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06 Jul 2015

London city

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

London, central and dynamic city becomes throughout the century the place of a strong political activism, in its most modern form. The UK is considered the land of individual freedom that welcomes exiles continent such as Zola or Marx and Engels. They organize their 1847 international communist...

06 Jul 2015

London, the capital of the nineteenth century

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

"London has many aspects. It's a great city. Huge. The richest city in the world's largest port, the largest industrial city, the imperial city, the center of civilization, the heart of the world ... It is a wonderful place ... a whirlwind, an abyss. It takes you up and you rushes down....

10 Jun 2015

Urban development of the city in the Classical period (fifth century av.JC.- fourth century BC) and the beginning of the Hellenistic period: Independence Delos (314 av.JC.- 167 BC .)

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Following the Persian Wars in 478 BC, Athens creates a maritime league known as the Delian League attico-or the Delian League, which aims to bring together the Greek forces against a possible new attack of the Persians . This league gives Delos, the title of the headquarters of the Confederation,...

20 May 2015

Individualization the penalty for heinous crimes

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The past fifteen years in force gives law a tight vote (6x5) or the Supreme Court which declared unconstitutional laws on the art. Then it established penalty for heinous crimes that was complied with in dated regime. This issue deserves wide discussion in society, being praiseworthy or...

20 May 2015

Crimes against the intangible property

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Crimes against intellectual property are defined in the Brazilian penal code in title III of the special part, in Articles 184 to 196. They are: crimes against intellectual property, crimes against privilege of invention, crimes against industry and trade marks, crimes against unfair competition....

13 May 2015

Plato: Case study

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Plato's position on the human person cannot be presented into a single package as there are many allusions to his stand on human nature. Plato's position in regards to human nature is that the human person is a dualistic being. This means that people are made up of two different kinds of soul,...

13 May 2015

Strategies used in Primary health Care

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Health is the most precious asset in the possession of human beings. From my classroom experience and through interaction with literature texts, I have come to the conclusion that people can be responsible for their health. In this regard, to be responsible for a personal health concern, people...

13 May 2015

Managerial strategies

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

When the term organization is mentioned, the role played by a manager comes in mind. An organization depends highly on the skills of a manager and how he is able to carry out all the elements of management . An organization includes a group of people who are willingly cooperating and effectively...

13 May 2015

Ethics considerations when dealing with stakeholders, workers, in business

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Business ethics and moral obligations are vital and incorporated part in management of corporations. The corporations, failures have not done much in the acquisition of business and shareholders' trust. The management functions in a business are not all about intellectual execution but entail a...

24 Apr 2015

Taxation Of Household Saving

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

For any country to improve its economy and have money to finance the budget of that specific year, taxation is a must. Tax is usually put on goods, salaries and other essential services. The Government of UK has embraced a thorough audit of the UK tax framework, counselling with business on the...

24 Apr 2015

Sport, and Media Triad analysis

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

There are growing numbers of athletes that are openly coming out to confess that they are gay. While this comes as a shock to most of their fans, the reality of them confessing that they are gay in male dominated fields is not that good. College football has won the hearts of many fans across the...

24 Apr 2015

Similarities and Differences in Baroque and Rococo Styles

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Rococo and Baroque are distinct stylistic periods with different sensibilities. One of the style was provocative while the other expressed playfulness with decorations that were elaborate. The differences in temperament of the two periods had huge influence on the decorative movements(Janson,...

24 Apr 2015

Analysis of the crisis management of Malaysia flight MH370 disaster

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

On 8th March 2014, the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared within 1 hour of takeoff while en route from the Malaysian city of Kuala Lumpur to the Chinese city of Beijing. The airplane, a Boeing 777 registration number 9M-MRO, was carrying 239 persons from 14 different countries, of which...

24 Apr 2015

Case Study: Liability & Negligence

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In the case presented, there are different people who may be found liable for the Pilot's accident. One of the parties who can be found liable for the Pilot's accident is the pilot himself. The manufacturer of the aircraft can also be found liable for the pilot's accident. Another party who can...

23 Apr 2015

Low Carbon Emissions in Shipping

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

According to the estimates made in 2007, shipping industry accounts for over 3.3% of the global emissions of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (Fridell, Wines and Styhre, 2013). Other estimates compiled by authorities in the field indicate that in 2050, shipping will account for 18% (Fridell, Wines...

