Sub-Saharan Africa, of the middle of the years 1950 at the end of the Eighties
Case study - 8 pages - Geography
The process of colonization was marked by dominance and imperialism and dates back to the 16th century. From that time, the Portuguese and Spanish shared the known world and established colonies (territory under a foreign state, the mainland). A new doctrine called colonialism was born and called...
Nazism and totalitarianism
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Nazism was an ideology that was derived from Italian fascism. It appeared during the twentieth century with the rise of the German far right party, the NSDAP that was led by Adolf Hitler. On 30 January 1933, Hitler obtained power legally and quickly established a totalitarian State - the Third...
Anti-semitism in Europe before 1914
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
"The Jews find their greatest interest in a lot of things." Barres cited this sentence when the Dreyfus affair, showed contempt and distrust of the French population against the Jewish people. The uprooted' people, that is to say, the Jewish people, had no nation nor a state, they were...
Can one compare Nazism with Communism?
Essay - 11 pages - Modern history
The only truth that the totalitarian power recognizes is the one needed at the time, and the only freedom that the power recognizes, is that of expressing the "truth". It is in these very powerful words that Vaclav Havel described a characteristic of totalitarian rule in his Political Essays in...
Tyranny under ancient Greece
Essay - 3 pages - Ancient history
Between the seventh century and first decades of the sixth century BC, the Hellenic world witnessed a series of tyrannical regimes that seem to have first developed in the Asir colonies (Ephesus, Miletus, Chios, Lebos) and then in the cities of European Greece (Corinth Sieyone etc.). There are...
Nazism in South America: Chronicle of a secret war 1930-1950 - by Sergio Correa da Costa
Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history
Historian and diplomat, Sergio Correa da Costa had the chance to serve his country in the city of Buenos Aires, during the Second World War. Correa lived in the Argentine metropolis during the reign of the GOU (United Officers Group) and later that of Juan Domingo Peron and Evita Duarte de...
Women during the Second World War (1939-1945)
Thesis - 10 pages - Modern history
The Second World War, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, was more terrible than the First World War. The First World War was fought in France, and did not have any particular villains. However, the Second World War involved conflict at the global level as almost all major nations of the world were...
Prostitution in the Middle Ages
Thesis - 10 pages - Medieval history
Urban prostitution has become one of the most pressing social issues of today. Innocent girls, who are always on the look out for greener pastures, have become easy targets. Pimps lure these girls away to cities, and force them into prostitution. Many developing and developed countries have been...
Georges Scott (1873 - 1943)
Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history
This document will be about Georges Scott. We have very little documentation to highlight about him who was one of the greatest illustrators of his time and an outstanding war reporter, working for major newspapers such as L'Illustration, the intransigent, the Graphic, Mame and the Daily...
The Treaty of Utrecht (1713)
Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history
This text is an excerpt from the Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed in Utrecht on 11 April 1713 between France and Great Britain. This treaty precedes that of July 13, 1713 of the agreement between Great Britain and Spain. After fourteen months of arduous negotiations interspersed with...
The American revolution: Case study in detail
Thesis - 17 pages - Modern history
In 1763, the Treaty of Versailles ended the Seven Years War between France and Spain against Great Britain. The victory of the latter (gain of French, Canada, of all the territories east of the Mississippi except New Orleans, and with Spanish, Florida) was certainly a matter of immense pride in...
International relations from 1944 to 1946
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
In 1944, the world entered its sixth year of conflict. Thus, the desire for peace and reconstruction could be felt increasingly in international relations. And so, the leaders of major powers in this period of history, such as the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),...
Mao's 'Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War'
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
The "encirclement chess" or the game of Go is a typical Asian game of strategy which is popular among Chinese generals. The preparation of strategic action in time of peace, the primary objective of control of a sphere of influence, the action developed from the periphery to the center or during...
Short history of United Fruit Company - the case of Guatemala
Essay - 8 pages - Modern history
A small country located at a key point of Central America, Guatemala has a troubled and tragic history, and was thus told by a specialist that it was a "gift from the devil". Recent history seems to confirm this grim diagnosis. The civil war in Guatemala (1962-1996) was one of the longest and...
American colonies
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
The colonization of North America began in the early seventeenth century and was mainly carried out by Spain, France and England. British colonization was inaugurated in 1607 by the establishment of the first colony, organized around the city of Jamestown, Virginia. Throughout the century, the...
