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10 Apr 2015

Thesis Statement and Outline on John 8:1-11

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The script (although this would imply a bias already to its validity) is an account of a woman who was caught by the Scribes and the Pharisees committing an act of adultery and brought before Jesus. They present case as a legal issue seeking precedence from the directions of Moses that the...

10 Apr 2015

Formal and Contextual elements about Holocaust

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The Holocaust was the period of the World War 11 which caused various negative effects on the involved countries and its people and especially the Jews. Different authors had to write and publish books that concerned the Holocaust. Among them was Simon Wiesenthal who wrote, “Sunflower”...

10 Apr 2015

Critical Review, Globalization - Good or Bad

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Globalization refers to increased economic integration as a result of increased trade and investments which then leads to increased movement of people, goods, services, capital, and ideas across the world. The author of the article “Globalization - good or bad?” under review has...

10 Apr 2015

British Petroleum Company - free market, Sustainable Management Futures

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The free market theory postulates that there should be numerous participants within the same market engaged in the buying and selling of numerous and varied products. All such producers have the opportunity to take part in production activities and, therefore, share the profits present in...

10 Apr 2015

Seaton's Japan War Memory

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The stories of World War II remain more alive and widely argued about in Japan than any other of the nations that was a major combatant in the war. Seaton focused on the time between 1972 and 2005 when Japan held the 60th anniversary commemorations. He outlined that Western media generally...

09 Apr 2015

Israel and Palestine Conflict Essay - Based on Oz and David Grossman Readings

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Understanding the Israel-Palestinian conflict has been one of the most difficult things in the world. However, after reading the books, In the Land of Israel and The Yellow Wind by Amos Oz and David Grossman respectively, one starts to get some insights onto why the conflict began in the first...

09 Apr 2015

Effective Team and Performance Management

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Teams in regard to management and business organization traverses beyond a mere collection of individuals. Effective team and performance management displays a focus on one motto; people as the skill and performance management as the strategy. Therefore in practice, teams are a congregation of...

08 Apr 2015

Effect of western powers on the Middle Eastern states Studies

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The prevailing issues concerning health, education and labor within the Middle East are as a direct result of historical influence-and by extension design-of Western nations dating as far back as the Napoleonic wars. The origins osf these states were primarily after World War 1 through two main...

08 Apr 2015

Future of US Foreign Policy

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

America has been enjoying complete global domination for quite a while now. There is no other country on earth that has been able to do that; ever. For about 50 years, America has been the strongest in terms of its economy, its military might, as well as the cultural power it holds over the other...

08 Apr 2015

Porter's five force model analysis

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Porter's five forces model was made by Michael Porter in 1980 as a technique for industry analysis. An industry consists of a group of firms which are involved in the production of commodities which are close substitutes for one another. Essentially the five forces model provides corporations...

08 Apr 2015

Morrisons Bandar - Strategic Management

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

First and foremost, the supermarket has ownership of 89% of the portfolio of its store. As a result, the takeover threat it is exposed to is less significant, and it has greater security when it comes to its investors. Another thing is that Morrison's property, equipment and plant assets value is...

08 Apr 2015

Sustainability Law in Australia

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Breaking Basin Aquifers Downunder Ltd (BBAD) and Heisenberg Inc. which was directly involved in fracking at Green Acres would be liable for prosecution for pollution of water under the provision of Article 38, and Article 39, sub-section (1), and sub-section (5) of the Environmental Protection...

08 Apr 2015

Achieving Universal Primary Education in China

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

This paper explores China's trajectory towards achieving universal primary education by tracing the historical foundations of educational inequalities between rural and urban China to the period before the formation of the People's Republic of China, when the national government only supported...

07 Apr 2015

Using the Disk Head Simulator application

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

Secondary storage is a very significant component of a computer's operating environment. It provides an important large storage space that can permanently hold systems software and any other desired user data. Secondary storage can also be utilized as a backup to ensure that the computer system...

07 Apr 2015

Dance - Diversity and Inclusion

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Dance in its simplest form is a means of self-expression. It is varied, unique and ever evolving. As a matter of fact, dance forms, and serves a very integral part in a people's culture. It can be attributable to a particular people who in turn may relate to specific events and occurrences within...

