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Management & accountability

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3755 results

14 Jul 2009

Micro shareholders: The alternative for young entrepreneurs

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

More than ever, in today's highly competitive marketplace, combined with stringent bank lending requirements, it is next to impossible for a young, aspiring entrepreneur, to obtain funding for his or her business venture, especially as related to building projects. The report will detail how...

14 Jul 2009

Sustainable construction management

Thesis - 3 pages - Management

As Canada continues to grow, and needs of the environment are becoming increasingly apparent, it is time for construction management to embrace sustainable practices more than it has ever done before. Building is something that is essential to sustain and maintain growth. The construction and...

13 Jul 2009

Corporate social responsibility: An overview

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that has been around for a while, but it has become increasingly relevant as the forces of globalization have become fiercer, and as the issue of environmental sustainability become more recognized by businesses and the customers that support...

13 Jul 2009

The case for corporate social responsibility

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged in the recent decades as a point of discussion within the business world. Some advocate for it, while others are adamantly opposed to the idea. It is a type of corporate self-regulation that is supposed to be built into the business...

07 Jul 2009

The governments oversight and the misuse of surplus funds

Thesis - 12 pages - Government finance

This study will investigate the governmental oversight and exemptions that allow for the unchecked misuse of surplus funds within non-profit organizations. For the purposes of this study, surplus is defined as money not earmarked for future projects, or capital projects, unrestricted funds and...

07 Jul 2009

Hewlett-Packard's strategic audit

Case study - 11 pages - Business strategy

This is a comprehensive business policy and strategic management case study that includes the company, Hewlett-Packard's (, fiscal year-end (October 2007) financial statements, competitor information and more. The case time setting is the year 2008. Recommend a three-year...

03 Jul 2009

The mentorship role in the nursing profession

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

The following discussion will attend to review the different aspects of the mentorship role. The main points of focus will be on identifying learning needs, a discussion of the role model, the environment and how it impacts upon learning, the prevalence of research to support practice and...

25 Jun 2009

Performance appraisal at Acumedscript

Dissertation - 47 pages - Human resources

The term human resource is a crucial system in the process of management. The term human resource is quite popular in India with the institution of ‘Ministry of Human Resources Development' in the Union Cabinet. Human Resource Management is one of the most complex and challenging fields...

25 Jun 2009

A study on motivational levels of employees in Dr. Reddy's Laboratories

Thesis - 40 pages - Human resources

Motivation is a basically a psychological process. Many people equate the causes of behavior with motivation. The causes of behavior are much broader and more complex than can be explained by the motivation alone. Along with perception, personality, attitudes and learning. It interacts with the...

25 Jun 2009

Inventory management in Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd

Dissertation - 40 pages - Management

Materials are equivalent to cash and they make up an important part of the total cost. It is essential that materials should be properly safeguarded and correctly accounted. Proper control of material can make a substantial contribution to the efficiency of a business. The success of a business...

22 Jun 2009

Human resources development initiatives for achieving individual and organizational goals: National Institute of Rural Development India

Dissertation - 44 pages - Human resources

Human Resource Development is very crucial for achieving higher levels of socio-economic development in both developed and developing countries. The value of Human Development Index (HDI) is much higher in the countries with higher levels of investment in HRD and vice versa. The less populous...

22 Jun 2009

Analysis of the funds and cash flow in the electronics industry in India

Thesis - 26 pages - Finance

Electronics with its wide and varied applications have attained the status of an all pervasive industry today. The world electronics scene has undergone profound and breathe taking changes, it has penetrated every field in consumer and capital goods. From fan regulators to airplane instrument,...

22 Jun 2009

Performance appraisal in Dr Reddy Laboratories Ltd

Dissertation - 48 pages - Human resources

Every year employees experience an evolution in their past performance. Employees generally see these evaluations as having some direct effect on their work lives. They may result in increased pay, a promotion, or assistance in personal development areas for which the employees needs some...

22 Jun 2009

Export incentive in BHEL

Case study - 42 pages - Business strategy

Every country in the world is planning to achieve and increase its share in the world trade, particularly exports and is subsidizing its exports by some form of subsidy or the other. It may be Income Tax concession, sales/ purchase/ VAT refunds, bonus vouchers, dual rate of exchange, refund of...

22 Jun 2009

Recruitment in Hyundai India

Dissertation - 36 pages - Human resources

Recruitment is a core of human resource activity carried out in organization of all kinds, whether they are manufacturing, trading, service or not-for-profit organizations. The recruitment activity makes it possible for these organizations to acquire the number and types of personnel necessary to...

