Chinese dynasties : the Yuan, Ming and Ging dynasties
Essay - 2 pages - Ancient history
Yuan dynasty as established by Genghis Khan and his sons. They ruled between 1279 and 1368 after conquering the western Xia ,central Asia and Hexi Corridor .The defeat of these dynasties gave them a strong base since they acquired the tools, techniques, Experience and the man power they required...
The Keeseville stone Arch bridge
Essay - 5 pages - Geography
The Keeseville district's three historic bridges are among the most significant highlights for the region. The bridge is among the United States most old stone arch bridges that have serve up to today. The bride is located above the Ausable River within the Adirondack area New York state....
Uruguay Geography
Essay - 30 pages - Geography
Uruguay is a country in South America, which is economically, politically, as well as socially stable country not forgetting its mild climate that is free of hurricanes and earthquakes. It is among south Americas, smallest countries covering 170,000 km total area. It is the smallest nation,...
Comparing accounts of slavery
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Slavery accounts for one of the most disappointing errors in the history of America. Due to the lack of education maintained by slaves, few recordings from the perspective of a slave are available today. The Classic Slave Narratives edited by Henry Louis Gates Jr. provides 4 different...
Catholic Church in the 5th Century
Essay - 1 pages - Ancient history
The role of the Catholic Church developed from the 3rd century C.E. as the European powers developed. The Germanic people started moving into the Roman Empire lands during this period and overtook Roman Empire (Western) politically and planted a number of states governed by German Kings. The...
Travels of Ibn Battuta
Essay - 3 pages - Ancient history
Commonly known as Ibn Batutta, Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Batutta was born in Tangir, a small town located in what is believed to be the present day Morocco, in the year 1304 (Gosch & Stearns, 2007, pp. 120-122). During his early life, Ibn, having been brought up in an Islamic family, studied...
Chronicle of the Narváez Expedition - Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, 1542
Book review - 1 pages - Modern history
History is recorded in a variety of manners. Some of the most revealing perspectives come from the individuals that have actually experienced the past events take place. The documents each individual provide are recognized as primary sources. Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca provides an example of a...
The Renaissance - Protestant and Catholic faith
Essay - 1 pages - Modern history
Because the Renaissance included a period of renewed interest in ancient and classical learning, multiple strengths were maintained by the Catholic faith toward the beginning of the Renaissance Period. The biggest strength may have been the actual churches. The features of the church were...
The fall of the Soviet Union
Essay - 2 pages - Modern history
As a result of the Soviet fall in the year 1991, there were many changes in Europe. After the collapse of the Soviet Union there were recently created Eastern Europe countries which found themselves brought into the new era. (Keohane, Robert 2010) Many people relied on the system of socialism...
Comparison between continents: America and Africa
Essay - 1 pages - Geography
Diversity is the product of nature. Humans come in an array of shapes, sizes, and colors. Nevertheless, geographical location combines a wide assortment of humans of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Despite the combination of differences, there remains a divide. Something still distinguishes...
Eastern Catholic
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
The eastern catholic is one of the branches of world Christianity churches. Also known as the Orthodox Catholic Church, it has preserved millions of Christians across the globe. The organizational structure of the Eastern Catholic Church in the Middle East consists of self governing or...
Is Quebec the only distinct society in Canada at the sub national Level?
Essay - 4 pages - Geography
The idea behind the consideration of Quebec as a distinct state was brought up back in 1995 on the 27th of November when the then Prime Minister Jean Chretien expressed his desire to introduce to the House of Commons a motion which if adopted would mean that Quebec was to stand as a distinct...
The Battle of Britain in World War II
Case study - 5 pages - Modern history
The Battle of Britain was an encounter between British air force, the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the German air force, the Luftwaffe. The aerial battle took place in the United Kingdom in 1940. Germany had planned an invasion, named Operation Sealion, in Britain. For Germany to execute...
The persecutions: The political and military commitment
Case study - 4 pages - Ancient history
In 1738, the region came under the control of the Afghan leader Nadir Shah of Iran .It return to hostilities, that Sikhs call ghalughara (Holocaust). In 1762 he destroyed Amritsar, seen as a symbol of the complete victory of Islam. This is the Wadde Ghalughara (second Holocaust). However it...
London and Victorian era
Case study - 3 pages - Ancient history
London, became a true metropolis integrated into the global economy that dominates, then place over the century as a true center of the world, political capital of the largest empire the world that wish to exhibit his power. The Victorian era is characterized by the height of the British Empire,...
