What occurred in the United States during the Second World War
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Research on the effects of World War II demonstrates that there few areas of society that were not, in some way, impacted by the event. Although many Americans remained on the home front there were numerous social, political and economic sacrifices that citizens made in order to support American...
The Life of Octavian and the Events that led to his rule
Essay - 4 pages - Medieval history
Throughout the course of history, there have been a number of notable leaders that have significantly altered or improved civilization. Although the contributions of many of these leaders have fallen by the wayside in modern times, there are a few that remain as prominent today as they were...
The history of U.S steel and the industrial revolution
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
Throughout the course of the twentieth century notable changes have taken place with respect to the development of the organization. Many of these changes have been focused on the advancement of the workforce and management, leading to the evolution of the organization. Interestingly, however, a...
The Rise of the Irish
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
The United States is home to hundreds of nationalities, races, and religions. It is the breeding ground for diversity. This was not always the case. The 17th century to the 19th century was the times of immigration to the country. Immigrants came from all over to experience the free...
The Religion of Graham Greene
Essay - 5 pages - Ancient history
When viewing Graham Greene from a religious perspective, or evaluating his works based upon their religious sense, the starting assumptions of critics have been that Greene is a Catholic writer. However, analyses of Greene's work have proven that Greene at best fits ambiguously into...
The City is a Jealous Mistress: A Socio-Historical Reading About Divided Loyalties in Hosea
Essay - 8 pages - Ancient history
Here it will be attempted to examine three characters of within Hosea chapters one through three--from a socio-historical feminist viewpoint, ergo, socio-herstorical-in order to try to understand why they are portrayed the way they are in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament history. It is an attempt to...
The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century by Thomas L. Friedman provides the author's views on the development of the world since the late 1990s. The central thesis provided by Friedman is that the world is becoming flat. When Friedman makes this assertion, he is not...
The Battle of Cattalaunian Fields
Essay - 5 pages - Ancient history
The Battle of Catalaunian Fields was the climax of the Hun invasion of the empire. It was this event that decided the fate of Europe because it was this battle which chose groups would to settle. If the Hun army had won European history would be drastically changed. Europe today would be...
The Rise And Fall Of The Slave Trade
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
One of humanities most shameful and horrific periods, is the time of the transatlantic slave trade. This system of transporting human captives and agricultural goods to Europe and the Americas started on a small scale, and rapidly grew to catastrophic proportions. Originally, the slaves were...
The Equation of Stone Tools and Human Intelligence Evolution
Essay - 3 pages - Ancient history
Stone tools are often the glorified paradigm for anthropological assumptions about human intelligence evolution. Their concrete and quantifiable linkages to Paleolithic realities are what make stone tools such a pivotal addition to anthropology's understanding of evolution. The shifts in the...
Korean Unification
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The notable economic and social problems that have developed in North Korea have spurred recent talks to reunify North and South Korea. While this move has been judged by many analysts to be a positive move toward establishing political stability in the Far East, the reality is that this...
Law and Order in Ancient China
Essay - 6 pages - Ancient history
Social development in most countries is predicated upon the history and tradition of the country in its early years of development. In other words, the direct issues of law and order that have become a part of modern social discourse can be traced back to the historical development of the state....
Argumentative paper about the Islamic Empire
Essay - 3 pages - Ancient history
The short period of time after the death of Mohammad was a tumultuous one of growth and redefinition. What would follow Mohammad's career of revelations and what it would mean for a society governed by them was the looming question to be quickly and unavoidably answered by the actions of the new...
Harald Bluetooth and the Jelling Stones
Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Medieval history
The custom of erecting rune stones to commemorate the dead was a fashion that became predominant during the latter years of the Viking age, with the high period starting around 950 AD and continuing for the following 80 years in Denmark, Norway, and southern Sweden. In northern Sweden the custom...
Handmaid of God: The Developing Social Class of the Virgin Mary
Essay - 7 pages - Ancient history
Although the Virgin Mary is depicted in the gospel text and other religious literature as primarily a humble handmaid of God, imagery in medieval representations of her tend to downplay that aspect of her personality. Instead, social class is what is most often emphasized, with the...
