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23 Aug 2014

Pauline Epistles Reflective Essay

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The three Paul's letters (1Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus), which are also called Pastoral Epistles, are addressed by Paul to individual pastors. The first two are written to Timothy while the last is addressed to Titus. Since these three letters are for particular individual pastors, they only...

23 Aug 2014

The fall of the Babylonian Empire

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Babylonia was a delightful country south of Mesopotamia. The name comes from its capital city called Babylon. Babylon's geographic location was around the Euphrates River, which was 50 miles in the south of the modern day country of Baghdad and the north of the present day Iraq. Their neighbor's...

23 Aug 2014

Obesity the Slow Killer

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Obesity is a condition characterized by increased fat in the body. Obesity and being over-weight may be confusing, but they are two different things. Over-weight may be because of other factors other than fat. A person may be over-weight due to increase in the muscles or bone in the body....

23 Aug 2014

Research to prove the effects of Stress to Blood Pressure

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Stress refers to the physical response of one's body because of physical or psychological pressure, which normally leaves an individual upset, and might make them feel threatened (Bailey 54). Stress is an appropriate way of the body to react to real or imagined danger in a process known as...

23 Aug 2014

To what extent do you think it is possible for women to be both politically engaged feminists?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Women are known to multitask perfectly and to handle more than one chore has never been a problem. However, as much as women want equality with men in all areas including the political field, they are not supposed to forget about what entails to be female. There comes a time that women cannot...

23 Aug 2014

There are several important characteristics and ideal behaviors of youth-sport coaches

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

There has been an emphasis of involving the youth in sports. With the over indulgence of the young people in technology, there is an increased stress on young people to involve themselves in sporting activities. Youth sport is a team effort that involves the young children, parents and coaches....

23 Aug 2014

Reading Strategies

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Language instructors are usually aggravated by the fact that learners do not transfer the strategies they employ when reading in their native language to reading in the language ,they are learning. In its place, they seem to view reading as starting in the beginning and reading word by word only...

23 Aug 2014

Race, sectionalism, and gender in America

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh had very little in common especially regarding where they came from; Calhoun was a leading statesman in the south and managed to reach the helm of the senate and vice presidency while Fitzhugh was a lawyer. They, however, shared the same views about slavery....

23 Aug 2014

Renewable energy: case study

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

There are two main types of energy in the world. The first one is renewable energy, and the other is non-renewable energy. All the forms of energy used are classified in either of the two categories. Non renewable energy is the type of energy that has finite amounts in that they will get...

23 Aug 2014

Choice of the book and its background information

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The book reflects the business society and provides qualities that compose a modern day leader. The book's title has a hidden meaning that the authors use to highlight a great leader's important traits. The authors, Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller, are leadership experts in the corporate...

23 Aug 2014

Jesus Life and Biblical Principals

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

Religion has been part of mankind throughout evolution. It entails the belief of a supernatural being or spirit that has power over man and all his endeavors. In Christianity, people believe that Jesus, God's only son, came down from heaven and died at the cross for the sins of mankind. What make...

23 Aug 2014

Essay & Annotated Outline "Factors That Shape the Financial Literacy in Youth"

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

An explanatory field study by de Clercq named, “Do our children know anything about money?”, is vivid in illustrating financial literacy among youths in relation to how they spend money. The discussion in the Clercq's article raises the topic of why the youths do not consider saving...

22 Aug 2014

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and Dodd-Frank Act

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

From the unprofessionalism conduct of Albert Dunlap abrasive management at Sunbeam to the failure of Enron, MCI WorldCom and Global Crossing at the turn of the century, it suggests the nature of accounting scandals characterizing the US corporate sector. While the magnitude of the loss greatly...

22 Aug 2014

Performance Management Systems

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Over the years, globalization has rapidly leveled the playing field for business operators, blurring the previously existing lines characterized by distinct operations attributed to the acquired comparative advantage. Additionally, with competitors bridging such features of differentiation, it...

22 Aug 2014

Health Insurance and Financing in United States

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

The U.S health care spending has been characteristically among the costliest per individual, despite which the service quality lies overall below the anticipated delivery level. Unlike the single-payer healthcare system in the United Kingdom, the U.S operates a blend of market-based and...

