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Management & accountability

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15 Jun 2009

Inventory management

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

Any stock that a firm keeps to meet its future requirement of production and sales is called “INVENTORY”. The basic reason for holding inventory is to keep up to the production activities unhampered. It is neither physically possible nor economically justifiable to wait for the stock to...

15 Jun 2009

What is "Finance" and what is its importance

Thesis - 27 pages - Finance

In our present day economy, “FINANCE” is defined as the provision of money at the time when it is required. Every enterprise, whether big, medium of small, needs finance to carry on its operations and to achieve its targets. Finance...

15 Jun 2009

A brief overview of the Human Resources Information System with special references to India

Case study - 31 pages - Human resources

Human resource departments require large amount of detailed information the quality of personnel management department's contribution largely depends upon the quality of information held by it. Many personal activities and much effort by personnel professionals are devoted to obtain and define...

15 Jun 2009

An overview of Human Resources Management

Dissertation - 41 pages - Human resources

Good human resource practice can help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organization Planning alerts the company to the type of people will need in short, medium and long run. Appropriate recruitment and selection activities identify the best people for available jobs and make...

09 Jun 2009

Some aspects of agile manufacturing: A review

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

The journey of manufacturing from the job shop to mass production has evolved several tools and techniques. However, today before the world of work, globalization and ICT have posed severe challenges like how to meet unpredictable and continually changing market demands for product and services....

08 Jun 2009

Collaborative product development in the context of product life cycle management

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Enterprises across the globe engaged in product design and manufacturing are experiencing pressures as never before. Forward looking companies are actively pursuing the 4th dimension of success that is ‘Innovation' and adopting fast, collaborative product development technology to lay out...

07 Jun 2009

A study on human resource (manpower) planning in organizations

Thesis - 10 pages - Human resources

Planning is deciding in advance. In a broad sense, planning entails anticipating future opportunities and threats and drawing up a blueprint to coordinate, motivate, and control the activities of the available assets for the effective implementation of organizational goals and objectives in a...

04 Jun 2009

2007 NCAA March Madness Tournament: A game theory approach to finding an optimal strategy for office pools

Thesis - 10 pages - Logistics

The focus of this paper is to use aspects of game theory to form a strategy for maximizing a player's chances of winning a NCAA Tournament Bracket from the sweet sixteen rounds on. For each match-up, a strategy for selecting a team to advance will be determined by analyzing a payoff matrix...

04 Jun 2009

Lockheed Martin Corporation: Strategic analysis

Case study - 23 pages - Business strategy

Lockheed Martin is a multinational aerospace manufacturer and advanced technology company formed in 1995. Company's headquarter is located in Maryland, and Robert J. Stevens is the current CEO and president of the firm (“Lockheed Martin,” 2009). Lockheed Martin's major operating units...

03 Jun 2009

Expert system

Presentation - 37 pages - Management

This presentation is about Expert Systems. It starts with the definition of expert systems, its features and goes onto an overview of expert systems and components of the same. It then moves onto an explanation of the people involved in expert system with a pictorial representation. It further...

03 Jun 2009

A study on various candidate selection methods in organizations

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

The process of recruitment in organizations entails sourcing the right candidate to fit the human resources requirements. This process comprises of two distinct activities, first soliciting and attracting a pool of interested candidates and then selecting the most suitable candidate from this...

03 Jun 2009

An analysis of the company ABC

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

ABC Company is one of the publicly listed companies that comprise the Dow Jones Composite, Dow Industrials, S&P 100, S&P 500 & S&P 1500 Super Comp. The company provides “various products, technologies, software, solutions, and services worldwide” (Yahoo Finance 2008). ABC Company...

31 May 2009

Information technology as an enabler of sales and distribution

Dissertation - 47 pages - Business strategy

A competitive edge in sales and distribution network provides much needed muscle to the companies to compete in market place as has been epitomized by companies like HLL, Marico & ITC etc. Use of IT in sales and distribution promises to provide a consistent source of competitive advantage that...

31 May 2009

Toyota Motors Corporation: A plan for organizational performance Improvement

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

Change is pervasive not only in people's individual lives but also in business organizations. Change is inevitable; it is also one of the constants in this world. Change will happen. Management theories emerged as a result of change - from the scientific management to centralized...

31 May 2009

Supply Chain Management: Its role in improving the value of the product or service to customers

Thesis - 6 pages - Management

With growing competition among companies in the different industries, an efficient operation is essential for firms to offer quality goods and services at competitive prices. This can be made possible through the adoption of appropriate production technology, having a customer-oriented...

