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Management & accountability

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25 Aug 2009

A closer look at the company 3M

Thesis - 28 pages - Management

3M is a well-established business presence in the 61 countries where it operates. In these, it has 109 plant locations and 223 sales offices. In Japan alone, 3M's largest single-country market outside the United States, the company's sales top $1.4 billion annually, and it is a leader in...

25 Aug 2009

A brief overview of the hotel industry

Tutorials/exercises - 36 pages - Management

Generally tourism involves ideas of movement from one place to another and has the same characteristics as traveling. The development of transportation technology and the improvement in political, economic and social situations has put tourism (travel for pleasure) within the reach of many...

25 Aug 2009

A brief look at the market feasibility of an intended hotel

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

As per the definition of MANZINKER and KRAFT of Beam University, tourism is the sum of the phenomenon and relationship rising from the travel and stay of a non-resident so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected to any earning activity. Tourism today is one of the...

25 Aug 2009

A brief look at the financial aspects of starting a hotel

Thesis - 17 pages - Finance

The word financial viability means to find out, whether it is financially viable to start a three star hotel as this project report is based on three star hotels. In simple words, financial viability is to find out whether starting a three star hotel is financially successful or not. Financial...

25 Aug 2009

A brief look at some of the products and job roles in Honeywell

Thesis - 15 pages - Business strategy

The Security Solutions Industry is growing at an accelerating pace in the global scenario. As compared to few years back, the industry has shown considerable growth. However the industry is still in a nascent stage. There are few players in this segment - Honeywell being the leader in majority of...

25 Aug 2009

A brief look at Mico: A part of the Bosch Group

Case study - 10 pages - Management

The progress of the Indian economy is highly dependent on the growth of the industries, which in turn has been favored and supported by the development of the transport facilities in the country. Realizing and accepting this necessity, de-licensing and opening of the sector to FDI was initiated...

25 Aug 2009

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M): A look at its operations and organization in India

Tutorials/exercises - 23 pages - Management

For nine of the past 10 years, 3M has ranked in the top 10 of Fortune's annual survey of "America's Most Admired Corporations." In 1994 alone, major reporting about 3M included articles in Fortune and Business Week in the United States and 3M's success can be measured by the fact that...

25 Aug 2009

Management: Concept and theory

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Management-concept and theory introduces one to the concept of management, its meaning, its purpose, the idea behind managing people, goals & activities of a group. It also talks about the importance of management, and the tasks of management. The principles of management by management scientists...

25 Aug 2009

Approaches to explain the concept and practice of management

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

Because of the extraordinary interest in management, a number of approaches exist to explain the nature of the concepts, theory and techniques underlying managerial practice. Both academic writers and practitioners have contributed to management theories. The variety of approaches to management...

24 Aug 2009

Managing construction project operations

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

The efficient and effective management of a project's operations and activities require clear understanding of the overall strategic objectives of the organization. This paper seeks to demonstrate the significance of facility administration and facility finance management in the transformation...

24 Aug 2009

Critical evaluation of the international business environment

Case study - 5 pages - Management

The more closely the management of an international company can align its comparative advantage with a source or destination country's competitive advantage, the more conveniently it can achieve and maintain its overall business objectives. Management of international business demands consistent...

24 Aug 2009

Critical evaluation of the significance of PEST factors in organizational strategic planning

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

PEST factors refer to the political factors, economic factors, societal factors and technological aspects that determine the outcome of business prospects in organizations. It is always important for a business entity to carry out an assessment and evaluation of its market positioning strategies....

19 Aug 2009

Would the half yearly rotation of primary assignments reduce burnouts among correctional case managers?

Case study - 8 pages - Management

Managing human resources, like other resources is primarily a line management responsibility. Demands have however grown in this area as other resource management areas, and staff functions have emerged and expanded to aid management. Top organizational management continues to provide far...

17 Aug 2009

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Tutorials/exercises - 19 pages - Business strategy

The history of corporate social responsibility is as old as trade and business itself. Business-related operations, for example, along with laws to protect forests, can be traced back to almost 5,000 years ago. When we look at history, we can see that in Ancient Mesopotamia around 1700 BC, King...

17 Aug 2009

Yale University Investments Office: August 2006 case analysis

Case study - 8 pages - Finance

The study of a funds management especially serves an important purpose for large institutions. Financial management is a required skill for the stable operation of any institution that would continue into the foreseeable future. The following is a case study about Yale's investment policy...

