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662 results

19 Jun 2013

History as identity: The American past as contested terrain

Book review - 20 pages - Modern history

We look to the past to tell us who we are, where we are, and how we got here from there. History is identity, and thus it is contested terrain. Whose story is going to be told, and who is going to do the telling? The American narrative - the history of who we are, where we've been, and what it...

28 May 2013

Hitler's rise to power

Case study - 6 pages - Ancient history

Post-World War I Germany was a country ridden with resentment, distress and desperation. There was confusion throughout the country because many thought that they had won the war, therefore the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles came as a shock to most German citizens. War guilt was a source...

30 Apr 2013

The Boer War

Case study - 2 pages - Modern history

Many events affect the shaping of a country. These instances could be a combination of multiple factors. War is a specific occurrence that could affect any country tremendously. Every portion has explicit affects. The Boer War is a detailed incident that had numerous affects on the parties...

06 Feb 2013

Why the Book of Hindu Vedas and others considered mythology?

Case study - 5 pages - Ancient history

Indeed, it is still a powerful paradigm in mind, even the Hindus themselves, the Vedas and Puranas contain only the epics and mythology. Take for instance the book Bhagavadgita. Bhagavad-gita contains spiritual discourse given by Sri Krishna to Arjuna before the war Bharata Yudha, which...

04 Feb 2013

Aryan invasion theory by Max Muller is a conspiracy

Case study - 6 pages - Ancient history

Almost all ancient cultures that have been found to be always close to the river valley. Man at that time considered the water is the only source of life. By being near the water, they can survive, and the river is a suitable place for it. This happened not without reason. Areas close to the...

22 Nov 2012

Account for the successes and failures of Mao Zedong's regime from 1949-1975

Case study - 3 pages - Ancient history

In 1949 when Mao Zedong rose to power as both Chairman of the ruling Communist Party and Chairman leader of China, he faced the “superhuman” (Lowe) task of controlling and organizing a country of more than 600 million people. The past half-century had left China weak and divided; this...

22 Nov 2012

The success and failure of Alexander III's rule

Case study - 2 pages - Ancient history

Alexander III, seen by many as a reactionary Tzar, ruled Russia from 1881-1894. Alexander was opposed to the stance his father Alexander II had taken in his approach to ruling Russia. Therefore he sought to undo the majority of his father's reforms. When Alexander III was put into power his first...

23 Aug 2012

Can the onset of the fall of fertility in Europe be related to the economic and social circumstances of the individual countries at the time?

Case study - 10 pages - Modern history

Understanding the onset of the fall of fertility in Europe requires understanding of changes in mortality as it is understood that "the beginning of mortality decline generally precedes that of fertility". The 'demographic transition' saw the average number of births per women fall from...

16 Aug 2012

What are the reasons for the growth in the world's major urban centres in the twentieth century? Are the reasons for the growth similar to those that explained urban growth in the developed countries?

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

While the origins of cities go back to over five thousand years, urbanization; the process of population concentration into urban areas is a recent phenomenon dating back to the 18th Century when cities began growing in the now developed world. As Davis puts it, “before 1850 no society could...

16 Aug 2012

What happened to the social state in Eastern Europe after 1990?

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

After the breakdown of the Soviet Union, each Eastern European and former Soviet country faced many challenges and one of them was how to cope with the welfare state under a different political organization. Now that the Soviet rule was gone, what was the road to be taken? Should the State...

16 Aug 2012

In what ways and why was Britain's industrialization experience unusual?

Case study - 5 pages - Modern history

The British Industrial Revolution is a highly debated historical event. The discussion is vigorous, especially when it comes to the origins of the Industrial Revolution. Perhaps the most common questions in this respect are: “Why was England First?”, “What was so special about...

16 Aug 2012

What has the so-called death of distance meant for the economic prospects of cities and nations?

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

In the 19th and 20th centuries, cities were able to attract people and develop primarily because of the lower cost of transportation for goods, people and knowledge that they provided. Distance is costly; search costs for the market and for suppliers, management costs, shipping costs, and...

16 Aug 2012

Television as a potential media tool

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

Current media analysis is highly focused on the perceived failings of television. The medium has been charged with being overly commercial, catering to the interests of political and governmental elite and facilitating the softening of the news by prioritizing stories with high dramatic or...

16 Aug 2012

What and who are the "spin doctors", in media terms?

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The current democratic political landscape is characterized by continuous shifts in power between politics and the media and dependant on the increasingly malleable opinions of the general public, spin doctors provide politicians with a means to somewhat control the perceptions of the populous...

10 Apr 2012

How tactics and logistics contributed to the victory of the British in the New Zealand Wars of the 1860s

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

This paper will discuss how British tactics and logistics contributed to their success in the Waikato campaign of the New Zealand Wars in 1863-64. Geoffrey Parker, in his book ‘The Cambridge History of Warfare' explains his five fundamental principles of western warfare. These are: a...

