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662 results

25 Mar 2010

Russian symbolists in the face of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

“I believe that we are not only entitled but indeed obliged to consider a poet linked to his time, ” Alexander Blok wrote these words in 1918, at the height of political and social upheaval across the Russian empire. It is important to study the works of the premier minds of a...

15 Mar 2010

Orientalist Scholarship, the Conquest of India and the Events of 1857

Thesis - 4 pages - Medieval history

Britain's conquest of India was not an occupation in the conventional sense. Although England did have a military and economic presence on the sub-continent for over 200 years, the source of their power lay in a control of India's knowledge. England came to dominate the country through the...

11 Mar 2010

The Cuban revolution and Fidel Castro

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

The Cuban Revolution of 1959, at a time when the United States and the Soviet Union were competing for world power, brought the communist threat within ninety miles of the American mainland (Castro, 110). Up to this point, American interaction with its southern counterparts in Latin America had...

11 Mar 2010

Facundo's barbarism vs Armiento's civilization

Thesis - 2 pages - Medieval history

Sarmiento's Facundo presents a biased historical account of Argentine history and the struggle between “barbarism and civilization” taking place during the 17th century in Argentina. Sarmiento's political aims of spreading European culture, which he deems to be civilized, and of uniting...

11 Mar 2010

Wilson's fourteen points: Success or failure?

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

The carnage of World War I exposed the failures of the European system of diplomacy. It was in this context and even before the war ended, that American President, Woodrow Wilson, proposed his Fourteen Points, designed to establish and ensure a lasting peace following an Allied victory. President...

04 Mar 2010

America and the First World War

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

The First World War was a tragedy that America entered under false pretenses and exited with lasting wounds. America's involvement was encouraged by those who had the least to lose from the war: industrialists, politicians, and journalists. Their efforts were crucial in shifting public opinion...

04 Mar 2010

Citizen 13660: Race as justification for internment

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

In the aftermath of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, feelings of fear, anxiety and uncertainty were understandably abundant. When the dust had settled, America would officially declare war against not only the Japanese, but also Germany and Italy. As is the case with any...

01 Mar 2010

Possession, exorcism and the medical hysteric in Fritz Lang's M and Fury

Thesis - 4 pages - Medieval history

Gustav Hübener claims that “the fight against demons is found among all peoples” and that “what we would nowadays call mental disease” was previously explained by people “as a demonic obsession.” Hübener's decidedly universal definition of exorcism is left at...

01 Mar 2010

The functionality of the supernatural in Medieval England

Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history

Peter Brown has observed that, in medieval Europe, the supernatural “was intimately connected with the life of the group on every level. At the same time, however, it was operative because it was thought of as radically different from the human world into which it penetrated.” This is...

01 Mar 2010

Gas warfare during WWI

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

World War One was a war of stalemates. The western front turned to trench warfare quickly after the failing of Germany's Schlieffen Plan and soldiers remained in the trenches for the rest of the war. However, WWI was a war stalemated technologically as well. An example of this technological...

01 Mar 2010

Byzantium during the iconoclastic age

Thesis - 7 pages - Ancient history

In 628 Byzantium's territorial holdings stretched from northern Africa and the southern tip of Spain to the whole of Asia Minor and Syria. In the same year, under the emperor Herakleios, Byzantium won a total defeat over their main rival of the time, Persia. The constant disputes between Persia...

01 Mar 2010

The falsehood of Terry Jones' claims of censorship

Thesis - 3 pages - Medieval history

Terry Jones argues that the Ellesmere manuscript was censored in the early 15th century, suggesting “that there was a nervousness about owning this particular manuscript of The Canterbury Tales.” He focuses on three of the manuscript's pilgrim portraits—those of the Knight, the...

25 Feb 2010

A critical examination of the roles of Clive, the East India Company and Hastings in the expansion of the empire in India

Thesis - 11 pages - Modern history

The East India Company was originally incorporated as an English Joint Stock company with the overriding objective of initiating British trade objectives in the East Indies. The company's evolution from trading corporation into a central vehicle for expanding the British Empire in India in...

23 Feb 2010

Joseph Conrad and imperialism

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Jósef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, more commonly known as Joseph Conrad, was born in Ukraine in 1857; causing him to grow up in a time when Europeans were focused on claiming territories in Africa. As a young boy, Conrad had aspirations to travel the Congo River in Africa. Conrad found work as a...

23 Feb 2010

The roaring twenties and the fall into depression

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

The early United States was predominately rural. The number of Americans living in cities did not surpass the number living in rural areas until 1920. The economic opportunities brought on by the industrial revolution had people flocking to the central cities, which in turn grew immensely. Prior...