07 Apr 2015

Gilbane Gold Ethical Model - Analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

It is a case about an engineer that is at cross roads on what is best between ethics, and profession. There is reiteration of acting as an employee who is good and the sense of being ethically sound. There are two situations in this case that touches on ethics. The first being blowing of whistles...

07 Apr 2015

Connection between Human and Nature

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

It is true that there is a link between the natural world and man, not just for satisfying his or her fundamental needs but also in his quest to appreciate the order in which natural world was formed. The appreciation of the order in which natural world was created is seen in the ability of man...

07 Apr 2015

English (Anglo-American) & Spanish societies in the Americas prior to 1790

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The Europeans have contributed much to United States development from time immemorial. The north of America was colonized by Europeans. Their culture, social ideas, and language were common to those of North American. Consequently, European influence pre dominated their territories situated on...

06 Apr 2015

The Master Work Museum of Bermudian Art exhibition

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There are some artistic pieces that profoundly interested me including K.A.S.E 2012, a painting made of oil on linen, 83 x 56.5., done by Jacqueline Collery. This painting illustrated the difficult childhood life of an isolated, young, black, Bermudian male. Another painting, mixed media on...

30 Mar 2015

Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

This paper seeks to determine the ethical dilemmas that [professional counselors are faced with in the curse of their practice. It analyses the ACA Guidelines on termination, standard care, dual relationship and boundaries. The paper also explores the guiding principles that the State of New York...

30 Mar 2015

Bossa Nova Concert Report

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The ‘Sound of the Bossa Nova concert' was held in Recital hall, building 26 and Room 220, in the Grossmont College at 6:30 pm Sunday, March 9. It was an enlightening and entertaining music experience where various types of instruments were played. The concert was divided into two distinct...

30 Mar 2015

Education - What makes the smartest Kids in the world

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Education is often flaunted as the key to success. In fact, educational performances are often used as a metric to assess student's intelligence in many places. Due to the importance attached to education, there are many theories that endeavor to explain the origin of educational intelligence....

30 Mar 2015

Aggression in Schools and primary prevention

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Schooling is an important part of all communities. When in school, children acquire important values and attitudes that are applicable to the rest of their lives. Apart from the curriculum that guides schooling activities, schools are institutions of cultural transmission. However, a variety of...

30 Mar 2015

Usage of Different Philosophies to Communicate Same Ideas in Different Texts

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Different writers use different methods to communicate their points. An external analysis of articles shows many differences in approach as well as ideologies. Though writers often have divergent reasons for writing, a deeper exploration reveals unexpected similarities. A deep analysis reveals...

30 Mar 2015

The American psychologist journal - published: 30/03/2015

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

There is no discrimination in the publication of articles in the journals. This implies that article have a chance of being publishes provided they follow the correct format. However, there are recurring authors. For example, Dr. Norman B. Anderson, the editor, publishes many articles relating to...

30 Mar 2015

The Blue Tang Fish

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Blue Tang thrives in salty ocean water. In addition, the fish live in warm oceans waters, preferably in areas washed by warm ocean currents. The species is not in any pressing threat of extermination. However, the rising levels of pollution threaten the species habitat because of their close...

27 Mar 2015

Case Study on Chronic Illnesses

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

This is responses can be manifest in some decisions she makes. Some of her decisions may be irrational. Alternatively, she can be over cautious when making decisions especially those that involve her family such as vacation destinations or simple errands such as going to shop and eating out. Her...

27 Mar 2015

Quicksand, Identity and Women's Experience

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The thesis explores how issues related to class, race, and gender intersect to help shape Crane's struggle towards attaining autonomy and social stability in the 20th century (French and Allyson 457). It shows how class, race, and gender connect by paralleling the plight of Quicksand as a...

27 Mar 2015

Analysis - "Pathways and transitions, and "Boys, Girls, and Achievement: Addressing the Classroom Issues

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

This essay presents a comparative analysis of two research texts: “Pathways and transitions, Post-16 (Ball et al 2000)” and “Boys, Girls, and Achievement: Addressing the Classroom Issues. (Francis, B 2000.)”. The two research texts are analysed by highlighting the sorts of...

26 Mar 2015

Ethics - Kantianism, Utilitarianism or Care Ethics

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

An action can only be good if the underlying cause is derived from duty to the moral ethics according to Kantian ethics. I other words, the morality of an action is evaluated based on the adherence to the rules set in a society. Therefore, compliance to the law, regardless of the moral bearing,...