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08 Aug 2007

Skills in the Work Place

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

I have had the experience of working in different industries and different-sized companies, and have to say that I know myself well enough to be able to predict my behavior under different situations with a great deal of accuracy. However, after working on this assignment, I have discovered...

03 Aug 2007

The (Mis)Behavior of Markets: A Summary

Essay - 3 pages - Finance

Do markets really follow a random walk as modern financial theory suggests? Are we likely to experience a market crash as deadly as the likes of the Great Depression? What is the nature of volatility and how should it impact the way we model financial markets? Although definitive answers to these...

25 May 2007

Experiencing Acquisition Through a Process of Culture Change in a Serbian Organization

Essay - 61 pages - Management

This study addresses the issue of culture, acquisition and change in Serbia. Specifically, the project focuses on a Serbian bank which has recently been taken over by a Greek bank and explores organisational culture in a Serbian bank. Culture can be an image created by its members. It is both a...

05 Apr 2007

The effects of stock options on markets

Essay - 4 pages - Finance

Traditionally, stock option plans have been used as a way for companies to reward top management and "key" employees and link their interests with those of the company and other shareholders. More and more companies, however, now consider all of their employees as "key." As a result, there has...

06 Mar 2007

The transformation of Hoechst into Aventis - published: 06/03/2007

Case study - 18 pages - Management

THE COMPANY Hoechst was a chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in 1863 Hoechst internationalizes its production after WWII AVENTIS 1999: Hoechst and Rhône-Poulenc decide to create a subsidiary company, Aventis THE FUSION 1999 : Hoechst + Rhône-Poulenc = Aventis THE MAN Jürgen Dormann How...

22 Feb 2007

Report on the workforce monitoring and surveillance practices: a practical guidance for employers

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

Employers have always been monitoring theirs employees in one way or another to assess the quantity and the quality of a worker's performance. Monitoring should be understood in a broad meaning: employers can decide to use hidden cameras, CCTV cameras, they can open e-mails or keep records of...

12 Feb 2007

Sample Resume for MBA Student with NGO and Marketing Background

Sample resume - 1 pages - Business strategy

Sample Resume for MBA Student with NGO and Marketing Background. Contains: Education Professional Experience Personal...

14 Dec 2006

Relationships between the Giants in Retailing: How WalMart and Procter&Gamble trade together - from Fear to Trust prevalence in the Supply-Chain - published: 14/12/2006

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

The paper shows how the relationships between suppliers and retailers have experienced several important changes over the last decades. By analysing the main developments of these relationships and the different tools implemented to improve them, the paper argues that the western and now...

14 Dec 2006

Credibility is a critical resource at start up and represents an important element of the entrepreneur's personal contact network

Essay - 6 pages - Management

Traditionally, entrepreneurs have been considered as individuals with a strong, often charismatic, leadership as well as a high drive for individualism and independence. However, a business unit does not exist in isolation since it is, or will be, in contact with a whole range of other...

14 Dec 2006

Strategy and planning process in the Small Business and the Small & Middle Enterprises (SME) Sector - published: 14/12/2006

Business plan - 7 pages - Management

Business planning is perceived by both governments and business support infrastructure, such as the Business Links, to be an essential ingredient to the success of small businesses (Beaver, 2002, p88). Similarly, O'Gorman bases his idea on the fact that one approach to developing a successful...

30 Nov 2006

Customer Loyalty

Essay - 6 pages - Management

With the globalisation of the world competition has become challenging. Competitors from emerging markets are entering into the developed markets. Attracting new customers has become a more expensive and exhausting business. Therefore the customer is one of the most valuable assets of a company;...

29 Nov 2006

Estimating market risk premium using Markov switching : Tunisian Case

Dissertation - 97 pages - Finance

The general increase in volatility of the …nancial markets can be partly explained by the growing uncertainly of the economic environment. It is, on the other hand, a reflection of the growing efficiency and integration of the financial markets allow the almostinstantaneous move of capital...

23 Nov 2006

Initial Public Offerings: an Outlook through Game Theory

Essay - 16 pages - Finance

Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) have a very special place in contemporary economics and finance. They represent the entrance on a deep and liquid market with access to almost unlimited reserves of capital from all over the world. But IPOs appear also as a short-term fund-raising tool, especially...

22 Nov 2006

An implementation of the AIM and DRIVE method

Essay - 31 pages - Logistics

Based on industry benchmarks, Bob's Farm Stores is spending more than it needs to on its purchasing process. We believe that they could save a total of $1,065,462 by implementing three strategies, namely 1) implementing a mid-tier ERP system, 2) consolidating the number of annual purchase orders...

22 Nov 2006

Foxtel TCO Analysis

Case study - 50 pages - Logistics

"Sourcing in China started with low-tech products but it has evolved beyond that," says Jim Hemerling, a senior vice president in The Boston Consulting Group's Shanghai office. "Now, in addition to traditional products, another huge area is consumer electronics. I believe the next big wave...