23 Feb 2010

Populism in the United States of America

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

The Populist Party was a political party in the United States in the late 1800s. It was made up of mostly western farmers who were opposed to the gold standard. The Populist Party grew from the Farmer's Alliance which in response to the collapse in agriculture prices after the Panic of 1873,...

23 Feb 2010

The United States reconstruction

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

During the American Civil War the Southern states seceded from the Union. Once the Confederacy was defeated Lincoln and his associates seriously considered tactics on how to reintegrate the Southern states and what to do with Confederate leaders and the freed slaves. Lincoln wanted a mild...

23 Feb 2010

Westward expansion and the Mexican American war

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. Jackson believed in a strong presidency and he vetoed a dozen pieces of legislation, more than the first six presidents put together. He shaped the modern Democratic Party and dominated American politics in the 1820s and 1830s....

23 Feb 2010

The American revolution: Briefings

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

The main motivations behind the American Revolution can be summed up under the categories of “God” and “money”, meaning both ethical and economical. Ethically, the American Revolution took place because the colonists could no longer tolerate living under the king's tyrannical...

23 Feb 2010

Jamestown vs. Plymouth Rock

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Jamestown, Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the New World. Sponsored by the Virginia Company of London, Jamestown was founded on the basis of economic motives. As news of the economic opportunities spread throughout England, entrepreneurs of this company planned to expand...

23 Feb 2010

Colonization of America

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Christopher Columbus reportedly discovered America in 1492 while he was searching for a new route to the Indies. At this time Europe had just recently emerged from the Middle Ages, and was experiencing an age of enlightenment. The idea behind the enlightenment was that a better world could be...

21 Feb 2010

Holocaust survival and conformity

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Throughout The Drowned and The Saved there is the motif of conformity. Conformity during the Holocaust was necessary for survival in terms of life and death. The need for conformity to survive was present in the both the minds of the Jews and the Germans, soldiers and civilians alike. The need...

15 Feb 2010

Kautilya and ancient Indian administration

Thesis - 5 pages - Ancient history

Indian administration in its present form is the culmination of its evolution since 321 BC when Chandra Gupta Maurya established his empire in the sub-continent. Over a period of time, the Mughals and the British contributed substantially to the formation of the Indian Administrative system. Free...

05 Jan 2010

On the job: Female journeyman wig makers in colonial times 1750 - 1800's

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

“In the colonial era, men wore wigs made from human and goat hairs and even wool or straw.”¹ The practice of men wearing elaborate wigs in the colonies originated in Europe and became fashionable here creating an industry that accepted women as journey women or apprentices for this...

05 Jan 2010

Charlotte Forten Grimke: An American educational pioneer

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

“Charlotte belonged to the prominent member of the Forten-Purvis family. Her family were activists for Black causes and Charlotte proved to be just as influential an activist and leader of civil rights. Her parents were Robert Bridges and Mary Woods Forten. Her father and his brother in law,...

30 Nov 2009

Examine and analyze the importance of Germany in the Cold War

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

There was a wide spread debate between USA and USSR regarding Germany. The issue gained significance during the cold war, though there were other factors which were responsible for the development of cold war, the Germany factor was an important one. The administration of Germany, the political...

25 Nov 2009

Hitler and the impact of his adverse acts

Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history

The dark stain cut by Adolf Hitler across history compels an in-depth analysis of the man at the centre of the atrocities. His upbringing, the socio-historical context of his life, family situation as well as the larger geo-political forces at play all intersect to shade our understanding of...

13 Nov 2009

Business advantages and opportunities at North Bay

Thesis - 6 pages - Geography

North Bay is an exciting and vibrant region, as they are on the cutting edge of information and technology, and are well-positioned to thrive in the new global economy. It is a place that is recognized for the fact that it is one of Ontario's most community-spirited cities. The city lies...

12 Nov 2009

The history of the United States and the concept of freedom

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

The history of the United States and the concept of freedom are intricately intertwined. Nowadays, the United States is almost synonymous with the word freedom. The idea of being “free” has evolved over the years. It is hard to imagine what being free for an early colonist or an...

01 Oct 2009

Ancient Egyptian astronomy

Thesis - 3 pages - Ancient history

Ancient Egypt is a very interesting culture. Like most ancient cultures, ancient Egypt placed lots of importance on the sky and the heavenly bodies. Unlike anything on Earth, the heavens seemed to be unchanging and all-powerful. The idea that the heavens were all-powerful was reinforced by the...