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662 results

28 May 2009

The Indus valley civilization

Thesis - 11 pages - Ancient history

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Ghaggar-Hakra civilization or the Harappan Civilization was one of the most ancient of world civilizations, a contemporary of the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization. This civilization flourished between 2600 B.C.E. and 1900 B.C.E. in...

21 May 2009

The push and pull: Dichotomies in the lover

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

Reading The Lover, you have the experience of sitting down with Marguerite Duras, perhaps in a dim room on a day in late summer, sipping cold tea in tall glasses, intent on hearing the story of her Chinese lover, the man she lost her innocence to many years ago as a young French girl in...

17 May 2009

Human Rights in China since the Tiannemen incident in 1989

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

On June 4th 1989, Deng Xiaoping and nine other members of the permanent Comity commanded the Prime Minister Li Peng to repress the occupation of Tiannenmen square by millions of students. Actually, this manifestation had started on the2nd of April by the students' reaction who wanted to pay...

17 May 2009

Women, Algerians and enemies

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

Victims told their stories to the Truth Commission while, in another hall, in other time, perpetrators explained their deeds. During the Algerian War (1954-1962), called “the war of independence”, French soldiers raped many Algerian women, but this remains unknown because of the...

17 May 2009

The diplomacy of Vichy: June 1940 to November 1942

Thesis - 8 pages - Modern history

The history of Vichy has been subjected to heated controversies since 1945. In the years that followed the liberation, most historians and politicians alleged that France had resisted to the German, and developed a myth, the “Resistantialisme”. This term implies that the majority of the...

17 May 2009

In what specific senses might nationalism be considered one of the causes of the First World War?

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

Since the beginning of the XIX° century, Europe had known a series of crises, due to serious issues which were causing mounting friction amongst the Powers. Nonetheless, at the beginning of 1914 Europe seemed to be at peace, and the international relations between European countries seemed less...

17 May 2009

Lewis, Fort Mandan, April 7, 1805 : The Lewis and Clark expedition

Book review - 4 pages - Modern history

This text, written by Captain Meriwether Lewis at Fort Mandan on April 7th, 1805, may be regarded as one of the main turning points of the expedition. Indeed, the long and harsh winter they endured when they could not move on westward to the Missouri River since it was blocked with ice and when...

12 May 2009

An evaluation of the role played by the early Tudors in the growth of England as a super power

Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history

The Tudor period in English history refers to the period between 1485 C.E. and 1603 C.E. that coincides with the rule of the Tudor dynasty. The five monarchs who ruled England during this period were Henry VII (1485 C.E. to 1509 C.E.), Henry VIII (1509 C.E. to 1547 C.E.), Edward VI (1547 C.E. to...

11 May 2009

A discussion and analysis of the Indus river civilization

Thesis - 6 pages - Ancient history

Indus civilization is considered as the most mysterious civilization of the world because until now researchers have failed to provide a plausible explanation of the symbols and language found written on various tablets. Considered as an urban civilization far superior to that of summer...

10 May 2009

The depiction of Biblical women in the letters of Abelard and Heloise

Thesis - 10 pages - Ancient history

Abelard and Heloise sustained a reputation as great lovers for many centuries. Yet their romantic relationship was essentially over when they composed their famous correspondence; the very nature of their love affair remains unclear. Both Abelard and Heloise construct their past with common...

08 May 2009

The Gypsies and the Balkans States

Thesis - 8 pages - Modern history

The Gypsies are now recognized to have originated from northern India and to have arrived in Europe around the 14th century. This deprives the Gypsies of an historical homeland and a state able to protect their rights, even outside its borders. Moreover, their immigration in several waves created...

08 May 2009

A discussion of noble women in ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian society

Thesis - 10 pages - Medieval history

Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt were both patriarchal societies. Women were second class citizens. However, in both civilizations women rose to prominence and even managed to rule. This paper will contrast those exceptions to male domination and the way they differed. The ancient civilizations of...

07 May 2009

The Indian Ocean in Eurasian and African world-systems before the 16th century, Philippe Beaujard

Thesis - 7 pages - Medieval history

Philippe Soller used to say that the beauty of conciseness is that it allows us to transmit, guiltlessly, only commonly accepted truths. I am afraid I will have to show, very concisely, how innovating and dissenter is the study of Philippe Beaujard on The Indian Ocean in Eurasian and African...

07 May 2009

Why did the British leave India in 1947?

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

The independence of India in August 1947 was the result of a long process which started after the First World War. Indeed in 1919 Parliament had passed the Government of India Act which was designed to organize provincial governments in India. Then, before 1939 and the outbreak of the Second...

06 May 2009

The grail legends through history

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

The story of the Holy Grail has fascinated people in written form for almost 900 years, and existed in oral form before that date as part of the legend called the Matter of Britain. This has been a pagan story, a Jewish/Islamic story, and a Christian story. The grail itself has been a serving...