22 Apr 2015

Perdigao case study

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Perdigao exports frozen shrimps, produced by third parties, with the launch of Freski Line. This strengthens the company's presence abroad and paves the way for entry into the US market, the world's largest importer of the product. After dissolution with Sadia in the BRF. Perdigao has...

22 Apr 2015

The integration with production systems

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The industrial refrigeration of meat, grain crushing and oil filling are segments of the agroindustrial complex that brings together a set of productive chains that downstream characterized by the use of goods from agricultural activities and the amount by marketing process increasingly complex....

22 Apr 2015

Billion dollar bankruptcy in Santa Catarina

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Chapecó - Judge of the 3rd Civil Court of Chapecó, Rosane Portella Wolff, declared yesterday the 13th of May 2005, the bankruptcy of Chapecó Food. The refrigerator poultry and pork was in crisis for 10 years and has a debt of $ 1 billion, an amount that was being negotiated for six years with...

20 Apr 2015

The economic crisis - external debt

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The economic crisis in Brazil at the beginning of the 80 forces the company to maintain, throughout the decade, approximately the same number of pigs slaughtered in 1980. What is striking is that in 1986 the Concordia plant of Sadia group hit 855,501 heads and in 1989, only 601 507 (almost 30%...

20 Apr 2015

Behind the process of inflation

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

One of the most striking differences between modern inflation and the past is that, in times gone by, the inflationary peaks were followed by long, slow deflationary declines when both prices and money wages fell, especially in times of recession. It was not uncommon in the early years of this...

20 Apr 2015

Inflation in Brazil: characteristics, causes and stabilization program

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

One of the historical features of the Brazilian economy is the secular upward trend in prices. The periods of rapid change in prices have prevailed over the moderate inflation, especially in the last 50 years. The historical episodes of creeping inflation are all, prior to World War II. Since...

20 Apr 2015

Unemployment, recession, inflation

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Peasants, nomadic tribes members or servants can be very unproductive, extremely poor or reduced to idleness because its institutions exclude the land or property of animals or other riches; but unemployment in these societies is static condition resulting from existing institutions. We did not...

20 Apr 2015

Interaction of sectors and real money

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The importance of money as means of payment and as a unit of account and the relationship between the money supply and the change in the general price level is among the topics of greatest interest of the first economic thinkers. Initially, the concern was with the role of money in the...

20 Apr 2015

Inflation - Brief case study

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

There are more subtle or safer to destroy the basis of society than to corrupt its currency. This process mobilizes to destruction, all the hidden forces of the laws economics. As currency value variations were, for all that involved, among the most significant events of economic history of the...

20 Apr 2015

Inflation: category of variation of prevailing rates and coin value

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Of the four basic categories of change in prices and the value of the currency, inflation is by far the predominant. Practically, there is not a country that has not experienced episodes of inflation; and in many, wing has become a chronic occurrence, albeit of varying intensity. Resulting from a...

20 Apr 2015

Critical analysis for the Brazilian case

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Brazil felt a huge change in the economy after the Real Plan in 1994. The plan has changed the economic environment in Brazil to check the stability of the economy after a long period of high inflation. From this year on, we used two types of monetary policy: a fixed exchange rate until 1999,...

20 Apr 2015

Inflationary goal models and interaction with the consumer - The Brazilian case

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Central Bank, in order to achieve the inflation target, use the instruments of monetary policy at your disposal. The main one is the aggregate demand control via interest rates. Whenever there are inflationary pressures, interest rate of the economy increases. Consumption is reduced in favor...

16 Apr 2015

American and European Experiences

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

A tendency to generate unemployment may be inevitable consequence of a market system, but it is not an inevitable evil. You can administer a capitalist system with high levels of employment - paying most likely the price of considerable degree of inflation. A critic might question the low...

16 Apr 2015

Inflation targets scheme: General characteristics, theoretical foundations and ideal conditions for its adoption

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The regime of inflation targeting has emerged as a new attempt to discipline the management of money, explicit inflation targets will function as nominal anchor for the formation of inflation expectations and the fixing of prices and wages. This can effectively replace schemes based on targets...

16 Apr 2015

Agro-industrial in Santa Catarina

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

The agricultural industry is one of the main segments of the Brazilian economy, which are both important in the domestic supply as the export performance of Brazil. Agribusiness is synonymous with value addition, adequacy of raw materials, protection and food safety, development processes and...