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662 results

01 Oct 2009

The ozone layer and man's responsibility

Thesis - 8 pages - Geography

Man lives on a fragile planet which he calls “Earth”. Life on this planet is basically dependent on the atmosphere. To man, the atmosphere is known as a surrounding influence on the air which surrounds the earth. This atmosphere provides a mixture of gasses, including water vapor, that...

24 Sep 2009

Multiple effects of Hurricane Katrina

Thesis - 3 pages - Geography

Natural disasters are random and uncontrollable events that create havoc for human beings. A natural disaster might be caused by an earthquake, a flood, or, in the example in this paper, by a hurricane. When a disaster takes place, danger and damage occurs both during and often after the event...

19 Aug 2009

The Destructive Power of Material Wealth in Rome: Luxury and Avarice as Negative Values in Sallust and Livy

Thesis - 7 pages - Ancient history

The Roman conquest of foreign nations in the East resulted in a dramatic increase of material wealth in Rome, brought back as the spoils of war from the conquered nations. This increase in wealth had a corruptive influence on Roman society, as it signified the advent of luxury, or extravagance,...

12 Aug 2009

A review of Legacy of silence: Encounters with children of the Third Reich

Book review - 5 pages - Modern history

Silence has always been a persistent theme in Holocaust studies. How did so many people remain silent as millions of their neighbors were taken off and killed? Why did so few people resist, and why did so many otherwise rational people blindly follow orders and not speak up against the atrocities...

11 Aug 2009

The aftermath of the demolition of the Berlin Wall

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

When the Berlin Wall came down in 1990 the people of Germany experienced a sense of euphoria and freedom which they had been dreaming about for years. Unfortunately their thrill with life was short-lived. It wasn't long before people began to realize that the reunification of Germany would not...

11 Aug 2009

Assessment of British radicalism during the period 1784 to 1815

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

The assertion that the radical movement was never anything more than a “marginal phenomenon in a broadly reforming polity” is certainly bold; it is easy enough to pick holes in such statements when they are removed from their context and surrounding qualifications. Bearing this in...

11 Aug 2009

Did popular protest have any lasting influence on the Royal Policy in the 15th century?

Case study - 10 pages - Medieval history

This was a period of immense political change, both in the way the English people were viewed by the government, and in the way they thought of themselves within it. It was characterised by popular disturbances, pieces of critical literature and seditious speech, and a corresponding increase in...

11 Aug 2009

Suburbia: Yesterday and today

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

As defined in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, a suburb is “1 a: an outlying part of a city or town, b: a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city, c pl: the residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town, 2 pl: the near vicinity:...

05 Aug 2009

Living the dream: Social climbers during Georgian England

Case study - 6 pages - Medieval history

Throughout all of history there has been a desire for status. Both men and women have set out to achieve it. However, because of the constraints placed on women through most of history, their aspiration and realization of status has been tainted. The Georgian era (1714- 1830) during British...

03 Aug 2009

Hans Behem's religious practices and beliefs

Thesis - 4 pages - Medieval history

While Hans Behem's religious practices and beliefs oppose those of the Council of Trent, these same practices and beliefs can be related to those of John Calvin. The major beliefs and practices which the Council of Trent could argue against and Calvinists could support are social ranks, the use...

29 Jul 2009

Vienna Austria, a 'Global City'

Thesis - 4 pages - Geography

Vienna is the capital city of the Republic of Austria in the heart of Central Europe. Vienna is also the name of one of the nine state provinces, the rest of which are divided throughout Austria. The official language of the country is German and it is spoken in all of the nine states. Vienna, or...

29 Jul 2009

Reporting the war: Perspectives on the enemy

Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history

War correspondents' writings on the Second World War offer a contemporary perspective to the fighting, the events, and the experience of individuals engaged in the 1939-1945 conflict. From the Front, wire dispatches, radio broadcast, photography, and film recordings returned to educate the...

29 Jul 2009

Qing Isolationism: The neglect of foreign contact in the Mid-Qing Dynasty arising from the necessity of consolidating a newly conquered empire

Thesis - 6 pages - Medieval history

The imperial bureaucracy of the Qing dynasty in China developed from the consequences of the Manchu coalition conquest of the Ming Dynasty in 1644. Having conquered the Ming territories, the early Qing rulers faced the formidable task of governing the immense geographical and multi-ethnic...

29 Jul 2009

Erosion; A key component to life on the Cape

Thesis - 4 pages - Geography

When given the choice of doing a research paper on something dealing with nature, I knew there would be no better choice than the topic of erosion on Cape Cod. As a nineteen-year resident of Cape Cod, I have constantly heard people talk about the issue of erosion. Although erosion was not a major...

15 Jul 2009

Hitler's holocaust: Understanding the politics and society of Hitler's Germany

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

Certainly one of the greatest tragedies of human history, much has been done to uncover the complexity of the Holocaust. While many facts remain clear within a historical context, countless others involve the intricacy of the human psyche and must be evaluated among a variety of factors. The...

