We are cross-cultural consultants and experts in Russia's business culture and we are going through this report to show how to successfully do business there. This report will facilitate the cultural integration of French expatriates in Russia and help them to succeed doing business there. Russia, officially "Russian Federation", is a state in Northern Eurasia. This largest country in the world is a Federal semi presidential republic when France is a Constitutional republic.
The oil resources maintain a strong growth and economic indicators are set fair in Russia. The Russian currency is the ruble. A French people in Russia will collide with cultural differences. There are three different types of expatriation: Short-term assignments, Commuter assignments and Long-term assignments. Expatriated workers will face challenges: they will spend an extended period of time living and working outside their native country.
[...] Moreover, modest gifts, or French specialties are welcomed by the Russian partners, and it could be a means to reinforce links with a potential business partner Current practices in work relationships We need to be careful when we begin on the Russian market, especially in the choice of the intermediaries and business offers which could be formulated by Russian partners. Russian market involve to precede steps by steps and to conserve the mastery of our activity. A perfect knowledge of the product or the technology that we want to export is fundamental. [...]
[...] In business, it is normal to suggest to be called by the first name, and not the family name. If the first contact is well done, we can continue the negotiations in France. If we choose to engage in business with Russian, we should avoid talking about this engagement during a meal where vodka is always here. We have to be careful to not speaking about negotiation terms or our opinion on the partners in front of employees (drivers, secretary it could be dangerous because we do not know who understand our language. [...]
[...] The receiver has to decode non verbal communication too. In fact, Attitudes and behavior have different meaning; it can be defined by internal and external behavior. Part 2 : Recommendations to succeed in Russia Understand and communicate Business relationships on the Russian market present many specificities and communication difficulties frequently happened with Russian partners. This is why, it is important to know the local practices for the first contact with the Russian partners, and also for the follow-up of business relationships. [...]
[...] Differences between French and Russian cultures The symptoms of the cultural shock we defined in the introduction can be: anxiety, grief, desperation, disorientation, resentment, loneliness, insomnia, loss of appetite or excess eating, languidness, headaches, pains and allergies. The causes of this cultural shock can be among others: Climate, food, dress, language, rules of behavior and values. We have analyzed the key cultural differences between France and Russia through Geography, Demography and Climate, Language and Alphabet, Dress code, Time and way of saying hours, Greetings, and Gallantry, Behaviors, Customs, and superstitions, Corruption and Consumption of alcohol. [...]
[...] (Monochromes people make only one thing at the same time, concentrate exclusively on the current work, are strictly held in the plan or in the fixed program and give the priority to the respect for deadlines. While polychromes people make several things at the same time, abandon or modify easily the reestablished work plan, communicate with several persons at the same time and do not hesitate to deal with several tasks simultaneously. Russian people have another attitude concerning time; they are less miserly with it, especially when it is about exchanges with friends. [...]
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