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History & geography

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662 results

25 Apr 2020

Culture analysis - Japan

Essay - 5 pages - World geography

I chose Japan because it is the most exotic and culturally different from France. Therefore, I find it really fascinating to learn more about this incredible distinct island of culture! Japan could appear as an excentric, colourful and strange culture but also complex and confusing in terms of...

22 Oct 2018

The growth, development, and changes in American society after the Civil War

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Theodore Geisel wrote children's books for adults. Eric Foner wrote a text designed to challenge student ideas about America's progression toward a more inclusive society. Professor Jamieson picked books and movies designed to encourage you to consider the theme of the class--what is...

05 Aug 2017

History of African-Americans (1600-1877)

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Slavery in America started sometime back and during this period, there was the capture of the first Africans and they were brought to North America. In North America, there was a British colony in Jamestown, Virginia, where tobacco farming was widely practiced across North America in 1619. Cheap...

05 Aug 2017

An introduction to the history of Christianity in England

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Henrician Reformation is a phenomenon that followed the Europe Reformation and Protestant Reformation. This led to the severing in the relationships between England and Rome. The purpose of this article is to highlight the most decisive feature of the Henrician reformation. In addition, the...

29 Jun 2017

Why did Russia withdraw from World War I?

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

Russia's retreat from world War one was mainly due poor leadership that started in the early stages of the war. The reasons for Russia's withdrawal from WW1 will be outlined in this paper. When Russia entered the war, the political leaders aimed to use the war as a uniting factor for the...

30 Jan 2017

The American Revolution: who was more to blame; the British or the American agitators

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

In wars, individuals, groups or communities are involved. Their actions and words are key contributing factors that eventually end up into a war. In the American Revolution, there were two major groups involved, the American agitators, and the British. There is therefore need to look at who...

30 Jan 2017

Greece vs. Persian Empire

Essay - 4 pages - Ancient history

The Persian wars also known as the wars between Greece and Persia comprised of a series of wars that commenced in 499BC between Achaemenid Empire of Persia and Greek city states. The wars lasted all through until 449BC. The history of the wars are best accounted for by Herodotus who narrates the...

13 Jan 2017

World War I

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

In June of 1914, one man by the name of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, was assassinated. The death of this man would ultimately lead to the bloodiest conflict in all of human history up to that point. This assassination was the final trigger in the tension that was brewing between...

13 Jan 2017

History of the Civil Rights and feminist movement

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

After World War II, the Nuremburg laws that had segregated Jews from non-Jews were overturned. This progress contrasted heavily with the United States who, compared to the rest of the world, held on to archaic laws enacting the segregation of "colored" and non-colored people. This segregation...

13 Jan 2017

U.S. history: America before and after 9/11

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

In 2001 after a controversial election, the U.S. had a new President, George W. Bush. Bush had lost the popular vote to Al Gore but had won the election due to the electoral college. But even in the case of the electoral college, he only won because of Florida, which he had only narrowly won by...

21 Sep 2016

The waves of Jewish immigration at various times in history

Course material - 4 pages - Modern history

Jews had begun arriving in the New World long before the immigration waves of the twentieth century. As early as the 1700s, before America became the United States, before it became known as a haven for the tired, poor and oppressed, European Jews fled religious persecution to find solace here....

16 Sep 2016

The Jewish question and the Nazi's rise to power

Course material - 3 pages - Modern history

Between the end of the 19th century and World War I, continental Europe was experiencing a series of changes that would culminate in the discussion of what roles Jews should play in European political, economic and intellectual society. The main reasons for the prejudice that Jews faced in this...

09 Sep 2016

The history of New York's' Brooklyn Bridge

Essay - 1 pages - Modern history

The New York Skyline is a thing of beauty, and has been for many years. People from all over the world come to New York to marvel at its impressive and awesome structure, from the buildings to the bridges. As the greatest city in the world, New York was built to amaze and bedazzle. No landmark...

07 Sep 2016

The American Civil War and the independence of the Southern States

Course material - 2 pages - Modern history

Although historians now agree that there were many causes for the American Civil War, one of these causes remains the desire of the Confederacy to defend the institution of slavery against what they perceived to be an attack by the Northern states. By electing Lincoln as President, the South...

07 Sep 2016

Lamar Smith and the Civil Rights Movement

Essay - 1 pages - Modern history

During the civil rights movement and the various circumstances that established the foundations for this movement, there were many civil rights leaders with strong beliefs and the willingness to reverse discrimination policies. While many of the movement leaders were extremely prominent and...