31 May 2009

Contribution of strategic management to organizational performance

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

Truly, business is a high-stakes game (Brandenburger & Nalebuff 1995, p. 57): the wrong strategic move could mean millions of dollars lost, or thousands of jobs jeopardized, or even the bankruptcy of a firm. Strategy setting, to be successful, must consider the organization as a whole and not as...

30 May 2009

Leading and organizing high-performance teams: Luis Burgos

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

One of the reasons that teamwork is such a popular topic is because it is a crucial element of success. Another is that, while the issues stay the same (in many ways) the best practices and guiding principles are still under debate. Two topics that are personally important to me and are elements...

30 May 2009
doc Case study

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy (AMZN) does not publish a public or known official mission statement, yet the company's mission and goals can be revealed by examining the concepts of Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder and CEO. Bezos has stated that the strategy at is to provide the customer with the best...

30 May 2009

Stocktrack simulation

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

I had $50,000 to spend and see what happened in a six week period. It reminded me of fantasy football. It simulates all major securities and all the results are based on the actual market performance so the only real difference is that the money involved is not real. As such, I tried to treat it...

30 May 2009

Issues of governance and management in formulating and implementing distribution strategies

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

We are living in a world more and more concerned with corporate governance and corporate social responsibility which is an off shoot of what has happened in the past - corporations filing for bankruptcy and seeking protection under Chapter 11 as a result of questionable corporate activities, some...

30 May 2009

Mutual funds and their investment options

Tutorials/exercises - 42 pages - Finance

A mutual fund is a pool of money, collected from investors, and is invested according to certain investment options. A mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. A mutual fund is created when investors put their money together. It is...

30 May 2009

Indian IT companies VS MNC's

Tutorials/exercises - 32 pages - Business strategy

Reaching global competitiveness is the number one challenge for corporate India. We now operate in a global regime of relatively free markets and borders , and there is no longer sanctuary for Indian corporate, be they public sector or private sector and we are very far behind. When we look upon...

30 May 2009

Impact of Herberg and Maslow's theories in organizations

Tutorials/exercises - 49 pages - Finance

Among various behavioral theories generally believed and embraced by American business are those of Frederick Herzberg and Abraham Maslow. Herzberg, a psychologist, proposed a theory about job factors that motivate employees. Maslow, a behavioral scientist and contemporary of Herzberg's,...

30 May 2009

Competitive research on market size of cigarette brands

Tutorials/exercises - 33 pages - Business strategy

The cigarette industry in India is dominated by 4 players - ITC, Godfrey Phillips, VST (also a BAT affiliate) and GTC. These four companies together control almost 99% of the market. The cigarette industry faces competition mainly from the unorganized sector 'bidi' manufacturers, who are...

30 May 2009

Analysis of stock markets using GANN studies

Tutorials/exercises - 50 pages - Finance

Tradegen systems is a one stop solution provider and guide to help Indian traders and investors maximize their returns from the markets and create wealth for themselves and their family. Our range of profitable products and robust trading systems together with our principles will help any Indian...

30 May 2009

A study on the competitive analysis in the telecom sector

Tutorials/exercises - 45 pages - Business strategy

Technological changes in the telecom and computers have radically changed the business scenario. In turn, the new demands of business have spurred many telecom based technological innovations. In order to exploit these innovations for competing in global markets, business community the world over...

29 May 2009

How AG Edwards investment firm relates to economic theory

Thesis - 6 pages - Finance

Any business - financial, manufacturer, distributor or service provider - follows the standard assumption in microeconomic theory of the firm states that the primary goal of a firm in a market-based economy is to maximize economic profits (Varian, 1999). However, unlike a manufacturing company...

29 May 2009

A critical evaluation of the usefulness of financial accounting theory to practicing accountants

Thesis - 9 pages - Accounting

When I started this course, I was told by a very competent person that Financial Accounting Theory or ACC3116/5216 is about theories which relate to financial accounting practice to help students develop skills as accountants for doing bookkeeping, applying accounting standards, and exercising...

29 May 2009

An analysis of cost-accounting in Starbucks Coffee Company

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

Starbucks did not start as a seller of beverages. Its history stems in 1971 from the putting up of a business, which focused on the distribution of coffee beans, by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel and Gordon Bowker. It was with the entry of the entrepreneur Howard Schultz into the company that the...

28 May 2009

Organization of Renault's supply chain

Thesis - 13 pages - Business strategy

The objective of this study is to develop the international supply chain of Renault, the French car maker. Nevertheless, the diversity of the information and the great number of firms on the market made it difficult for us not to give examples and arguments based on other car makers. Therefore,...