22 Aug 2014

Monetary and macroeconomics interrelations between countries

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

International finance is a division of financial economic that deals with monetary and macroeconomics interrelations between countries. It is also referred as international macroeconomics. It involves the economic relations between different countries and involving how the respective countries...

22 Aug 2014

My Strategic Plan: Personal opinion

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Generally, a strategic plan is meant to help an individual discover his or her skill while developing them and putting them to maximum use. It is essential in ensuring the individual gains the highest rewards for effort. In contrast to a corporate strategic plan, an individual plan focuses on...

22 Aug 2014

What the constitution of Roman republic entails?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The constitution of the Roman republic was a set of guidelines and principles that passed through precedent. It was largely unwritten and constantly evolved since the founding of the city Rome to the collapse of Roman Empire. It vested the sovereign power to the king who did have checks on his...

22 Aug 2014

Results of the American economic meltdown of 2008 as per the video "Inside the Meltdown"

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The video “Inside the Meltdown” shows the immediate responses of various institutions as a result of the American economic meltdown of 2008. The meltdown occurred as a result of the Great Recession which was beginning to take form at this time. An economic recession is a state of...

22 Aug 2014

Sliding scale education system

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Education is one of the most fundamental human requirements in the current world. It is every child's right to get education. However, most families have faced various problems in ensuring their children get proper education. Financial problems make it hard for children who come from financially...

22 Aug 2014

Case study: The spitfire grill- Reasons why characters apply lies and secrets

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

The Spitfire Grill is a cinema's finest that is deeply theological in its film category and it is mainly packaged as a feel-good drama panned by a large figure of secular critics. They pay most of their attention to emotional tonalities and at the same time ignoring theological content and...

21 Aug 2014

Philosophical Ethics: Equality Between Human Beings (women and men) and Animal

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Domestic animals such as horses, cats and dogs are common in most households of people who fight for human rights. Surprisingly, such people treat the animals badly and deny them the basic principle of equality that the same recognize should be extended to all members of their own species. The...

21 Aug 2014

The history of the destruction of the Indians

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

Indians lived on an island that the Spaniards discovered and went there with the intentions of settling the land. King sent them to convert the natives to Christianity and save them from the eternal damnation. They later forgot their primary role and started hoarding gold. They killed millions of...

21 Aug 2014

Media services: Case study

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Media services come to the market with the aim of reaching a wide range of people since media is largely accessible. Netflix is a company founded with the aim of supplying internet on demands and offering DVDs online at a flat rate. The Company is officially registered as Netflix Company Limited...

21 Aug 2014

The main causes of global warming

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In the recent past, the world as a whole has come to terms with the increasing incidences of heightened and elevated temperatures across all continents. The Northern and Southern hemispheres are experiencing high temperatures and this is leading to the melting of the ice at the snow caps and this...

21 Aug 2014

Person perception and interpersonal behavior

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

People behave different in different situations. Psychology has many approaches that help people to understand each other. It facilitates expression of people through personal perception, Set groupings depending on behavioral trait, gives expectations of either positive or negative altitude, set...

21 Aug 2014

Religion in Nazi Germany

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Nazi German/ The Third Reich refer to Germany during the reign of Hitler and his ruling Nazi Party also called the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party). In 1933, the Nazi party took over Germany and started running the political, social and economic sectors of the country. Between...

21 Aug 2014

Amid An Epidemic of School Shootings, Some Teachers Are Being Trained To Shoot Back

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Rhetoric is the art of improving the capability of the speakers or writers to convince and motivate the audience in a particular direction. There are three modes of persuasion that are used in rhetoric that is; ethos, pathos and logos. (Joyce & Robert 10) Ethos is achieved by the speaker or...

21 Aug 2014

Chronic kidney disease education

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Chronic kidney disease is a health condition that is characterized by progressive loss in renal function over time. The disease is detected during screening people known to be most likely to be at risk of kidney problems, for example, hypertensive people and diabetics. The difference to acute...

19 Aug 2014

Nigerian War: The Ultimate Sacrifice for narrators shifting to the theme of war

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

During the 21st century, fictions have come out of Nigeria marking the attempts of dealing with displacement and identity by the childhood ideas. The attempts are not successful because it is a fact that Nigeria has transformed itself during the nineteen sixties to the nineties from the military...