The utility of Confucianism & civil service examinations: from Han to Qing
Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history
It was during the Han Dynasty under Confucian scholar Dong Zhong Shu's persuasion that Emperor Wu (r. 140-68 BC) canonized the five Confucian classics as teachings of the state, created an imperial academy and instituted the civil service examinations as a nascent tool of talent recruitment. The...
The fourth horseman: Disease as a unique and multi-faceted agent of Apocalypse
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
Although there exist many manifestations of apocalypse in our society, an extensive study of the subject of apocalypse will demonstrate the presence of an inherent trait that runs constant within nearly all forms of apocalypse; despite the fact that the prospect of a destructive apocalypse is...
The President's commission on the assassination of President Kennedy and its report
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
THE ASSASSINATION of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963, was a cruel and shocking act of violence directed against a man, a family, a nation, and against all mankind. This is the first statement made on page 1 of the Report of the President's Commission on the...
The economic, social and political impact of the Great Depression on Southeast Asia
Essay - 9 pages - Modern history
Southeast Asia did not escape the effects of the Great Depression that burst upon the Western industrialised world at the beginning of the 1930s. The 1929 crisis formed a watershed in the history of Southeast Asia, leaving neither the economic, social nor political sphere untouched. Apart from...
Common portrayals and stereotypes of the Indian princess in popular culture
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
Stereotypes of Native Americans have continued through to the 21st century with films like Dances with Wolves (1990), The Last of the Mohicans (1992), and Pocahontas (1995). In films like these and other popular culture, Native Americans appear with feathers in their hair, in tribal dress,...
Anarchism in the Spanish civil war
Essay - 9 pages - Modern history
In a decade of cataclysmic worldwide depression and spreading fascism, the Spanish Civil War's Anarchist forces signaled a message of renewed hope of emancipation to the scattered working-class forces throughout the globe. The question still remains though, as to whether these forces contributed...
Women and the Great War
Essay - 9 pages - Modern history
World War I, lasting from 1914 to 1918, was a culmination of entangling alliances, new technology and empirical greed. The Great War, as it is sometimes called, brought the whole of Europe into years of stalemate, death and destruction. United States soldiers were spared most of the war, and the...
Overview of Thailand
Essay - 5 pages - Geography
Thailand is arguably one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It is a nation rich in history and culture, populated with a warm, hospitable people who endeavor to make any tourist or visitor feel at home. Before we discuss the people, let's begin with an overview of the country's...
Domesticity and the siege of Leningrad
Essay - 20 pages - Modern history
One of the most tragic and at the same time heroic episodes of the Second World War, or as it is referred to in the Soviet/Russian context The Great Patriotic War, is the Siege of Leningrad. The siege itself, although not a key strategic event on the Eastern front, holds an important place in the...
The political role of prisoners of war in postwar Germany
Essay - 7 pages - Modern history
In the period immediately following its defeat in the Second World War Germany was faced with many problems: rebuilding itself after the destruction of the war, re-establishing a political infrastructure, and coming to grips with its Nazi past. Although these were critical issues, perhaps one of...
Haiti: The first black republic
Essay - 5 pages - Medieval history
In its early years as a wealthy French colony, Haiti was the envy of European imperial powers; however, in the last two centuries it has undergone a major transformation from a blooming Caribbean colony to an economically, socially, environmentally, and politically troubled nation. Since the...
Rigoberta Menchu Tum: A peacemaker from the start
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
Rigoberta Menchu? Tum, a great nonviolent leader, born in 1959 in Guatemala, struggled through many hardships with her family. Her mother and father, community leaders working towards their goal of giving power to the peasant workers, fought through to the end when tortured and killed by the...
The Parthenon
Essay - 4 pages - Medieval history
After the Athenians defeated the Persians in defense of their glorius city. Pericles had proposed a resurrection and rebuilding of the Athenian temples that were destroyed by the Persian invaders. The best materials, artists, and laborers were called upon from the entire region to take part in...
The conquests of Alexander the great
Essay - 5 pages - Ancient history
Alexander's father, Phillip II, ruled Macedon from 359 to 336 BC. Alexander's accomplishments may not have been achieved if it weren't for his father's military and political efforts. Philip's military work included fortifying the Macedonian army and establishing alliances,...