06 May 2009

New testament portrayals of Mary Magdalene

Thesis - 7 pages - Medieval history

We have no verifiable information about who wrote the gospels of the New Testament, where they were written, or even when. Later legends connected these gospels with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but there is no reliable historical evidence to support these claims. Modern scholars estimate that...

06 May 2009

The transformation of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara

Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history

Buddhism arose in India around 500 BCE. It was focused on the teachings of Gautama Buddha and organized around the spiritual practices of monks and nuns who also taught the Buddha's message. In the first 500 years of its existence in India the religion or tradition of Buddhism was influenced by...

06 May 2009

The goddess in the Hebrew tradition

Thesis - 6 pages - Ancient history

We tend to think of the Hebrew tradition as one of solid monotheism and a consistent worship of a male God named Yahweh (or sometimes El). Many people know about the Bible story where Moses was angry with the Hebrew people on their way out of captivity in Egypt because they built a golden calf to...

05 May 2009

The ancient culture and history of the Mayan civilization

Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history

The Mayan civilization was a densely populated and highly advanced civilization that thrived in Mesoamerica from the second century B.C.E., until the arrival of the Spanish in the 15th Century B.C.E. They had their base in the Yucatan and spread over present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala,...

05 May 2009

Indus river civilization

Thesis - 5 pages - Ancient history

Indus civilization is considered as the most mysterious civilizations of the world because until now researchers have failed to provide a plausible explanation of the symbols and language found written on various tablets. Considered as an urban civilization far superior to that of Sumer...

30 Apr 2009

Analysis of the role of easy transit to Pearson international airport in the economy of Toronto and its accessibility to commuter and international travelers

Thesis - 6 pages - Geography

Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver are the three largest cities in Canada. As such, they play a pivotal role in the economy, growth, and development of Canada as both a nation unto itself and as an international destination for commerce, tourism, and immigration. Sad it is, then, that Toronto,...

30 Apr 2009

Sacred tantra

Thesis - 6 pages - Ancient history

Tantra, is set of mystical practices employing rituals, mythologies, and sacred sexuality to achieve divine awareness. It is a system of mysticism found in both Hindu and Buddhist spiritual traditions and perhaps predates them as well. This paper will discuss the transition from very intense...

30 Apr 2009

Beating the odds: How Chet Edwards won in the Texas 17th

Thesis - 8 pages - Modern history

The redistricting effort in Texas had a singular goal: to increase the Republican majority in Texas' Congressional delegation. That goal was very nearly met perfectly, with all but one of the Anglo-Democrats targeted by redistricting losing their seats in November. The only survivor was Chet...

27 Apr 2009

The revolutionary nature of Quebec's 'quiet revolution'

Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history

Introduction - ‘The Quiet Revolution' is the name given to a period in Quebec's history commencing in 1960 and intersecting with the death of Quebec's Premier, Maurice Duplessis. It was a ‘revolution' because a number of sweeping changes were made in the society, government, and...

27 Apr 2009

The Jews of Denmark and Norway: A comparison of fates

Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history

“Having developed along parallel lines in many areas, the Nordic countries appear as an entity instead of as separate, sovereign countries. The differences of the nations, however, show up clearly when one investigates the fates of the Jewish populations in the respective countries during...

27 Apr 2009

Exploring gender role construction and conflicts in Niebelungenlied, the 13th Century German warrior epic

Thesis - 10 pages - Medieval history

The position of women in the medieval German state in the 13th century is a complex one when viewed through an historical lens that looks at gender and sex (using feminist theory) to understand this past era. What are the factors that shaped gender dynamics, as trends from the end of the Roman...

24 Apr 2009

Kuwait: The hidden moneymaker of the middle East

Thesis - 8 pages - Geography

Kuwait is a small sovereign emirate strategically located on the northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf, tucked between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The name comes from an Arabic word translating to “fortress built near water,” which it very much looks like on a map. It has a rich history...

23 Apr 2009

La Moria Grandissima and the Legacy of the Pandemic

Thesis - 5 pages - Ancient history

It is widely agreed that the Black Plague first emerged in Europe in the fourteenth century around the years of 1347-48. One of the deadliest and most significant pandemics in human history, the Black Plague changed not only the face of Europe, but Asia as well, and in some ways the human race...

23 Apr 2009

Jesus and celibacy in the New Testament: Was Jesus Celibate?

Thesis - 7 pages - Ancient history

Many scholarly accounts have been written about the historical Jesus, his life, and teachings. These often dramatically different accounts are all based on the same primary source, the New Testament. We have very little other information about him or his life. This paper will examine this source...

22 Apr 2009

Historical approaches to Buddhist history

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

In the past three decades Buddhism has become increasingly popular in the West and has had a major impact on Western religious thought and practice. That tradition, however, comes with baggage about the roles and position of women that is reminiscent of the baggage in other the major traditions...