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07 May 2009

How does a rational investor build the optimal portfolio? Should international securities be added to that?

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

The modern portfolio theory was introduced by Harry Markowitz with the publication of his paper “Portfolio Selection” in the Journal of Finance in 1959 and is called Markowitz portfolio theory (MPT). It is now the major guidance for portfolio allocation decisions for mutual funds,...

07 May 2009

Managing customer relationship and their financial aspects: Standard Chartered India

Case study - 33 pages - Finance

The objective of the project was to study the choice criteria to decide upon a bank for savings account and accordingly prepare the competitive update, i.e. Standard chartered VS other private banks to facilitate sales. The nature of the project involved a comprehensive market survey in which the...

07 May 2009

Montblanc in China

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

The Montblanc Company is going to open a new subsidiary in China. I have just been promoted to be the manager of this new subsidiary in China and to design a strategic plan for the Montblanc Company. I am aware that it is a particular market and that some measures must be taken if I want this new...

07 May 2009

Major trends in the domestic mid - sized car industry in India

Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy

The global automobile industry is undergoing dramatic change in recent times. There has been enormous consolidation, both amongst vehicle manufacturers and component vendors to achieve economies of scale product synergies and strong and presence. By contrast, there has been little or no...

07 May 2009

Caroll Paris

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

The main purpose of the present report is to design a marketing plan for the French ‘fashion house' Caroll who is aiming to enter the growing ‘middle market' in China. In order to design an appropriate marketing plan, several steps have to be taken. We will first present the Caroll...

07 May 2009

Knowledge in organizations: What is a community of practice?

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

This report presents you the concept of a community of practice. Normally the term community of practice in reduced to CoP and this term was created by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger in 1991. Now to understand this notion, we should understand the fathers of this notion. Jean Lave is a social...

07 May 2009

Analysis and features of Standard Chartered

Thesis - 18 pages - Finance

The world “Bank” has been derived from the Italian world “Banca” meaning a branch or a counter. However, the banks that we are now accustomed to seeing no longer seem to be a reflection of what “Bank” really means. But today's banks are not what banks used to...

07 May 2009

How does trade globalization affect women working conditions in South America?

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

The international trade agreements have important impact on people living in poverty. But these impacts operate at different levels. In some cases, trade can stimulate the development of these countries, help the economic growth, help employment, give access to local population to variated goods...

07 May 2009

A study on the various approaches to job evaluation

Thesis - 7 pages - Management

The definition for Job evaluation is “any method ranking the relative worth of jobs, which can then be used as a basis for a remuneration system”. It is the systematic process of establishing the relative worth of jobs within an organization. The exercise involves placing jobs at their...

07 May 2009

Indian retail: Stepping ahead to create a benchmark

Dissertation - 47 pages - Business strategy

India is standing on the verge of having the pleasure to hold 2010 Olympic Games .Its retail business meter shows only about 4% organized retail in India. It means that a whopping 96% market is yet to be captured by entrepreneurs. Retail will grow more. India will be making waves in trends that...

06 May 2009

Chocolate industry in India

Dissertation - 49 pages - Business strategy

Chocolates began during the times of the Mayas and the Aztecs when they beat cocoa into a pulp and made bitter frothy chocolate out of it. They first became popular in Europe in a highly unrefined form. Then the Hershey Food Company was the first to bring out chocolates in the currently popular...

06 May 2009

The market competitors of broadband services and their performance in the markets in India: HCL Infinet ISP

Thesis - 18 pages - Management

HCL Infinet ISP is the Internet Infrastructure initiative of the HCL group, India's premier information technology group. Through the pioneering presence of the HCL group companies and the vast experience of the markets, HCL Infinet has propelled itself to the path of “Total Technology...

06 May 2009

Brand management in retailing in India

Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy

Research can be defined as “A careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. Data collection is an elaborate process in which the researcher makes a planned search for all relevant data. Data is the foundation of all marketing...

05 May 2009

A study on evolution, working and the current scenario of the commodity market in India

Tutorials/exercises - 41 pages - Finance

What is “Commodity”? - Any product that can be used for commerce or an article of commerce which is traded on an authorized commodity exchange is known as commodity. The article should be movable of value, something which is bought or sold and which is produced or used as the subject or...

05 May 2009

Critical skill mapping of employees based on four-quadrant model in relation to the study of Tata steel

Thesis - 23 pages - Human resources

Setting an Objective is the first and one of the most important stages of any report. This is because poorly defined problem will not yield useful results and causes confusion. The aim of our study is to “study and analyze the Debt and Capital Structure of Orient Paper and Industries Ltd....

