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662 results

29 Sep 2010

Racism and discrimination against the Black population in the US

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

The blacks in Africa lived together in tribes and with the families staying together in the village and leading a life based on strong morals. Each tribe had developed a culture and their native language. According to most Europeans, the Africans were ignorant, pagan savages who needed to be...

29 Sep 2010

Desegregation and civil rights movements in the USA

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Although the Civil War had abolished slavery, the black people still suffered from racial discrimination, particularly in the Southern states. Not only did they often feel discriminated against, but were continually looked down upon by their white counterparts in many genres like education, at...

29 Sep 2010

The Frontier

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

During the 19th century the American economy grew rapidly. New inventions and capital investment led to the creation of new industries and led to economic growth. With the development of various modes of effective transportation the opportunities for new business ventures increased. However,...

29 Sep 2010

Mexican Immigration in the U.S.

Essay - 3 pages - Geography

Until the mid 1920s, US immigration was largely unrestricted, but soon after the Congress passed a legislation it limited the entry from all regions except north-western Europe. It began in 1965 and has been continuing thereafter, and has passed a series of liberal laws, including the Immigration...

29 Sep 2010

The Victorian Period (1837-1901)

Worksheets - 3 pages - Modern history

The adjective ‘Victorian', often appended to words to describe a way of life, thought, culture and politics, sprang from the reign of Queen Victoria, who ruled over Great Britain from 1837 to 1901. She was the longest reigning monarch in British History. The Victorian period was a prosperous...

12 Aug 2010

The influence of the American Revolution on the French Revolution: An analysis of parallels

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

The late 18th century was a period of great societal transformation in both North America and Continental Europe. Inevitably, the ideas of the enlightenment coupled with the social and religious unrest in both the United States and France prompted action on the part of the educated masses....

09 Aug 2010

The dream: American or European?

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Throughout The European Dream, Jeremy Rifkin explains how he believes the American Dream has become out-dated. Ever since World War II, the American Dream has put an emphasis on economic growth, personal wealth, and independence (Rifkin, pg. 13). Rifkin believes that in the new American way of...

09 Aug 2010

Hitler's appeal

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

During the late 1920s, support towards the Nazis grew stronger and stronger. Although the Nazi appeal began with the support of middle class Germans, it quickly became appealing to the German elites as well. Along with this, it was not only the men who supported the Nazis, but the German women as...

09 Aug 2010

Allies forever

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

After the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union allied together to dismantle Nazi Germany, a new war quickly approached the American people. This time, the United States was at war with one of its former allies; the Soviet Union. Although the thought of another war put fear into...

29 Jul 2010

From the Norman Conquest to Chaucer

Thesis - 2 pages - Medieval history

The different tribes of Jutes, Saxons, and Angles went over to England at intervals, and each tribe established a different dominion in its own. By the end of the sixth century at least seven kings ruled the different parts of the country, and began to struggle for supremacy. Two centuries later...

28 Jul 2010

America's new deal

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Historians today consider the Great Depression to be one of the darkest times in American history. The economy was at an all time low and in desperate need of assistance. President Franklin D. Roosevelt devised a plan called the New Deal. The New Deal was a series of government enforced...

28 Jul 2010

Americans and the Second World War (WW2)

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

World War II for Americans was considered by most to be “the good war”, it got the United States out of the depression and American patriotism and pride were at an all time high. Core values of Americans such as honesty, freedom, pride, peace, hope, and liberty were written in streamers...

12 Jul 2010

The nation and territory of the Arab World

Thesis - 3 pages - Medieval history

A nation is a human group that shares a common history, culture, language or ethnic origin, and thus forms a political community, based on a defined set of territory or territories and personified by a sovereign authority. The nation is an essential set of geographical and geopolitical entities....

29 Jun 2010

The history of the Mediterranean 1798-1956

Tutorials/exercises - 24 pages - Medieval history

The history of the Mediterranean region deals with the interaction of cultures and people of the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea which was the central superhighway of transport trade and cultural exchange between diverse peoples. This history is important in order to understand the...

29 Jun 2010

The political history of Cyprus

Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history

Cyprus is the third largest Island in the Mediterranean. The Republic of Cyprus has sovereignty over the entire island of Cyprus except small portions that are allocated to the United Kingdom as military bases. Its political setup is complicated by the fact that it is divided into two main...