17 Aug 2009

A comparative financial analysis of the costs and benefits of a lease-purchase investment

Case study - 5 pages - Accounting

This report was prepared as a result of work performed by the accounting and finance department in response to management request to investigate the company's lease-purchase options for the IT department. The upgrade of our IT material and equipment is essential for Reunite Corporation to remain...

17 Aug 2009

Strategic planning and implementation

Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Business strategy

In today's industrial market, the level of competition is increasing by the day and along with it, the difficulty of survival. We are seeing the Darwin's theory of Survival at its best. If you are not the best and don't evolve according to your surroundings, you would not thrive the environmental...

14 Aug 2009

PepsiCo 2007: Strategies to increase shareholder value

Presentation - 15 pages - Management

This presentation takes a look at the history of Pepsico. It covers some of the key points in the evolution of Pepsico as a company. It will cover points like fast food acquisitions and Quaker Oats acquisition. It will also cover points like the strategy, revenue contributions, competition in...

13 Aug 2009

An overview of Netflix

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

Reed Hastings founded Netflix in 1997 during the emergent days of Internet retailing, to offer home delivery of DVD rentals through the U.S. Postal Service. The company has grown at a rapid pace since to the point that in 2006, subscribers could use Netflix's website to choose from over 70,000...

13 Aug 2009

Inventory management - A presentation

Presentation - 30 pages - Management

This presentation is based on inventory management and will cover points like definitions and various aspects of inventory management. It will also cover points like types of inventories, the function of the inventory and why you need to manage your inventory. It will then move on talking about...

12 Aug 2009

An overview of JetBlue Airways

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

JetBlue is quickly becoming one of the best examples of a succeeding business because of excellent costumer service. David Neeleman, pronounced (Nee - Le - Man), has been able to build one of the top grossing airlines in just 6 short years. This airline has been built around the idea that the...

12 Aug 2009

A look at Rentier states

Thesis - 6 pages - Government finance

When I think of rentier states I am reminded of a time in the early 1970s with Richard Nixon invited Johnny Cash to the White House, provided that the sing the right-wing satire, “Welfare Cadillac.” Claiming he did not know the words, Cash instead sang the “Ballad of Ira...

11 Aug 2009

The anthropology of dresses: Clothing industry analysis

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

Rugby Ralph Lauren, the newest division of Ralph Lauren Clothing, was established in October of 2004. At just four years old, the branch boasts ten locations across the United States. The oldest of these stores is located on Newbury Street in Boston while the New York City location pulls in over...

06 Aug 2009

Tribulations in the workplace

Thesis - 3 pages - Management

Over the past semester, I have learned several techniques to identify and mend the broken behavior of organizations. When a person enters into an organization as a new employee, their expectations of the organization are still unformulated though it only takes a short while till those...

05 Aug 2009

Career endeavors: A look at a career in logistics

Case study - 5 pages - Logistics

This report will include several aspects of a logistics career field in an appealing approach. First an introductory paragraph labeled Art Teacher to Logistics Major will explain the reasoning for my writing. Following that, the next header, History of Logistics, is self explanatory. Who You Need...

30 Jul 2009

Corporate politics: Strategy and structure

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

Organizational management theories are models based on the strategic core elements that define corporate structure. These strategic essentials are aimed towards corporate planning and decisional management processes. By essence, models follow the economic principle of ceteris paribus -...

30 Jul 2009

Planning for tomorrow: Provincial policy, regional government and public opinion

Thesis - 4 pages - Government finance

Provincial politics can often be as overstated as it is often outdated. In the case of the former, this is a result of the dependency our provincial governments have on federal funding. As for the latter, consider that provincial policy making is often a tense and contradictory affair whereby...

29 Jul 2009

Organizational behavior: Communication in the workplace

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Communication theory presupposes the ability of different members in a conversation, the interlocutors, to be able to exchange language with each other which leads toward a comprehendible meaning. Unfortunately, if neither of these individuals speak the same language, or are not suitably...

29 Jul 2009

Internet ethics

Thesis - 2 pages - Business strategy

Unable to control its content or charge them with violating Chinese law, the CCP banned access to Google outright in 2002. International pressure caused them to reverse this decision. Cautious to limit access to politically sensitive material, China has now brought in the Green Dam software which...

29 Jul 2009

Automotive bailout: Ontario ministry of education

Thesis - 5 pages - Finance

General Motors (GM) is requesting a significant financial bailout from the federal government of Canada in order to protect its operations from insolvency. The company claims that it requires an immediate influx of $6-7 billion from Canada to counter the economic downturn and fiscal loses...