Wolfe Tone's Argument for Catholic Emancipation in 18th-Century Ireland
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
Theobald Wolfe Tone was one of the founding members of the United Irishmen, and was also a well-known supporter of Catholic emancipation. This paper will examine how Tone's Argument on behalf of the Catholics of Ireland, published the first of August, 1791, changed the way that reformers in...
Denial or Acceptance? Medieval Attitudes Towards Death
Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history
In recent times, the study of death -both in modern times and throughout historyhas begun to interest historians, who have gone about their research in a variety of ways. One work in this area of study is The Hour of Our Death by Philippe Aries, which has become a foundation work in the...
The history of Philadelphia
Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history
By the late eighteen the century, America was well on its way to establishing its own national identity. While the cities and towns that were born during this time period each manifested their own unique culture and heritage, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania became the political and economic heart of...
The Tet Offensive of 1968
Essay - 7 pages - Modern history
In the early hours of January 31 1968, nineteen specially trained Vietcong soldiers leapt from a taxi cab and a truck to attack the American Embassy in Saigon. At the same time all across South Vietnam, urban centers, providence capitals, and military installations were all coming under surprise...
I Will Survive: How a Disco Hit Defined the Year 1979
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The oil crisis continued, unemployment remained high, Jimmy Carter's presidency suffered blow after demoralizing blow, disco was the popular music, movies were breaking new ground and television continued remained the number one form of entertainment and relaxation. America was faced with...
The Role of ETA in the Basque Nationalist Movement and its Consequences
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
Following the recent ceasefire declared by ETA on 22nd March of this year (2006), never has it been more appropriate to look further into what the American Government has classified as one of the best-organised terrorist organisations in the world. In this essay I will explore the origins of ETA...
What were the causes of the Iconoclastic Movement in the Dutch Revolt (1559-1648)?
Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Medieval history
In this essay I will be treating the iconoclastic movement in the Netherlands (1566 - 1567) as the beginning of the Dutch Revolt. I will begin by examining the historical context of the Dutch Revolt, that is to say, the political, economic and social aspects of the Netherlands in the sixteenth...
Women: What Were They Doing?
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
In the period precluding the 1700's, many different societies existed together and the future shape of the world was taking form. Christopher Columbus had discovered North America for Spain, Cortez had conquered the Aztecs, and Europeans began settling in American Colonies. Disease was killing...
Rosie the Riveter: Teaching High School Students about Women in World War II
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
As men enlisted in the armed services, and the need for more ships, and guns, and war supplies grew, the government focused on the recruitment of women to fill those jobs left open by men. The War Production Coordinating Committee commissioned artist, J. Howard Miller to create one of many...
Tension Through Melodies: Music of the Cold War
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
Music serves as a reflection of a society. When a society is prospering, the music is noticeably happier, such as the Big Band phenomenon in the roaring 20's. The same principle applies to a society going through rough times, such as jazz during the years of the Great Depression. The Cold War...
Communist Childhood: The Path to Disillusionment
Essay - 2 pages - Modern history
China in the mid-20th century was a country full of change. The country was transitioning from the rule of the nationalist KMT party to the communist CCP party. This change did not come easily and millions of lives were affected by it. Spider Eaters by Rae Yang is a memoir written about...
The Colonization and Independence of South Africa and Kenya
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Independence has been a struggle in the African continent since the first days of colonization. Africa has been territorialized since the days of Jesus, but was not heavily colonized until the Scramble for Africa. The Scramble, which took place during the late 1800s, involved several European...
Ecuadorian Immigration to the NY-Metro Area in the 1970s-80s
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
America has (nearly) always been the destination of choice for the world's migrants. Spanning an entire continent, the country has historically offered land, jobs, and tolerance to those who seek them. For South Americans especially, the United States had been attractive for its accessibility...
African American Children's Literature and the Quilting Trope
Case study - 6 pages - Modern history
African American children's literature is rich with significant themes and tropes that educators can effectively use to teach about important events, figures, and historical facts in a culturally sensitive way to a diverse classroom of students. It is extremely important that teachers have a...
Defining Republicanism
Essay - 9 pages - Modern history
When the Treaty of Paris officially ended the American Revolution in 1783, the new American citizens were faced with the challenge of forming a system of government that was functional, well structured, and non-oppressive. Over the course of six years, the former colonies searched for a...