20 Jan 2012

Underwater Roman archaeology: Shipwrecks, shrines and submerged sites

Essay - 10 pages - Modern history

The practice of underwater archaeology provides archaeologists with new methods of exploring archaeological sites, utilizing new technologies such as SCUBA, Remote Operated Vehicles, and multibeam three-dimensional scanners. The information to be gleaned from submerged sites can provide valuable...

20 Jul 2011

The legacy of Pol Pot in Cambodia's history

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

Due to the social differences, economic depression and military decline in Cambodia during the mid 1900s, Pol Pot along with his communist political party, the Khmer Rouge, were able to take power and force their ideals on the people of Cambodia through forced labor, genocide, and torture until...

07 Jul 2011

Report: Purification of Contaminated Soil

Essay - 6 pages - Geography

The contaminated soil was cleaned, and the two contaminants were isolated from the soil. Blue vitriol and ethanol were separated based on their physical and chemical properties. In order to separate these components, procedures including centrifugation, filtration, and evaporation of solute were...

28 Jun 2011

Earthquakes and how to build to counter their effects

Thesis - 5 pages - Geography

Earthquakes can cause a great amount of damage to cities and towns which find themselves in the path of an earthquake. Despite this, towns and cities are still built near fault lines where earthquakes are a common occurrence. To combat the earthquakes which attempt to turn these structures into...

03 Mar 2011

Was the Khrushchev period (1953-64) a period of thaw in the Cold War?

Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history

Since the start of the Cold War in 1945, it seemed as if both the USSR and the USA, the two most powerful and influential superpowers, were set to be opponents in the game for world domination. Indeed, as no actual fighting and direct collision between the two nations took place, it was public...

03 Mar 2011

Analyze the evolution of the Cold War between 1945 and 1949

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

After the end of the Second World War, the victorious Allies split the post-war world between them. With each superpower focusing on their personal ideological interests, historians have found critical information that would foreshadow future tensions between the Big Three. The harmony which...

27 Jan 2011

Geopolitical stakes of the polar regions

Essay - 16 pages - Geography

The Polar Regions are among the major terrestrial deserts. These areas are virtually uninhabited and the climate is very harsh. It is very cold and precipitation is also low. These regions receive only 41% of heat from the Equator, the photoperiod is original: a month of dawn, day time for five...

27 Jan 2011

Was Bismarck Prussian or a German nationalist?

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, Count and Prince (born April 1, 1815 - Died July 30, 1898), was the Chancellor of the Kingdom of Prussia from 1862 to 1890. A Junker's son rose in strict discipline, he studied law at Gottingen and Berlin. He entered the Prussian administration in 1836. In the...

27 Jan 2011

The crisis of the years 1590 in England of Tudor

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

In 1588, Queen Elizabeth I, was seated on the throne for 30 years. Although she had to overcome various obstacles and conspiracies, those years were marked by peace and prosperity in general. However, due to several factors, the situation really began to deteriorate during the last decade of the...

27 Jan 2011

The Kennedys

Essay - 10 pages - Modern history

We primarily think of John F. Kennedy when we talk about the Kennedy dynasty, United States. This is so not only because of his worldwide fame as the president of the United States acquired within a short span of time but also because of his assassination on November 22, 1983 in Dallas under...

27 Jan 2011

The Atlantic facade of North America

Essay - 6 pages - Geography

Defining keywords: A coastline is a coastal area, which provides an interface (space contacts, exchanges) between a continental hinterland and a foreland ocean connected by dense and varied communications. This is an area of production and trade activities which led to a phenomenon of coastal...

27 Jan 2011

Britain's stance towards the Briand Plan

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

"Among people who are geographically grouped as the people of Europe, there must be some sort of federal link.” This is how the French foreign minister Aristide Briand presented his plan for a federal European Union or the Briand Project of European Union, as it is known today, for the first...

27 Jan 2011

Germany in the middle of international relations of 1945 to 1990

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

On February 11, 1945, at the Yalta conference, even before its capitulation was signed, Germany was aware of its defeat against its counterparts. The Allies, the United States, Great Britain, the USSR and France, united for the occasion against the common enemy, Nazism, decided that if they won,...

27 Jan 2011

Disputes and protest movements in the United States of 1960 to 1980

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

In 1968, Richard Nixon proclaimed:''If I could choose a time and a country to live in, I would choose the United States of America in 1968.'' The United States enjoyed a peaceful period in 1968; this economic superpower does not have to worry about its industry, its services or...

27 Jan 2011

The current political organization of Romania

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

After fifty years of communist dictatorship in Romania, they had the opportunity to choose democracy and freedom. For fifty years, Nicolae Ceausescu and his party violated the rights of the people of Romania especially those of freedom. The democratization process started after the people...