29 Jun 2010

The history of the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria (1260-1517)

Thesis - 7 pages - Medieval history

For nearly 300 years the Mamluks were one of the greatest powers of the Middle Eastern Muslim World. They achieved the status of the strongest dynasty after having served as slaves for the Sultans before them. They emerged from their subservience to rule over Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Hejaz...

24 Jun 2010

Essay analysis on sexuality, identity and homosexuals

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

In Halperin's “Is There a History of Sexuality”, he explains that sex as an act is a natural and universal phenomenon and thus has no history. On the other hand, he clarifies that there is a history of sexuality, although it is a fairly recent history and is socially constructed. By...

24 Jun 2010

Roaring twenties (1920's)

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

The twenties may initially seem like a time of innovation in terms of technological advances, pop culture's immense growth, and a major boost in the economy along with many other advances that would make this time period seem to make a “roar” to America waking us up and making us better...

24 Jun 2010

The terrible twenties

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

While it is common practice today to refer to the 1920s as the “Roaring 20's”, the reality of the situation in the 20s was that of despair and disparity. Economic inequality riddled the American economy, with the prosperous upper class lording over the middle class and chock-full lower...

21 Jun 2010

The army of Netherlands in the sixteenth century

Thesis - 4 pages - Medieval history

Netherlands is a sovereign state with its territories stretching from Northern France to the North Sea. Revolt against the Spanish led to the division of the country (Netherlands) distinguishing it into Southern Netherlands that remained under the Spanish rule. After a long war of eighty years...

21 Jun 2010

New York: A symbol of the modern United States of America (USA)

Thesis - 6 pages - Medieval history

At the end of the sixteenth century, New York was dotted with islands, with a rich fishing area populated by several thousand Indians. Sailors from Holland visited the area more often since the early seventeenth century which gave it the name "New Amsterdam," before a massive increase in English...

18 Jun 2010

The birth of a mass society in Europe

Thesis - 8 pages - Medieval history

A corporation is defined as a group of people who are organized and share a common culture, norms and values. Thus, society may be defined as a heterogeneous group of people distinguished by their social status possessing equal rights. They may benefit from the society irrespective of their...

18 Jun 2010

The crusaders as the architects of the East-West relationship in the middle ages

Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history

In this summary of the eight crusades that extended from 1095 to 1270 AD French historian Jacques Goffau opined that “‘arguably, the only fruit of the Crusades kept by the Christians was the apricot.” Irrespective of their outcome, the crusades remain as the most important event of...

01 Apr 2010

The US-Soviet conflicts in World War II

Essay - 1 pages - Modern history

There were many conflicts between the U.S. and the USSR during World War II as the alliance between the two countries was held together only by their common desire to defeat Germany and Japan, not by any common ideology. A new conflict arose from the question of security. At the Yalta Conference...

01 Apr 2010

Who had the right to rule Vietnam?

Thesis - 1 pages - Modern history

After 1,500 years of foreign rule, a self-governing Vietnam began to look promising in the 1950s. With the objective of gaining independence and removing French occupation from Vietnam, a conflict began between the French and the Vietnamese nationalists, known as the Vietminh. When France...

30 Mar 2010

France in World War II

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

France's lack of preparation for World War II led to 4 years of harsh occupation and memories that rather be forgotten. The French were ignorant in the years leading up to the war and the result was a quick victory by the Germans. The speed and ease in which the French were conquered and the...

30 Mar 2010

Motivation for United States to enter the World War II

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

The intervention of the United States in WWII was not caused by the plight of the Jews interned in concentration camps or because of the threat of Japan, but for the purpose of defending Britain and France and stopping the spread of German dictatorship through Europe. The United States adopted...

30 Mar 2010

The historiography of American history

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

The study of history can be divided into at least two areas, known as the historical narrative and historiography. The historical narrative describes the events of history themselves, whereas historiography is the study of why the events of the past occurred. Historiographers, or historians, have...

30 Mar 2010

Colonial American history: 1763-1789

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

When studying history, two aspects of the subject are considered, the historical narrative and historiography. The historical narrative is simply the description of the events that occurred, and the historiography consists of the opinions and theories of historians about why certain events...

26 Mar 2010

Farkas Molnár: Functionalism and socialist architecture

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Budapest following World War I was a very different place than it had been only fifteen years before. With its crippling military defeat, the loss of some of its most productive and resource-rich land to the new Trianon borders, and a cycle of radical, ineffective and brutal regimes, the sense of...