22 Nov 2006

Volvo's Modern Management

Case study - 9 pages - Management

Volvo Group is a manufacturer that develops trucks, buses and construction equipment, drive systems for marine and industrial applications, aerospace components and services. It also provides solutions for financing and services. This international company is not only present in Western Europe...

21 Nov 2006

Impact of Internet Channel on Auto Insurance Industry

Essay - 22 pages - Business strategy

The influence of the internet on insurance industry is increasing in accordance with the spread of internet retailing. Quotes submitted and policies purchased through internet channel grew 23% and 29% respectively from 2004 to 2005. The proper adoption of a strategy in line with the changing...

21 Nov 2006

US seaports: how to avoid congestion in the future?

Essay - 13 pages - Logistics

The continuous increase of port congestion in the San Pedro Bay is pushing every day more importers to relocate the port of entry of their goods. However, both ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles provide facilities and service that can not be found in any port. This reports first aims to present...

21 Nov 2006

Total Productive Maintenance

Case study - 9 pages - Logistics

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) manufactures activities that are productive and implemented by everyone in the organization. The main focus of TPM is to maximize the overall equipment effectiveness of the asset which is utilized to produce the goods and services. TPM focus on establishing...

21 Nov 2006

SERVQUAL: A tool to measure service quality

Thesis - 7 pages - Logistics

SERVQUAL consists of a model developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1986) which helps measure service quality through a series of steps. It concentrates on the notion of perceived quality. “Perceived quality refers to a consumer's judgment about a product's overall excellence”...

21 Nov 2006

« EU loses a landmark sugar case at the WTO », by SAPA-AP & Blomberg, business Report, 29 April 2005

Essay - 9 pages - Management

The trade of agricultural products is increasing a lot all over the world. In many countries (mainly the poorest ones), agriculture is the dominant sector of the economy and plays a very important role. To control the trade of agricultural products and to limit unfair practices, international...

21 Nov 2006

What skills does it take to "manage" cross-cultural M&A?

Essay - 13 pages - Business strategy

Comment réussir des fusions-acquisitions "cross-culturelles"? Mergers and acquisitions continue apace in spite of an alarming failure rate and evidence that they rarely manage to benefit shareholders. Most completed takeovers damage one party: the company making the acquisition. Many studies...

15 Nov 2006

Microfinance: the Challenge of Accessing Global Capital Markets

Essay - 9 pages - Finance

The main theme of this project is the facilitation and development of microfinance, which is the “provision of loans, savings, insurance, payments, and other basic financial services to low-income populations” . The project is dedicated to identifying and evaluating existing options for...

11 Oct 2006

"Networking within tourism destinations hinders innovation and freedom of choice." Critically discuss this statement

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

Tourism, like so many modern industries, is essentially an assembly process. In few situations does one organisation or company control all the components, or all the stages and decision-making processes in the creation and delivery of the tourism product. That is why in most industrial sectors...

28 Sep 2006

Comparative international accounting systems and practices

Essay - 26 pages - Accounting

There is no doubt that Anglo-Saxon accounting can be distinguished from accounting in continental Europe, Asia, Latin American, and many other parts of the world. It is practiced not only in the United States and United Kingdom, but also to an important extent in countries where, for example, the...

19 Sep 2006

The Centennial Olympic Stadium: a successful project

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

In 1996, there was a battle between Atlanta and Athens for the organization of the last Olympic Games of the twentieth century. It would have been a beautiful mythical moment if the games where celebrated there where the story began, one century ago. But the gods of Olympia were not enough...

21 Aug 2006

Analysis of the development strategy of Societe Generale in Europe

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Achieving an integrated market for banks and financial conglomerates is a core component of the European policy in the area of financial services. Even if the banking market seems to remains mainly national, the free movement of capital, the adoption of the euro and the progressive harmonization...

27 Jul 2006

How do companies maximize the return on corporate philanthropy?

Essay - 36 pages - Business strategy

Corporate philanthropy has been common for the last 50 years. After the mid 1990's companies started to align their philanthropy programs with the business interests. This results in a convergence of social and economic objectives: strategic corporate philanthropy. But what is the return on the...

27 Jul 2006

Fair Value Implications for the Asset Mix of a Pension Fund

Essay - 86 pages - Finance

Pension funds serve to collect and manage an amount of capital, sufficient to make all payments to which participants of the fund are entitled based on the pension plan. The Akzo Nobel Pension Fund (APF) is responsible for the provision of pensions for all employees of Akzo Nobel in the...

11 Jul 2006

Companies dividend policy

Thesis - 23 pages - Finance

Dividend policy is one of the most important financial policies, not only form the viewpoint of the company, but also from that of the shareholders, the consumers, the workers, regulatory bodies and the Government. For a company, it is a pivotal policy around which other financial policies...