07 Sep 2016

The Great Depression in the United States

Course material - 1 pages - Modern history

The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929-1941, was an extremely important time period in the history of the United States. During this period, major demographic, economic, cultural, and even architectural changes took place. During the Great Depression, various of groups within the United...

07 Sep 2016

Louis XIV: absolute monarch or absolute god?

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

While many monarchs have had the experience of wielding an enormous amount of power, few of them held power that went unchecked. Even at the zenith of their strength, many monarchs had to answer to a parliament, the legal traditions of the land, noblemen, as well as the Pope in Rome. To have full...

23 Aug 2016

The Greek strategies that won the Persian wars

Essay - 1 pages - Ancient history

The Greek and Persian wars were important events in Greek history. At the time, the Persian Empire was larger, wealthier, and had more men, but still the Greek forces were able to unite together and defeat them. When the Greek and Persian Wars were happening, around 492 BC to 449 BC, the Persian...

06 Jul 2016

Slavery in colonial America

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

During the centuries that slavery was practiced in colonial America, the threat of rebellion was a constant cause of concern for slave owners. In order to avoid rebellion and uprising, white slave-owners in colonial America would engage in various methods of inhumane treatment, and set in place a...

05 Jul 2016

The role of mobs in colonial society and The American revolution

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

When thinking of the American Revolution, most people today think of George Washington's solidarity with the troops at Valley Forge, Thomas Paine's call for liberty and independence and Paul Revere's ride to warn the townspeople of Boston of the incoming British invasion. While these...

05 Jul 2016

Jewish Immigrations of the Lower East Side, Manhattan, New York (19th & 20th century)

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

The Lower East Side in Manhattan, New York, is symbolic of American Jewry. Since the mid 1800's, sometimes earlier, European Jews emigrated from various countries and settled in New York. Their most common destination was the Lower East Side in Manhattan, and since then this area is well...

05 Jul 2016

Heart of a Dog - Mikhail Bulgakov, 1925

Book review - 3 pages - Modern history

In "Heart of a Dog" by Mikhail Bulgakov, we are presented with a satire of Russian society in the early 20th century. In the story, a Russian dog is transformed into a human through a serious of surgeries, and with a "dog's mindset", this individual is able to thrive in a corrupt Russian...

05 Jul 2016

Genocide and mass killings in the 20th century

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

In August of 1939, Adolf Hitler addressed his commanders with the words, "Thus for the time being I have sent to the East only my 'Death's Head Units' with the orders to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish race or language. Only in such a way will we win...

05 Jul 2016

European colonization and its effects in the Spice islands and Banda islands

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Europeans began to colonize different areas of the world as soon as they became aware of their existence. Explorers sailing out of England, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands worked tirelessly to comb the vast regions of the world for suitable additions to their respective empires. Islands and...

05 Jul 2016

Creation, God, and the story of Genesis in the Bible

Essay - 3 pages - Ancient history

In the first part of Genesis, the origins and creation of life and Earth are explained. In the beginning, God created the heaven the earth, and there was nothing on the earth but water. On the first day, God said "Let there be light", and at this point God created night and day. After this, on...

21 Mar 2016

The geology of Texas and how it has shaped the community of Texas

Essay - 3 pages - Geography

Generally, geology deals with the study of the earth and its processes with respect to its effect on the general life of humans or societies. For instance, it studies the history and material of mountains, glaciers and rocks and also analyzes processes like earthquakes, floods, and landslides. In...

08 Feb 2016

Local indigenous Australian people

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Aboriginal are the local indigenous people with so many tribes who settled in different parts of Australia. These communities include Bama who settled in the northern part of Queensland, Murri people who settled at the southern parts of Queensland. Murri people have many languages spoken such as...

17 Sep 2015

Gender sexuality and nationalism in the Early 20th Century in China

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

In the early twentieth century the world was changing with urbanization becoming one of the main changes that the world faced in this period. There were more people that were moving to the urban areas and this was accompanied by changes in the beliefs and also some of the customs of the people...

16 Sep 2015

Relationship between conflict and migration

Essay - 10 pages - Geography

This essay discusses the relationship between conflict and migration. It focuses on IDPs (internally displaced persons) and refugees, mostly leaving out the motives of economic or social migration. The first chapter states factors that cause displacement, followed by a discussion about the extent...

15 Sep 2015

Tactics of combating human trafficking as a global issue ? Case Study

Essay - 4 pages - Geography

Cristina, a 24-year-old woman came to the US with a man she thought to be her boyfriend. However, upon their arrival in New York, she was forced to have intercourse with dozens of men daily and was beaten regularly, all this occurred in a suburban home (Kloer). Concy, a ten year old at the time,...