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257 results

23 Apr 2008

Ivan the Fourth: Leader, Conqueror, Murderer, Psychopath

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

In medieval Russia, specifically Moscow in the early sixteenth century, times were beginning to change. This period of Russian history saw the end of Appanage Rus and the beginning of the Muscovite state. This alteration in political organization was centred upon the rule of one of history's...

23 Apr 2008

BĂ©isbol Libre: Baseball and Nationalism in Cuba

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

Baseball has long been considered the great “American Pastime”, for many it conjures up images of children playing in little league games and the epic scenes of Field of Dreams, in which the diamond is surrounded by cornfields. However imagine such a diamond surrounded by sugar cane....

21 Apr 2008

Cowards, Traitors, and the Call of the Confederate Home Front: Dispelling the Mythology of the Confederate Deserter during the Civil War

Essay - 9 pages - Modern history

Confederate soldiers listed as absent without leave from their units during the Civil War have typically been described as traitors, motivated by Unionist sympathies and cowardice. However, this view of the Confederate deserter may be more of a myth perpetuated by the need for the appearance of...

17 Apr 2008

Courage and Conscience during the German Occupation of France

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

The indescribable mistreatment of Jews and other refugees, both French and foreign, during the German occupation from 1940 to 1944 is a chapter of France's history that many people have difficulty coming to terms with even today. Building upon the influence of pre-existing Anti-Semitism, the...

17 Apr 2008

Slavery in West Africa

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Slavery, as it is known in the United States, differs vastly in comparison to the institution of slavery in West African countries. Slavery in West Africa was, however, affected and shaped by slavery in other parts of the world. The two articles that are discussed highlight slavery, slave...

14 Apr 2008

The World Trade Center Towers - Stability Under Stress

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

The World Trade Center towers, hereafter referred to as WTC 1 and WTC 2, were regarded as revolutionary when they were constructed in the late 1960s. Within the next two decades, five additional buildings were constructed in the World Trade Center Plaza. Among these was World Trade Center 7 (WTC...

19 Feb 2008

Lethal injection: A violation of cruel and unusual punishment (8th Amendment)

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

In 1976 lethal injection became a legally sanctioned method of execution and was quickly adopted by the majority of states. In the thirty years since its implementation, lethal injection is still considered to be the most humane means of executing a death row inmate and is the preferred method...

19 Feb 2008

Disgrace, Desire, and Degradation: The Experience of Intrapersonal Reconciliation and Power Relations in Post Apartheid South Africa

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

J.M. Coetzee uses the third person omniscient point of view to tell the story of the unraveling of David Lurie's career and the proceeding time he spends with his daughter, Lucy, in the rural areas of the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Through this point of view, Coetzee creates a voice that is...

19 Feb 2008

Appeals to Ethos and Pathos in Eugene V. Debs' "Statement to the Court"

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

In June of 1918, Eugene Victor Debs was arrested for a speech he gave in Canton, Ohio in which he criticized the United States government for its involvement in World War I. He publicly discouraged young men from enlisting in the armed forces and was arrested for violating the Sedition Act of...

17 Feb 2008

Mao Zedong and the People's Republic of China

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

Long considered one of the most fascinating leaders of the 20th century, Mao Zedong has been noted as both a visionary as well as a cruel killer. Before his communist reign as the leader of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China was in a state of political and economical turmoil....

10 Feb 2008

Morality in the Resistance: overview through "Your Name is Renee: Ruth Kapp Hartz's Story as a Hidden Child in Nazi-Occupied France", by Stacy Cretzmeyer

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

The 1940's will forever remain a significant period in French history. It was during this time that World War II occurred and Germany managed to take over three-fifths of mainland France. The remaining land became known as Vichy France. With such a strong a German presence and influence, even in...

09 Feb 2008

Lenin: savior of the masses

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

A radical attempts to change parts of a society. A leader revolutionizes an entire country. Few people can be called “saviors” (Gluzman), but Vladimir Lenin earned this title as well as others. Lenin not only addressed the problems of Russia, but also brought about a new era in...

04 Jan 2008

China and the Chairman

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

On September 9th 1976 came the death of perhaps the most influential and feared leader in the history of the modern world. As visionary and well regarded as any Pope, and as reviled and hated as much as Hitler, there is no questioning the enormous influence that Chairman Mao has had on China....

03 Jan 2008

Russian Jews of the Nineteenth Century

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Throughout present day American history there have been many differing views on the Eastern European and Russian Jews as a people and the ways in which they have affected American society. Although often looked down upon, Russian Jews have actually contributed a great deal to the economic growth...