22 Jun 2009

All you wanted to know about recruitment and selection

Case study - 41 pages - Human resources

Recruitment has acquired immense importance in today's organizations. Organizations have realized the value of human capital and its role in their development. Recruitment is the first step in the process of acquiring and retaining human resources for an organization. In today's rapidly changing...

22 Jun 2009

Employee welfare measures taken in the Indian South Central Railway

Dissertation - 44 pages - Human resources

Human Resource Management is one of the most complex and challenging fields of management. It deals with the ‘People Dimension' in management. Human Resources play a very important role in the development of the business. They constitute the organization at all levels and are regarded as a...

18 Jun 2009

A study on E-Commerce

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

E-business is what happens when you combine the broad reach of the Internet with vast resources of traditional information technology system. It uses the Web connect together customers, vendors, suppliers and employees in a way never before possible. They do business on the Web, and consequently...

18 Jun 2009

Performance appraisal in Coca-Cola company ltd

Thesis - 26 pages - Human resources

Since organizations exist to achieve goals, the degree of success that individual employees have in reaching their individual goals is important in determining organizational effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting their individual goals, therefore, becomes...

18 Jun 2009

Pepsi vs. Coke

Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy

Now a days FMCG is very popular in the market. They are representing themselves in the market in different ways. But to show themselves above boards they are ethically going down and are applying un-ethical rules. “Pepsi ” and “Coke” are famous in this chain of the ‘...

18 Jun 2009

The role of advertising effectiveness in changing customer's perception in relation to LG and its competitors

Tutorials/exercises - 80 pages - Business strategy

Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively and making it accessible. Companies must also communicate with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. Every company is inevitably cast into the role of communicator and promoter. For most...

18 Jun 2009

Market share of Hutch (now Vodafone in India) in comparison to other telecom services in India

Tutorials/exercises - 31 pages - Business strategy

The Indian Telecommunication network with 69 million telephone connections is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world and represents unique opportunities for UK companies in the stagnant...

18 Jun 2009

Strategy trend analysis in Indian IT industry

Tutorials/exercises - 44 pages - Business strategy

India, the world's largest democracy with world's second highest population after China and 7th largest area is also one of the fastest growing economies in the world. India's richness and diversity of culture, geographic and climatic conditions, natural and mineral resources are...

17 Jun 2009

Portfolio management (risk and return) of inter-connected stock exchanges

Case study - 47 pages - Finance

Investment may be defined as an activity that commits funds in any financial form in the present with an expectation of receiving additional return in the future. The expectations bring with it a probability that the quantum of return may vary from a minimum to a maximum. This possibility of...

17 Jun 2009

Business process outsourcing

Thesis - 13 pages - Business strategy

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is generally categorized as being transactional, niche, or comprehensive. Transactions are generally sub-processes such as account payables, account receivables, journal, general, ledger, order processing, medical transcription, etc. Niche support moves up to...

17 Jun 2009

The role, significance and impact of supply chain management in the FMCG sector

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

FMCG refers to consumer non-durable goods required for daily or frequent use. Typically, a consumer buys these goods at least once a month. The sector covers a wide gamut of products such as detergents, toilet soaps, toothpaste, shampoos, creams, powders, food products, confectioneries,...

17 Jun 2009

Working capital management at Britannia Industries Ltd

Dissertation - 40 pages - Finance

Finance function is a core function in any organization. I financial management is that managerial activity which is concerned with planning and counseling of firm's financial resources. One such area of financial management is "Working Capital" and management of this is known as "Working...

16 Jun 2009

Foreign exchange markets (12 slides)

Presentation - 4 pages - Finance

Forex market is an over the counter market, through which we can convert one country's currency into another. Participants like market makers, brokers, corporate and individual customers are physically separated from each other. A Forex trader can work from home or office at his chosen hours of...

16 Jun 2009

Designing global market strategies (28 slides)

Presentation - 4 pages - Business strategy

A global industry is an industry in which the strategic positions of competitors in major geographic or national markets are fundamentally affected by their overall global positions. (Auto manufacturers like Suzuki, Honda, Ford, etc.)A global firm is a firm that operates in more than one country...

15 Jun 2009

Investor's awareness about the depository systems

Case study - 39 pages - Finance

Technology is revolutionizing every field of human endeavor and activity. Indian capital market is barrow meter of Indian economy; one of them is introduced technology into capital market. A major development in the Indian capital market has been setting up of Depository system. The rapid growth...