Xenophon's views regarding the Conspiracy of Cinadon
Essay - 6 pages - Ancient history
The Spartan system appears as an exception among the many plans that were born and developed in Greece during antiquity. Often admired but also strongly criticized, it was an oligarchy, where power rested in the hands of an elite few, but it was also an aristocracy, where the civic body which...
The Priests of Ancient Egypt
Book review - 3 pages - Ancient history
While some aspects of Egyptian civilization have changed over the centuries, their concern for religion has remained immutable. Historical documents have left the image of deeply devout priests (a good example is the biography of Petosiris included in his tomb of Tuna el-Gebel) yet we must not...
The United States from 1918 to 1945
Worksheets - 15 pages - Modern history
This is a study of the social, political and economic scenario in the U.S. in the crucial period from 1918 to 1945, when it faced new challenges. It gained an important role on the world stage at all levels, but at the same time experienced divisive forces and had to overcome internal...
Financing of the war (1914 - 1918)
Worksheets - 3 pages - Modern history
The issue of funding does not arise at the beginning of a conflict, during a war,the people live on rations. Belligerents merely suspend the convertibility of their currencies into gold (except England where the pound is convertible), with the idea of restoring them when the war is over. It is...
A retelling of history through underrepresented eyes-another side of Haitian-Dominican relations in 20th century Hispaniola
Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history
History, lauded for its immortality and ability to put into perspective the present, is a double-edged sword. As Cicero put it, history is the witness that testifies the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in our daily lives, and brings us tidings of...
Stone versus Douglass: Two contrasting yet complementary views of the war
Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history
The American Civil War is one of the most controverter parts of American history. It bore all sorts of names from the more neutral War between the states to the revealing name of Abolition war or even Secession war. Those different ways of referring to it are...
Populism in Latin America and its perspective history
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
There are terms which return constantly in the historiographical lexicon, which suitably describe the Latin America of the 20th century. "Populism" is one of them. Nevertheless, it's excessive and systematically pejorative use in Europe nowadays, has widely tarnished its meaning. Thus our first...
Oliver Wendell Holmes: The Great Dissenter of his time or of All time?
Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history
Oliver Wendell Holmes earned the reputation of the Great Dissenter. He commonly took a different path in the interpretation of Constitutional law. His most controversial and provocative dissents involved freedom of speech. Even though he was considered to be a literal and...
Lieutenant Commander Edward 'Butch' O'Hare: First Naval Aviator Medal of Honor Recipient of WWII
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
February 20, 1942 was just another day for then Lieutenant Edward Butch O'Hare. Stationed on the USS Lexington (CV-2), he was dispatched on a sortie to investigate some Japanese aircraft that had been detected 40 to 80 miles away from the carrier. O'Hare climbed into his F4F-3...
Ancient Philosophy: What is the philosophical significance of the slave boy experiment in the Meno?
Thesis - 3 pages - Ancient history
Meno is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. It is aporetic in that even though Socrates does present conclusions, they do not resolve the problems rose at the beginning. Meno first asks Socrates whether virtue can be taught. That is apparently not the good way to set the problem according to...
Vichy's Responsability in the Holocaust : The Failure of the Integration of the Jews of France ?
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
On July 16th 1995, President Jacques Chirac officially recognized for the first time, the responsibility of the Vichy regime in the genocide of the Jews. This statement was heralded as a break from the past as it had been traditionally asserted that no French governmental authorities had taken...
Great Britain during the Second World War
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Since 1933, the UK and France were not weren't ready economically and financially to wage war against Germany. In 1933, its leader Adolf Hitler, seized power lawfully, and wanted to take revenge after the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty. Indeed, after WWII, France, the UK and the USA decided...
Communism and Fascism : Two ideologies of the 20th century
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Communism and Fascism have both played a very decisive role in the 20th century. They had a big impact on all the major geopolitical issues of this century; the Russians Revolution of October 1917, the Spanish civil war, WWII, Cold War, Vietnamese's wars, Cuba's regime etc. It is commonly...
The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America
Book review - 1 pages - Modern history
In the 18th century, the ideas of modernity were spreading all around Europe, while at the same time a revolt is organized against the despotic control exercised by Georges III, the King of England in the British colonies of the New World. This rebellion resulted in the Declaration of...
Great Britain, the United States and the Commonwealth
Essay - 14 pages - Modern history
The aim of the lecture is to determine whether there is really a special relationship between Britain and the US. It was only in the aftermath of the Second World War that the term of special relationship came to be used to describe the partnership between Britain and America. Indeed, despite the...