03 Jan 2008

The Federalists vs. the Anti-Federalists

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

When the United States Constitution was first being written there was a critical division between two groups called the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists opposed the Constitution and believed in a loose construction of government. The Anti- Federalists, on the other hand,...

26 Dec 2007

The Americanization of Puerto Rico and Its Effect on Law, Religion, and the Spanish Language

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

According to material provided by the Hispanic division of the library of congress, by the end of the 1800's, Puerto Rico held strategic value for the United States, for both economic and military reasons. Puerto Rico would provide a new market for exported American goods, as well as a strategic...

26 Dec 2007

Fidel Castro

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

Fidel Castro came into power in Cuba on January 1, 1959. He obtained power through a 25-month revolution. Despite the use of guerilla warfare, the revolution was fairly bloodless. By this time Castro was a beloved figure in Cuba, regarded as a national hero. According to Sebastian Balfour's work...

18 Dec 2007

For Blood and Honor: Two Men and Their Fame and Power

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

It has been said that love is the deepest and strongest of all human emotions. It is understood globally across all countries and continents. One of the beautiful things about love is that it can exist anywhere, in many shapes and varieties. It has the power to bring people, countries, and...

18 Dec 2007

Hues and Shades: The Art of Hiding Behind Partial Truths

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Society is no stranger to flaws in its history. America, in particular, has a lengthy laundry list of shameful blotches on the angelic record it tries to portray. Because of this, partial truths are often told to cover up the true intensity of the mistakes. Partial truths are used to hover...

23 Oct 2007

Hiroshima By: John Hersey

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

Ever since the very day the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima at 8:15 AM, on August 6th, 1945, a question of “moral or not?” sprang up in people's minds, even in the minds of the victims. Some people say the US did right in dropping the bomb to force Japan's surrender, even...

22 Oct 2007

The Holocaust

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

The twelve years between 1933 and 1935 saw the systematic elimination of over ten million people, including over six million Jews and over four million Gypsies, Slavs, Communists, and people deemed unfit for life, such as the mentally retarded and homosexuals. Known as the Holocaust, this...

09 Oct 2007


Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company was founded in 1870 by John D. Rockefeller and several of his business associates, including his brother William Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, chemist Samuel Andrews, and a silent partner Stephen V. Harkness. It started out as a small Ohio partnership with its...

08 Oct 2007

The Rewrite

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

As a young nation the United States was faced with the prospect of gaining a foothold in the world, during a time when European aggression and tensions were running high. During the period from 1775 through 1819, American diplomats were able to achieve dramatic successes in the realm of foreign...

08 Oct 2007

Intercantica Connections: Paradiso Cantos Three and Four

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

Intercantica Connections Paradiso Cantos Three and Four While Dante's Divine Comedy is separated into three distinct sections, the entire work of literature is just that, one long book. Even though the sections take place in different settings, many parallels can be made from one canto to...

05 Oct 2007

The Short-Stories of Lu Xun

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

"Down with Confucianism!" "We want Mr. S and Mr. D!" These were some of the cries that could be heard in the streets of China on May 4, 1919. This date marked the high point of the student movement known as the May Fourth Movement. Following the humiliation at the Paris Peace Conference after the...

05 Oct 2007

Galileo Galilee

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

Galileo Galilee's advancements in astronomy forever changed the way the Western world viewed itself. His support of the heliocentric theory in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Systems- Ptolemaic and Copernican published in 1632 included new advancements in Nikolai Copernicus' theory. Though...

04 Oct 2007

The Second American Revolution Analysis and Impact of the Republican Economic Legislation of the Civil War Era

Essay - 11 pages - Modern history

The United States Civil War was a watershed event for the country. The consequences of the conflict changed the landscape of the country forever. Historian Charles Beard labeled the war “The Second American Revolution”, because he believed that more change took place during this period...

03 Oct 2007

Sino-Vatican Relations: Past, Present and Future

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

This past Easter Sunday Pope Benedict XVI sent a letter to the Catholics in China which provided long-requested guidance to Chinese bishops in the country. The Pope outlined his opinions on how to respond to illicitly ordained bishops, as well as how to strengthen ties with the Patriotic...

03 Oct 2007

The Cold War: A Change in Policy

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

After the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II, two super powers remained in the world: the United States and the Soviet Union. These two nations had very different views about the world and their political regimes were polar opposites. During the beginning of the Cold War, which lasted...

27 Sep 2007

Essay on "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

In “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Dr. Martin Luther King, raises an interesting point about the civil right's movement. He notes those who rallied for the government to enforce the landmark decision of 1954, in which the Supreme Court ordered the desegregation of the school system, were...