13 Jul 2009

Geography and the meaning of climate change

Thesis - 3 pages - Geography

Within the field of geography, the issue of climate change is one that has aroused a significant amount of public debate, especially over the past few decades. There have been about as many theories on climate change as there are scientists out there, and this has made the debate largely an...

13 Jul 2009

The fall of the Soviet Empire: Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

The two rebellions in Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968 were interesting times for Eastern and Central Europe. To being to study these, one must put these two events in context. It was a time when the political climate in Easter Europe was very delicate because of the circumstances stemming...

13 Jul 2009

Bulgarian, Romanian and Hungarian involvement in the Second World War

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

The Second World War is commonly misconstrued as an ongoing altercation perpetrated by the singular vision of a power-hungry maniac. Yet to assign accountability to Hitler himself is to ignore the conspiratorial actions of the Nazi's minor allies, whose participation in the war was less about...

10 Jul 2009

A thorn beneath the shining armor: Churchill, Bishop Bell, and area bombing

Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history

No one cares to challenge the idea that Hitler needed to be stopped. I cannot think of a cow more sacred in the common mind—as I have known the common mind—than the righteousness of World War II. The enemy of the Allies was so ghastly, that even much-deplored developments on the part of...

07 Jul 2009

The complexities surrounding the use of atomic bombs against Japan: Einstein's Folly

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

During the 1880's, at Cambridge University, J.J. Thompson, the director of the Cavendish Library and a respected physicist, became the first to discover that atoms had sub atomic particles. In 1896, Antione Becquerel, with the assistance of Marie Curie, discovered the first radioactive particle...

07 Jul 2009

The American West: A clash of social, cultural, and environmental forces

Thesis - 9 pages - Modern history

The character of America was largely shaped by the American experience in the West from the early 1700s until the present day. Although the values of freedom and equality under the law had been established in the East during the colonial and revolutionary periods of American history, the clash of...

03 Jul 2009

The significance of the book of Tobit

Book review - 4 pages - Ancient history

An unknown author wrote the Book of Tobit, written sometime during the second century B.C.E. (Bergant 1989, 832) or the third century B.C.E. (Mays 1988, 720), in an unknown location. Even though the date is not known exactly, it is widely thought to have been written during the Diaspora due to...

30 Jun 2009

The destruction of Ancient Egyptian antiquity

Book review - 5 pages - Modern history

The chapter “The Destruction of the Pharaohs” discusses how much of the heritage of the pharaohs was destroyed by tomb robbers and casual tourism. As the pharaohs were laid in their tombs with considerable wealth, the first tomb robbers were contemporary Egyptians themselves. Later,...

22 Jun 2009

The history of freemasonry in Europe and America - published: 22/06/2009

Thesis - 7 pages - Medieval history

Organizational rules, called Old Charges, from groups or guilds of European stonemasons date back to the thirteenth or fourteenth centuries according to some historians, while others date these guilds as far back as 1057 in Scotland and 1220 in England. The first records of the speculative...

10 Jun 2009

Timeline of European Renaissance

Time lines - 12 pages - Ancient history

During the middle ages, when Feudal Europe witnessed a period of intellectual and cultural stagnation, the cities of Italy such as Venice, Florence, and Milan prospered as trading posts connecting Europe to the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim world via the Mediterranean Sea. Unlike the rest of...

08 Jun 2009

American history: A chart on the causes and effects of the revolutionary war

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

Throughout the mid-1700's resistance to British control in the colonies grew as Britain tried to consolidate their empire through a series of ordinances after the Seven Years' War. Although the passage of the Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Sugar Act, and the Townshend Duties did not inevitably hurry...

04 Jun 2009

The Mesopotamian civilization

Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history

Mesopotamia or Bilad Al-Rafidayn, the Arabic terminology for "land between the rivers" is widely considered as the “cradle of civilization” on account of the flourishing urban communities that thrived in this land much before the rest of the world was inhabited.In a narrow sense,...

03 Jun 2009

World war I: Timeline

Time lines - 20 pages - Modern history

World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War, the War of the Nations and the War to End All Wars, was a world conflict lasting from 1914 C.E. to 1919 C.E. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, called the Central Powers fought Britain, France and later U.S.A., called the Allies. No...

30 May 2009

A history of the Black Death and its impact in late medieval Europe

Thesis - 9 pages - Medieval history

The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1347 C.E. and 1351 C.E, reducing the population of Europe by nearly half, and resulting in widespread socio-economic and other changes. Medieval people referred to this catastrophe as the "Great...

28 May 2009

A chronological time line of US history

Time lines - 15 pages - Modern history

The History of the United States of America is the story of man's determination and struggle to establish a definite and structured way of life, overcoming obstacles. A study of the chronological timeline of the History of U.S.A. details this fact and explains that the U.S.A. is today the world...