Salem Village through the eyes of 20th century historians: A historical and geographical review
Essay - 9 pages - Modern history
In 1953, Arthur Miller composed a highly-charged work for the theater that struck its audiences as frighteningly relevant to the times. That play was called The Crucible, and its fictional examination of the Salem Witch trials has become a classic of American Theater. Miller's play was well...
Book review of America's right turn: From Nixon to Clinton and a book review of America's right turn: How conservatives used the new and alternative media to gain power.
Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history
The book is a logical presentation of the historical development of the Republican's success in campaigning for wedge issues. Wedge issues have been instrumental in the campaign of Republican's since wedge issues like gay marriage, illegal immigrants, abortion are very appealing to the emotions...
Leadership and the valley forge encampment of 1777-1778 ( Maps included )
Essay - 4 pages - Medieval history
The 19th day of December in 1777 marked significantly on the history of United States of America for this was the day when George Washington together with 11,000 soldiers encamped in Valley Forge, a 2,000 - acre Pennsylvania community [ ] twenty miles northwest of Philadelphia...
The road to the civil war
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
As a result of the Mexican American War, Mexico lost almost half of its territory to the United States. The victory of the Mexican American War seemed to fulfill the citizens' beliefs in Manifest Destiny. The newly acquired territories of the United States put pressure between the Northern and...
The Cold War
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
Communism is a political structure based on economic principles that promote the establishment of a classless society in which everything is commonly owned. (Communism Par 1) On the contrary, Capitalism is based on the principle that land and means of production can be privately...
Conformity, radicals, conservatives, and Clinton
Essay - 8 pages - Modern history
In the United States, the 1950s was the rise of suburbia. Undeveloped areas were constructed into planned communities. One of the most famous subdivisions of this time was known as Levittown. Levittown was a political subdivision of Long Island, New York. It was the first truly mass-produced...
Lo siniestro como producto de la guerra civil española: el caso de La Voz Dormida
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
El año 1939 señaló un momento triunfante para el general Francisco Franco y su banda nacional, marcando el fin de la Guerra Civil y el principio de La Paz de Franco que supuestamente siguió. Al contrario, para la población derrotada (los republicanos y otros que no se identificaron...
The Virginian dynasty
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
George Washington was born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family and was raised to be an eighteenth century Virginia gentlemen. Washington was a general and took part in the French and Indian War as well as the American Revolutionary War. Washington became of the most important figures in the...
The Armenian transnation as unified in opposition to its Ottoman past
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
At the turn of the twentieth century, the Armenians were already a dispersed people; one scattered around the world but primarily divided between the Ottoman and Russian Empires. Their dispersion, however, became part of their self-conception as a people in 1915, when the Ottoman Armenians found...
Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The Nez Perce War is a series of wars that occurred from June, 1877 to September, 1877 between the white settlers and the tribes of the Nez Perces. The Nez Perce lost over fifty of their tribe members during a surprise raid by the white settlers while they were sleeping. This attack led to more...
Revolutionary music: The Republicans and the Anarchists
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
Music is a creation capable of greatly influencing and inspiring the people that it reaches. Many musicians and scholars suggest that a generation may even be defined by its choice of music. Music is even revered by some as a form of therapy, believed to have the ability to reach a person's...
Unconscious discord: The battle between modern Greece and its ideal in the mind
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
In the 18th and 19th centuries, many men from the West journeyed to Greece, trading in their comfortable existences in Europe and America for exciting adventures where many risked their lives in the face of pirates, brigands, and plague; and for some of these men, traveling to Greece was by...
The War of 1812
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
The War of 1812 was mainly between the United States and Great Britain. The relatively small conflict (Heidler & Heidler, 2002, p.1) lasted for almost three yearsfrom June of 1812 to Spring of 1815. The war still continued for a few months after a peace treaty ending the war was...
Life and history of Jane Adams
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
Introduction Throughout the course of history, there have been numerous female leaders that have demonstrated their strength and courage to the world. While many of these leaders have been written about in the annals of history, some have left a timeless impression on society, such that their...
A historical overview of the Borobudur temple
Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history
Indonesia is home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World: the Buddhist monument of Borobudur. Although this monument is not one of the most widely known wonders of the globe it clearly represents a pinnacle of both architectural development and religious worship. Created between the seventh and...
The specific events that shaped the development of Europe between the years of 1914 and 1965
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
In the aftermath of World War II, Europe showed a notable overall decline in both its economic production and its overall primacy in the international community. While some historians have argued that the Second World War is what had served as the impetus for the decline of Europe, when tracing...