05 May 2009

Market analysis and study of the Indian airline industry in relation to the environmental (internal & external) factors

Thesis - 19 pages - Business strategy

Overview & Scope of the project and Methodologies used - What business does an airline industry participate in? This is a fundamental question which needs to be answered before a marketing analysis on the industry is presented. To a layman the airline industry means carrying the passengers and...

05 May 2009

The evolution, features, concepts, application and terminologies of fiscal policy

Thesis - 12 pages - Government finance

Fiscal policy can be explained as a policy executed by the government to produce desirable effect on national income, output and employment. There are two type of fiscal policy they are - Contractionary & Expansionary.It helps the government by creating an environment for rapid economic growth....

05 May 2009

The importance and application of value chain analysis in business - (17 Slides)

Presentation - 5 pages - Finance

An organized creative approach aimed at identifying unnecessary costs and eliminating the same from the system without affecting the functional utility, guarantee and safety performance. A study on the factors determining value. The stages through which the return of investment varies is another...

05 May 2009

A research on the possibilities of flexible working strategy

Thesis - 19 pages - Business strategy

This research proposal seeks to present findings on the policy of flexible working hours being provided to employees so as to enable them to balance their personal as well as professional lives more efficiently. This research paper develops hypothesis on the challenges faced by organizations to...

05 May 2009

A study on the Indian leisure industry and its importance in the business world

Thesis - 23 pages - Business strategy

The concept of leisure, and the freedom to choose individual pastimes and leisure pursuits, is a 20th century development for the mass population. Historically, only the wealthy could divide up their time to engage in activities of their choosing. The working classes had neither the time nor the...

05 May 2009

An analysis and study on stress management and its implementation

Thesis - 20 pages - Management

Only recently has stress been seen as a contributory factor to the productivity and health costs of companies and countries. As studies of stress-related illnesses and deaths show, stress imposes a high cost on individual health and well-being as well as organizational productivity. There are...

01 May 2009

Market share strategy to getting company benefit

Thesis - 14 pages - Business strategy

Companies in the era of growing globalization, need to rethink the mission of business and marketing strategies they were critical. Currently the company is not engaged in market competition with the already known and have the option, or a customer that is stable, but in the war between the...

29 Apr 2009

How to set up a plant: The best layout plans

Thesis - 17 pages - Business strategy

Plant layout is very essential and needs consideration and attention from the very beginning so as to avoid subsequent problems. Though one can think of several layouts but the best one is obviously the one, which is both very systematic and cheap. It is arrangement of machines, scientific use of...

29 Apr 2009

International logistics management

Tutorials/exercises - 31 pages - Management

Seaports are built basically to facilitate the transfer of cargo between inland and maritime transport. Ports are therefore, an essential link in the international maritime transport chain. The main function of the sea ports is to ensure that the prosperity of all countries depends to a very...

29 Apr 2009

Emerging trends in cash management

Case study - 35 pages - Finance

Whenever any long-term investment is considered the future cash flows from the project, the uncertainty of those cash flows, and the opportunity cost of the funds invested in the project are evaluated. Investments in current assets are also evaluated by all organizations in the same manner but...

29 Apr 2009

Adidas in India

Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy

Adidas AG is a German sports apparel manufacturer, part of the Adidas Group. It registered as Adidas AG on 18 August 1949 (with lower-case lettering: "Adidas"). The company was named after its founder, Adolf (Adi) Dassler, who started producing shoes in the 1920s in Herzogenaurach, near...

29 Apr 2009

What is asset based financing?

Dissertation - 42 pages - Finance

ABF is a financing method that is driven by the assets of companies. Assets include current assets, such as accounts receivables and inventory, and fixed assets, such as plant and machinery. ABF allows an SME to utilize its own assets to meet its short, medium and long term funding needs. Asset...

29 Apr 2009

Customer satisfaction level towards American Express in India

Thesis - 24 pages - Business strategy

This is an overall study of the organization of American Express Bank Ltd. where it's working environment and various policies and practice are studied. The methodology used was conducting personal interview with all the functional manager departmental head and sales executives. Collect the...

29 Apr 2009

A brief look at the company L'oreal and some of it strategies

Thesis - 12 pages - Business strategy

Eugene Schueller a young French chemist developed an innovative hair color formula, Aureole. He manufactured his own products and sold them to Parisian hairdressers. The company was registered in 1909. The guiding principle from the beginning was research and innovation in the interest of beauty....

29 Apr 2009

Derivatives management in India

Thesis - 9 pages - Finance

One of the greatest rules of making money in the market is to buy low and sell high. No matter what one does, this rule underlies all investments made in any market, be it product or capital. From this rule stems one of the greatest modern means of making money: Arbitrage. The concept, as such,...