The Tethered Generation
Case study - 2 pages - Ancient history
Kathryn Tyler is a renowned author for the HR magazine. She has been an author since 1993 and has also taught in several universities; University of California, San Diego University. In the article, The tethered Generation, Kathryn Tyler (2007) used the marketing research reports and finds out...
The sign of the Declaration of Independence
Case study - 2 pages - Ancient history
The Declaration of Independence is a sole document that called for the separation from British rule. The document illustrates how much unrest was evident between Britain and the thirteen colonies. The British government created unrest from the countless attempts of oppression. The oppression was...
Schumpeter's Conception of Democracy
Case study - 2 pages - Ancient history
Schumpeter is well known for his efforts in advocating a procedural democracy definition. He sets the stage for his definition by first criticizing the implications of the 18th-century philosophy that was associated with democracy (Medearis, 2009, p. 34). He claims that the definition in the 18th...
Religion and American History
Case study - 3 pages - Ancient history
According to Winthrop, United States is a Canaan (promised land) for the people according to God's will so as to a life regarded as moral (Winthrop, 1996). By following God's laws and rejecting the Europe's morally flawed ways, United States would as well be referred to as a city upon a hill. To...
Exercise to intervene for overweight
Essay - 2 pages - Ancient history
A number of people have become overweight due to the various lifestyles that we have adapted. In addition, the type of occupation that one is in contributes a lot to being overweight or obese. Apart from the minor symptoms and effects that I have mentioned above, there are the health problems...
Hegel case study- history
Case study - 4 pages - Modern history
The established order is not considered as something supreme; rather it is the change that receives this attribute. A determination appears in humans, it is a true ability to become better, a pulse to the perfectibility. This is without purpose or end, it is indefinable because quite...
Asian History
Case study - 2 pages - Modern history
The Zhou clan was the founders of the Zhou dynasty whose existence stretches back o the eleventh century BC. At this period, the clan was getting more and more powerful and had extended all through the Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. The Zhou clan sort to menace the Shang Dynasty, which made the...
Synthesis of Laporte's History of Shit and Orwell's 1984 , The Implications of Political Rules and Policies on Individuals
Case study - 3 pages - Modern history
Laporte in his book, history of shit, examines the role of political rules for good functioning of the society. In the book, Laporte examines and analyses the how society manages waste through enacted laws. Laporte asserts that Freud's triad of order, cleanliness and beauty when embodied by the...
Morocco: Case study
Case study - 4 pages - Modern history
Morocco is located to the North of Africa. It borders Algeria, Western Sahara, the North Atlantic Ocean, Algeria and the Mediterranean Sea, and Western Sahara. Morocco is well known for its long history with diverse cultures and diverse cuisines. Its proximity to Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean...
How and to what extent the new economic geography explains industry specialization patterns in Europe?
Case study - 8 pages - Geography
The discipline of economic geography is concerned with the impact of the geophysical, social, and political environments on political activities (Hodder & Lee, 1974). It addresses the influence of location, distribution, and spatial organization of economic activities on productivity. According...
History 9067/3: International History, 1945 - 1991
Case study - 5 pages - Modern history
On first reading, Source A agrees with the hypothesis that The United Nations Secretary-General has never possessed any independent power. For example, it says that Trygve Lie had to operate in a UN which was still very much an East-West structure. - this seems to...
Benjamin Franklin
Case study - 3 pages - Modern history
America was founded on the principles of truth, justice and equality - we believe (or did, at least) that if we are intelligent, true, and work hard enough, we will succeed in this land of opportunities. Nowhere is that belief and its fulfillment better shown than in the life of Benjamin...
Impact of gunpowder on history
Case study - 3 pages - Modern history
Considered to be the first invention in chemical explosives in the world, Gunpowder was invented by Chinese Alchemy in 9th century during the Tang Dynasty. Historians also argue that it was invented in 11th century during Song Dynasty. Gunpowder invention is popularly listed as one among the four...
How similar, and how different, were the means by which Hitler and Mussolini imposed totalitarian rule on Germany and Italy respectively?
Case study - 4 pages - Modern history
Hitler was invited into power in Weimar Germany to be Chancellor in 1933; similarly, Mussolini was invited into power in Italy to be Prime Minister in 1922. After this entry into power, they set out to impose totalitarian rule on their respective countries. By totalitarian rule I...
History 9067/3: international history, 1945 - 1991 - published: 09/07/2013
Case study - 4 pages - Modern history
On 24 June 1948, Stalin of the Soviet Union, or USSR, blocked all ground and water access from West Germany to West Berlin. In response, the US brought supplies into West Berlin from the air. This, known as the Berlin airlift, lasted for almost a year. Then, on 12 May 1949, the blockade,...