like at all. Followers under the...

13 Sep 2013

Overview of Western Religions

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Ohio Northern University (2012) defines religion as “the human quest for, experience of, and response to the holy or sacred,” (Ohio Northern University, 2012, p. 1). Many religions or quests to experience and respond to the holy have grown or withered over the centuries. However,...

12 Sep 2013

The Timeless Time in "The Library of Babel"

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The rise of modernity marked a strong and visible transformation within society. It seems that, to some extent, the numerous technological breakthroughs could lead to a re-thinking of social norms and values, in which everyone is connected with each other. Inevitably, what follows is the...

12 Sep 2013

The Decline of Music Education in America's Public Schools

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

In most cultures, music making has typically been regarded as nothing more than an enjoyable pastime and has even been looked down upon as a sign of laziness. In a well-known fable by Aesop, a grasshopper spends the summer months doing nothing but playing and making music while the ants are all...

12 Sep 2013

Administrator challenges

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

A prison is an institution that has been crafted to detain convicted criminals as a rational and humane form of punishment. “Prisoners' daily movements are tightly prescribed, and their compliance with routines is strictly enforced. The purpose of restrictions on inmates' freedom...

12 Sep 2013

Scientific taxonomy and earth's biodiversity

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Much like the human species of the planet Earth is diverse, so are the animals who also roam, fly, creep, swim, breathe, and exist on the planet. Each animal comes from a particular group. There are mammals, like the snow leopard and dolphin; there are insects like the lady bug and the Karner...

12 Sep 2013

The scientific method

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The Scientific Method is a process of steps that uses critical thinking and inductive reasoning. There are five steps to the Scientific method. The steps are: observe, question what you have observed, create a hypothesis that relates to the observation and the question or questions you made from...

12 Sep 2013

The effect of weight on pulse rate

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The heart is the most important pump muscle in our body that pumps blood , thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the entire circulatory system. The pulse rate is the number of times it beats per minute. It can be determined by feeling pulse areas on body and by special BMP machines. An...

10 Sep 2013

Futures of corrections

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Legislative statutes in criminal law offer punishments for wrongdoing. Punishment for criminal offenses attempt to cause suffering to the criminal as well as deterrence from committing future crimes. The numerous types of sentencing and rationales within the criminal justice system have proven...

05 Sep 2013

Motivation and empowerment paper

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Motivation, empowerment, and delegation are crucial to the operation of an efficient criminal justice organization. Management that is focused on motivating, empowering, and delegating tasks to their personnel reaps the rewards of pervasive passion and innovative problem solving in the workplace....

05 Sep 2013

Communication Process - published: 05/09/2013

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Communication is the transference or exchange of thoughts or information. “Although this is a simple definition, when we think about how we may communicate the subject becomes a lot more complex” (N.A., 2012, pg. 1, para. I). The communication process has eight key factors: “the...

05 Sep 2013

Popularity of tattoos growing in American culture

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The word "tattoo" stems from the Tahitian word “tatu”, meaning “to mark or color [the skin]” (Webster, 1913). A tattoo is the placement of pigment within the skin to create a picture or design. The process of tattooing is produced by deep puncture wounds in one's skin....

04 Sep 2013

Organizational effectiveness paper

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Selection tools are used by employers to determine if a potential new hire is the right person for the job. Selection tools in essence separate the good from the bad. Selection tools weed out potential employees that have great strengths and will become assets to the organization from those with...

04 Sep 2013

Motivation: Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

There are theories that have been developed to explain the concept of human motivation, personal training, and management skills of employees in their professions. Among those theories is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow's hierarchy is a theory was developed in 1943 by a psychologist named...

04 Sep 2013

The security plan: Private Doctor's office

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The target area is of a private physician's practice. The location for the practice is a known urban part of town. The location of the practice has both benefits and downfalls. Since the practice is located in a very busy and highly populated section of town, the practice is well known and has...

04 Sep 2013

No place is really safe

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

My Grandfather is an Evangelist minister for Greater Works Ministry in North Carolina. I spoke with him briefly as I expressed my concerns about the article. He attempted to reassure me as he says that there is nothing to worry about, as his patrons are the “kindest men and women God has...

03 Sep 2013

Case study of Elvis Presley

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

On January 8, 1935 Elvis Aaron Presley was brought into the world in East Tupelo, Mississippi (Hansell & Damour, 2009). Elvis' had a twin brother that was born a half of an hour before he was but sadly he died during birth. His father was incarcerated for the period of three years when Elvis...

30 Aug 2013

Salmon farming

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Aquaculture involves the raising and harvesting of various species of fish and oysters. This practice is relatively new for salmons but it has been practiced by other civilizations over the past thousands of years with other species of fish. With the increasing demand of aquatic foods year...

29 Aug 2013

Traditional and non-traditional cultures

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Comparing and contrasting two different cultures, fortifies the existence of one versus the other. It tends to shed light on the extremes and subtleties that exist within each of the cultures studied. Placing cultures in a compare and contrast study one may find similarities, influences, and...

28 Aug 2013

The legal and political issues of Darfur

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies

In 2003, the escalation of conflict in Darfur has been one of the biggest humanitarian crises of the twenty-first century. The United Nations did not call it genocide and sent only a limited number of mediators and United Nations personnel to Sudan. There were many conflicting reports on...

28 Aug 2013

Restorative justice and the juvenile justice system

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

This paper defines restorative justice as a process, facilitated by an objective party that involves victim and offender in dialogue to resolve issues resulting from a crime or wrongdoing. It explains the origins of restorative practices going back as far as 2060 B.C. and the beginning of the...

28 Aug 2013

Gender and family

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In any given year there is an estimate three million runaways. Children run away from home for a number of different reasons; “may be [they are] evading the law, suffering depression, or dealing with a personal crisis, most are running from a disturbed family or home life.” (Siegel and...