Filmr, lemonade principle, skills, knowledge, Filmr project, workshop, photo editing, public speaking
The last steps would be related to my mindset while going through the execution. According to the pilot-in-the-plane principle, I would keep a fundamental belief that one can create change in the world around them and be doubtful of statements that something is "impossible". Finally, according to the lemonade principle, I would keep in mind that opportunities are not a matter of ability, but they are a matter of choice. Surprises can work in my favor. Rather than seeing surprises as a negative thing, I will try to see every surprise as an opportunity.
[...] My last two hypotheses are: "The Filmr platform could handle the high probability of filming crews' late cancellations and/or extended stays in the properties due to unforeseen events causing delays in the movie production" and "Filmr would be able to secure a partnership with third-party location listings and insurance companies to offer great filming locations in a secure way". I think testing my last two hypotheses will require more time. The creation of several prototypes of the Filmr application/website may also require more monetary resources. [...]
[...] et Mme Laffite) - Bateau à moteur (M. Descault) 5. Write down the maximum time (in hours) you allow yourself in the next 4 weeks for the development of a new venture. Be realistic. I think I can dedicate 16 hours in the next 4 weeks for the development of the new venture, allocating 4h per week to Filmr seems reasonable. 6. Write down the maximum amount of money (in euro) you are willing to spend in the next 4 weeks for the development of a new venture. [...]
[...] Filmr startup strategy: from hypotheses to execution 1. Write down how you would approach the Filmr case in an effectual way. I would start by listing the resources that I can utilize to test my hypothesis, according to the fridge principle. These resources would be my theoretical knowledge, tangible elements, and my network. Then I would ask myself "How to manage the risk of failure". According to the "affordable loss principle," I would decide on the amount of time and money I am willing to lose. [...]
[...] Therefore, it would be beneficial for me to connect with entrepreneurs and benefit from their experience and knowledge. Setting up the Filmr platform will require knowledge of digital systems and more generally expertise in IT topics which I do not have. 4. Write down 5 places that are owned by people you know (including yourself) that would make perfect film locations. Give the names of the people and the places between brackets. - Un café en centre ville : Café l'Amnésia (M. [...]
[...] For instance, the knowledge gathered through this SPOC, the Imagination Week workshop, and other ESSEC classes will be helpful in order to establish a value proposition, testing my hypothesis, and establishing a business plan. I also have acquired practical knowledge during my past professional and associative experiences, for instance, knowledge related to the start-up ecosystem in France and the relevant law articles. Finally, I have "social knowledge" I know people working in Television and movie production, and I also know ESSEC professors working with the incubator. [...]
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